Dean Tran, the first Vietnamese-American politician to ever win a Massachusetts State Senate seat, has been sworn-in after a victory by 700 votes at a special election in December 2017 to replace Jennifer Flanagan.
Tran, a Republican, will represent the Worcester-Middlesex district in Massachusetts
Riddle me this: Why are hapas from WMAF so liberal, while hapas from AMWF (ie: Roaming Millenial) so conservative?
vietnamese are more right wing overall since many fled a communist regime like cubans
Benjamin Wright
The fucking gooks are taking over Charlies in Congress now and not squatting in the bush
Dear god
Jace Rodriguez
This. Vietnamese Americans hate Communists.
Tyler Torres
Vietnamese immigrants are almost as redpilled as Sikhs. They can stay.
Jace Edwards
The daughter on the left is an absolute QT. Would breed.
Austin Peterson
What the fuck is the deal with that state. I decided to look through facebook one day and the racemixing in Massachusetts is some of the worst i have ever seen. Pic is two sisters from that state,
Jaxon Taylor
we need more of these aryan hapas
Levi Reyes
"You fought pitch battles placed in constant heat Now the enemy is living on your own street The One World Government opened te doors and let them in while leading men to slaughter they couldn't win."
It's really bad down there. Mass is pure 56% now. Fucking Asians EVERYWHERE. Nogs too, usually homeless though. Western Mass is pretty though, basically VT
Julian Lewis
Worcester fag here
our republicans are all fiscally conservative social moderates. Pretty sensible and Mass conservativs dont push shit like hetero marriage or pro life garbage. ALso I know a lot of vietnamese people around here they are usually hard working traditional bros, very patriotic
Thomas Gutierrez
Stupid amerimutt We're liberal in name only, and some social policies like public hospital, or public school with cheap fee Every else is redpill as fuck Only the traitors that fled to Murrica got meme by liberals
Chase Martin
>the deal with that state. you very, very rarely see a coal burner IRL. They tend to be mentally ill drama queen who put pics of their niglets all over the electronic synagogue. Actual normal White mothers don't put their kids all over so weird pajeets can't jerk off to their pics.
Landon Scott
>l fiscally conservative please die with your fucing low taxes and "muh final conservative." When your kid is the last White in the Northeast, will your ZOGBUCKS really mean that much to you? "I don't care about "fiscal conservative," need to remove the muds and the jews from the land.
Angel Cook
wtf i love hapas now
Owen Green
>L-look h-here's a b-based asian, it doesn't m-matter if there are over 70 million o-ones who a-aren't
Zachary Foster
What is vietnam like over there?
Josiah Gonzalez
the superiority of AMWF asserts itself once again
Xavier Lewis
Leo Allen
Make me an asian with a fat ass. See If I cry about it.
Dylan Richardson
Vietnamese can be a very conservative, American loving immigrant community along with Chinese.
People who flee real Communism and Socialism tend not to like it or want to see it grow here, which is what we need.
Samuel Rodriguez
Good. I've never seen more white foreigners travelling in my country than ever before. Stock market higher than ever before. Maybe because all other places are full of "cultural enrichment." If you want REAL cultural enrichment, you should pass by.
Not just people fleeing, people inside the country are conservative as fuck, both socially and politically. Absolutely no cultural marxism here.
Luis Johnson
>fight and die in a war for a bunch of corrupt rich assholes that couldn't care less about actual democracy >get their daughters riced by them after they lose
Is there a bigger group of cucks then boomers?
Brayden Richardson
You are the physical embodiment of a soy boy.
Jose Wilson
imagine chinese who don't speak chinese but hate chinese and china
Ryder Walker
Blake Peterson
Jeremiah Sullivan
>surrounded by aryan goddesses >has a lust for a 5/10 gook
read some fucking Sagas you fucking idiot. If you want a chink there are plenty of native Sami around