Is western civilization gone forever?
Is western civilization gone forever?
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west africa is alive and well
> Number 9
Dare I say, /ourwhores/?
pretty much, don't worry circle will continue
Wait, what? What do you mean? Last time I checked West Africa is a shithole.
-9. No Blacks
looks like blocks to me but i guess that that wouldnt make sense
>no cock blocks
You may be right... Cock blocks
These are the type of women who become single mothers, aren't they? There's just no way you can live this thott lifestyle for your teens, 20s, and then some how be a normal wife/mother in your 30s onwards, I am sorry but that is just not possible at all, sorry, nope.
I'm going to assume the ~30% of people that stay married long-term, the woman in the marriage wasn't a partying slut cunt.
No cock blocks? That doesn't make sense to any of you?
sluts should not be shamed, wanting to fuck is an important evolutionary trait
it says no cock blocks, but since women are children they have to use an emoji even when not texting
nope its' in my pants. You want it back? You gonna have to reach for it bwoi
If we all just followed our evolutionary instinct we’d still be living in caves and hunting tigers.
>no condoms
Std factory. Wtf.
>wanting for women to whore themselves out and have countless abortions is important evolutionary trait
You didn't even put single braincell into that post did you newfag
>not realizing that agriculture was a terrible mistake
I wonder what their grandparents think of this
so... women aren't funny.
who knew?
I hope so. The world needs Sharia more than ever.
Imagine being a man who spend two decades slaving away in order to send his little girl to college.
And then finding out this is what she does.
letting females vote and into college was a mistake
Most likely but not before immense suffering
Can photoshopfag user change the top to "Welcome to the THOT Palace"?
I was already mad and then I read this and now I just wanna throw up
These thots are engaged in biological warfare.
>no blacks
Well they're not completely lost.
compared to the typical sjw cunt, these whores seem pretty based. seem to know their place as cocksleeves
>its a u.s.a goys claims to be the bastion of western civilization
top kek
Looks like progress to me.
Why do you hate liberty and freedom?
the worst part about it is that they'll convince her that you've been holding her back and she should have been this way a long time ago. it'll cause her to act out even more
i don't know user. why do you
type like
a faggot?
Would go to that party, doesn't look like fat bitches will be there either.
they look torn up already
They're children, so probably not.
Looks like a couple nobodies with an edgy fridge at a party with probably like 6-10 people, all relatives or nerds. The left is the cute one and the right is her uglier friend. The girl on the left is drinking PACIFIC PILSNER which is a very cheap west coast beer. That means these girls are likely from BC, Canada, and they are likely all bark and little bite. There's basically no cool parties happening here like you'd see on the level of the big USA cities like Miami or LA. They don't seem to be high class asian thots from Vancouver.
tl;dr they are probably edgy spergs who don't get laid very often
>two separate statements separated by a space for readability
>retard user splitting up a single sentence into three lines
get your brain checked kid
Seriously, you fuckin people and that god damn enter button. You know every line you create is just wasted data? Fuck you and all you reddit scum.
Absolutely not. The white Chimpout hasn't even begun yet. We will win, Jews will be BTFO and shitskins will have to go back.
You can count on it.
Now stop posting demoralizing shit like a kike shill. Unless you are a kike shill.
Every chracter you've ever typed is wasted data.
>wasted data
a linebreak character is literally 4 bytes you sperg
>two separate statements separated by an enormous space for readability
If you're not typing separate paragraphs, you don't need to do this. A new line is good enough.
>redditfags getting butthurt
>wife at 30
Unless you're married at 24 here you have some issues.
Hey honey, just here to pay a visit to the bursar. He said I owed 10% more than I paid, so I had to run and sort it out. Mind if I grab a glass of water before I head back home? It's so nice to se.... Honey, what is this?
Yes women killed it. Never forget.
>thinking that linebreaks count as data
>(You) in charge of not being a retard
Women's evolutionary instinct is to choose only the best partner to have him as a protector. Not fuck everyone because bearing a child is a serious risk to her own life. So no, they are not following their evolutionary instinct.
Yes. It has been dead since 1945. America has never been "western civilization." America was founded as an afro-semitic nation.
Sorry, I couldn't read that.
There wasn't enough space between lines.
I don't have my nu bugman specs yet.
I have decided I no longer care to raise children and extend the survival of White people
looks shooped
Big shock women once again are crippling society. There is absolutely nothing sexy about these smelly worn out whores.
You could drop the girls off a cliff. Surely if fucking your own dog is legal it should be legal for you chinks to do that over there by now.
Nah we're taking over, slowly but surly. Women will be losing their freedom forever tho.
Haha even degenerates don't want niggers
I am in Kazakhstan. Do you inconsiderate prick have any idea how much longer it takes to load of everybody does this shit with the Internet here?
Fucking leave, leaf.
There is no biological & psychological free ride. Physical & emotional consequences will eternally haunt.
t.guy who was a cameraman 2005-2011 in the (((adult film industry))) and witnessed 4,000+ naive girls from all walks of life (former military, scientist, law students, drug addicts, police, college students, "Rich" princesses freaks, etc).
It isn't hard to raise kids with self-respect unless the mother is a degenerate.
I'm not sure why I would be upset that my daughter is happily getting pleasure she wants
This is why having a daughter is cuckolding.
>Get fucked
>Drink alcohol
I thought leftists these days considered that rape. I thought SJWs are generally not hedonists in the same way hippies were.
From what I understand, young people are having less sex than previous generations.
What made you leave user and how'd you end up there? Also police? Would have thought they'd be more aware of that industry?
>he didn't spend those 2 decades fucking her into submission
you're a bad daddy
rule number 9
not yet
Let them have their fun while young. In 10 years they'll regret it and commit suicide or be homeless junkies... Their body their choice! Good luck whores.
wish I knew some to the point sluts like these whores.
>Falling for demoralization shill threads.
>In 10 years they'll regret it and commit suicide or be homeless junkies...
Nope. They’ll get a decent degree and then a job. Then they’ll marry a nice guy beta with a very high salary. Of course, they’ll still fuck Chad on the side.
>Aboslutely no condoms
WTF? How will they not catch an STD? They are in the perfect age group for catching an STD. What the fuck do they think they are doing?
>beware of the rape trap with bonus std's.
This image proves it
beyond a reasonable doubt
I answered an ad to be an actor, but when I arrived, they needed a cameraman for another shoot. About the females, almost all of them are molested, sexual freaks and/or in desperate need of money. I believe the former military/police girls have a huge sexual appetite because of higher test and high risk jobs. The girls in research, law, science, I think their sexual lives are extremely mundane. A lot of these girls (that are financially fine and did it for sexual reasons) did porn because it's safer and less tedious than trying to seek out strangers in the internet. Anyways, I left because it's overwhelming (sex, drugs and partying) and burn me out. I ended up working as a carpenter and cannabis grower. I literally don't know why girls would still do porn now with (((digital footprint))) and pay.
lol they seem alright
come chat
discord gg/c37NwyB
So is being selective of your mate.
We are in the degeneration stage right now. Good news is things tend to get chatic as this stage progresses and there is a lot of opportunity in chaos. Its important for the "alt-right" neoreactionaries etc to continue to "advertise" so we are in the public knowledge when the time comes.
Whites just lack a Great Struggle.
Isn't it funny that great conquests started because kings were bored and had nothing interesting to do?
this image perfectly displays why women are fucking degenerate.
Where did the girls go once they were finished in the industry do you know? There is that article written by lexi belles former foster mothers nephew which says what you're saying regarding the molestation as well so I guess it's pretty universal.
Do the majority enjoy it? Or is it just a drug fueled haze to get through?
>unironically letting your wife have a daughter
the chinks and the poo's are right gender based abortions are the way to go
back to plebbit lolberg
that nose
#4 is the most shocking one desu
>it's written directly on the fridge
That fridge is gonna have to be disposed of properly when those skanks move out of there
Here hoping for more pussy palaces!
Legitimately horrible
right? water is good for you especially when drinking alcohol. It reduces hangovers. You think this whores would be all for something that mitigates the consequences of their actions.
Wasn't expecting number 9 tho. But again this proves that women whether they're liberals or racist rednecks, they are all degenerate whores.
Yes. Enjoy the fire while it burns, anons. We’ll rebuild and reorganize.
I'd like to be cordially invited to this palace
Some TV producer, some merchant, some book publisher - is smiling at this.
someone explain #9? no cock rocks?