Ask a Mexican anything
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This guy right here is a Mexican-DACA white Hispanic American Latino. His parents are illegal alien residents. He is also the stuntcock of GirlsDoPorn
He’s fucked over 200+ petite barely legal lily white-skin pink pussy girls aged 18-21, a few highschool seniors, a few 18 year old asians and latinos, a Miss Teen America, and so on. All of them are pure amateurs with zero professional porn experiences, and most of their only sexual experiences are with their high school boyfriends - until they meet this mestizo stuntcock. Soon when DACA gets legalized, he will be a full fledge American
I think he should roast in a oven
He sure has his priorities in order
>Obama delays your deportation and gives you a chance to become a legal citizen
>"Nah fuck that ese I'm going into the porn biz man!"
>8 years later
jaja burrito burrito?
mamacita puta me gusta
Sauce on the high school seniors please
How do you think about illegal beaners in US and the wall?
When someone says they are "Spanish-Mexican" do they usually mean Criollo or Castizo?
Serious question How do I say "stop throwing your fucking garbage in my dumpster" When you google translate it would come out weird I think.
Is Guadalajara a good city for a foreigner?
How much welfare money do you get from your relatives in the States and are prepared to pay for our wall?
He honestly looks like he does gay porn on the side or sucked a couple of cocks to get into the game. He definitely doesn't seem completely straight.
Can we report the porn studio for hiring an illegal?
How come your women turn into barrels the moment they gain even a tiny amount of weight?
When can you move to US they need more white peoples
If you look like these bitches, can I fuck you in the fartbox?
I don't know what that means. I'm just saying when you have a pink shirt, soft jaw, ear piercing, and that kind of skin/shave you come across looking like a queer.
song i hear whenever i see these types of girls
Why don't you go back?
your coping mechanism, i can smell it through your post
Thoughts on the 43 missing?
Do you think a stronger border between our nations is a viable start towards prevent violence in your country by stopping the flow of drugs out and money/guns in?
What do you think of the breakaway towns like Tancitaro or the cyberpunk corporate controlled cities like Monterrey? How long will the peace last in these places before becoming corrupt again due to absolute power corrupting absolutely?
Loquerisne Latine?
those are not mexicans
Deja de tirsr tu puta basura en mi basurero
Back where retard? See his flag?
No they are saying that they are mestizo because that's what about 75% of mexicans are.
Oh. No I have seen lots of porn with lots of undeserving people in it. I mean, Ron Jeremy plowed lots of girls way too good for him. I'm just saying this particular spic looks like a fag.
That's like saying Americans are White.
will those thots call me papi when i pound them from behind?
When someone says they are American they are usually white people. Other racial groups specify their racial identity before American. So yeah, you are correct.
can you vocaroo that
you are so jealous
Why would they be jealous of a guy who fucks prostitutes? Anyone can do that.
Fast forward 8 years to when she dies of an overdose with nothing to show for her life except 20 hours of footage wherein she degrades herself for the amusement of losers.
Cope with what? I don't get why you are posting women on a bed.
Do all Mexican girls have smelly vaginas or do I just have bad luck?
GDP loser get pilled
Hey, Mexican Intellectual, you're not Latino.
What? What's GDP got to do with the picture you posted?
>fuck a whore
>wonder why she cheats on you
>live a life of betrayal and mistrust
a pure woman is the secret to a happy life desu
Dude is hung like a tic-tac; 200 girls fucked and not a single orgasm had.
for free, hot , clean, pure 18-21 year olds
As if u wouldnt pick that life
You have to go back, Sanchez.
Nice cope
Now blow a kiss to the camera
No, I wouldn't want to humiliate myself. Once you do porn, that's it man.
Why are her pupils dilated? She's probably on drugs because she didn't want to be there.
Are you the treasurer of his fan club? OP is the biggest faggot on the internet.
would i get busted for trying to smuggle Viagra over the border?
Noboby gives a fuck if a dirty spic do porn.
I wonder how many of them shoot scenes on drugs. Also, she looks too thin and is wearing shoes on the bed...
americans are degenerate, next on the news water is wet
Top student?
Romanians are also very degenerate. I went to Spain last summer on vacation and I sex with 3 Romanian women (1 was a prostitute) in the 2 weeks I was there.
i dont think so
we talked a few times. typical florida slut
How many parasites has your water given you ese?
What a surprise.
Also can they just keep your kind at the front of Chipotle? I’m tired of retarded white children half-assing my burritos.
Not only that, but they like to get blacked.
flour is from europe, white kids can fold burritos if they want.
But they never fold them properly.
Ch*potle has had so many health scandals that I avoid eating there anyway.
That site has some really boring porn. This guy should be fucking those white girls like he is a rapist. Not being all gentle. Then again I do have degenerate taste.
lmao stay mad incelo
I will never let these demon sluts temp me because we don't have mexicans in australia with those amazing sexy butts.
ANAYA 2018
Why do u hate america yet above all else desire to live there
MomPov is better.
how to get a cute Mehican girl to fuck me
How did this thread get lost so fast?
What is this about?
Was at a bar in Tijuana's Zona Norte this weekend and all of the waiters were dressed up in these red insect costumes. Later, I saw this promotion on the side of a minivan a few blocks from there.
El pequeno ladron tiene que atender sus 700 millones de dolares en Seattle.
AMLO 2018
Go on Badoo. They love looking for american husbands in there.
Why do all you women have potato-shaped bodies by the time they’re 30?
Would pump and hang all 3
why do your women want my big white cock so badly?
Castizo means that that person has a Ethnic (Not cultural) Mestizo father/mother and a Spanish (or another europen ethnicity) father/mother.
Every guy has to perform homosexual activity to get into heterosexual porn
muh big dick
thats nigger tier.
Criollos are an exclusive classification for Ethnically Spanish people who live in Mexico or any other former Spanish colony.
>ever wining
yeah, we ship our degenerates to the west or Buchrest
My neighbors for example have a gay kid that they exiled to Britain, they dont even acknowledge his existence anymore
Post more hot chicas friendo
whoa, niggers have average sized dicks. but can you tell me why latinas flirt with me so much?
I hate the word White Hispanic. White Hispanic would mean like if a Ethnic German was born in Mexico and spoke Spanish and was Culturally Mexican. Thats White Hispanic or If a Englishman was Born in Spain and Raised Culturally Spanish thats White Hispnic.
tfw no spic gf
He is now president, acostumbrate de una vez.
la vaquita pirruris sin carisma del pri no
el ladron enfermo de poder que sabe frances no
la loca fea del borracho no
If a kid is born outside of Mexico then he is not Hispanic. Just because a Castizo looks somewhat white does not mean his is either white or hispanic. He Just and American Castizo.
Looks like a typical Italian I see no problem.