Oy Vey!

Trump knows about (((them))).

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He's gotta know who's dick to suck, he's got decades of experience

wait so it's creepy now?

>he knows who we are
>what ELSE does he know?

Trump said the forces of evil won WW2. What more do you need to know?

They goyim know, teleport.



He's making a list.
And checking it twice.
Gonna find out who's kosher and kikes

takes one to know one

Trump is using Tesla's Jew detector, it's in his watch and vibrates when a possessed jew or golem under a spell is nearby

The Holocaust is coming, this time.


This. Drumpf is so Jewish that (((wolff))) is trying to get him impeached.

oy vey


>Trump knows about (((them))).
Of course he does.... he has two of them as his senior advisors.

He has to identify his masters. He takes orders from the Jews and obeys them like a mindless slave.

Oh come on. It's not hard. Memorize this lists and you get 99% of them.

Jew for sure can recognize other Jews. They don't like it when we can, though.

Fucking Jews giving us tax cuts and conservative SCOTUS

Yeah, who started that war? Filthy kikes yell out in pain as they strike you.

I've read the book and do not find it credible.

It reads like a disjointed fan fiction rather than an expose. Usually when one writes a credible non-fiction, the sources are publically available for comparison and additional context - this didn't have that. He cites too many anonymous sources reciting ancedotes that can just as easily be made up by the author.

>guy finds thing about Trump almost creepy

How is this news?

Thanks for the tiny tax cut. Have Jerusalem as tribute to our (((masters))). Need anything else? Trump will deliver. Anything (((they))) need he will give them. But as long as we have an extra $40 in our pockets from shitty tax cuts it's all okay. The Kool Aid tastes great.

Why are Jews so paranoid about the goyim knowing that they're Jewish?

Now we know which one to gas. All of them off course!

But that's just the atmosphere everywhere

I'm not a fan of Jews, but this sort of complaining gives a weak vibe. It's like you can't see what is actually happening. Like how sjws see injustice where it clearly is not.

You are blind to reality. Trump is surrendering to the Jews. He loves Jews. He gave his favorite daughter to Jews. He said he is proud of Jews and loves Israel. He kissed the Jew wall. He gave them Jersusalem officially. Trump is a total Jew cock holster.

They are all Jewish shills/controlled. Get your head on straight. No change will come from elections.

We need purges and revolution.

Noticing kikes is anti-Semitism. Remember this, goy, Jews want you and your children raped and murdered.

So it seems, so it seems.

He's from New York you retard. Do you know who is rich in New York? Jews. If you have a rich daughter, and she marries a successful man in New York it's likely a Jew. If you are in power in DC you will interact with Jews. All of your assumptions are that. It's conjecture and totally disconnected from how things on the ground actually are.


Well I guess it's okay that he's a Jew puppet then. Since he's from Jew York and surrenders to the Jewish agenda he's forgiven.

you guys are so fucking kiked
that's why I dont come to this god forsaken trash sphincter

holy shit all those gem stone related names
>gold, silver, diamond, pearl, ruby, sapphire, crystal




Trump is no zionist puppet

Trump knows who are (((Zionists))) and who are regular, honest Jews.

jews are pokemon?

I mean I never noticed Jews until I got redpilled. Then they start sticking out like sore thumbs.

>big noses
>black curly hair
>glasses 85% of the time
>-stein, cohen, -sky, hyphenated names, etc.
>never say "Merry Christmas!"
>push their degeneracy in public
>think literally and verbally
>think in-the-moment more than in the future

I feel like I'm in "They Live" now.

And he always supports the zionists.


It really feels weird how easy they are to spot now. Before redpills I thought of them as a white people with different religion.

Yeah, he knows, because he must suck them off


>tfw Mischling

Jewish. Small nose. Straight hair, no glasses. Name does not end in stein,cohen, sky or is hyphenated.

I exclusively say merry Christmas.

"Think in-the-moment more than in the future"... um... wat?

And Sup Forums takes the side of the jews

>literally has Jewish kids and inlaws and business partners
>"why does he know who is and isn't jewish reee"

And you are no intelligent person

Yes, we get it. Outliers exist. Still never gonna trust you though.

Exactly. Indeed, he is one of (((them)))

>are you saying we have big noses or something?

Stein Stein-Stein?

Nothing new about jews reacting negatively to being identified as jews. "I've been found out! Oy veeeeeeeeey!"

Uhh yah, his daughter one of them

You could have listened...

He loves Jew dick. He can smell it from a mile away.