Is there anything here they don't want us to see? It's such an easy place to hide things and people from the public.
Other urls found in this thread:
in a secret cavern below the ground lies Mecha Hitler. He will rise to save humanity when the time comes.
It would be one of the most remote places on earth to do it. The operation paperclip say's UFO's. WOW.
we should colonize Antarctica and make it last bastion for the white man
1. secret bases for major political figures to meet
2. desire to establish military presence there to prevent other governments from having strategic point
3. unearthed civilization
4. the ice wall is melting
5. rush to understand why it froze over and what that means for the climate
Hillary's emails quite literally had footage of Antarctica melting. They're very concerned with what is melting and what's underneath and beyond the ice wall and what it all means for the future of the planet.
Also, I'd like to shill my thread while I'm here
Yes, for one it doesn't exist. An ice wall surrounds the known continents, what lies beyond only the elite know. Probably a massive realm filled with other floating ice disks, or maybe a portal to other dimensions
Enjoy living in -50 C temperatures
>3. unearthed civilization
How the fuck could anybody built a civilization in a place where in the summer you have -10 C and in winter -60 C?
>ice is melting
>melted ice once covered a civilization that was built eons ago
Try not to inhale so much bleach next time youre cleaning toilets