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Only ones capable of "assimilation are Europeans, though I am concerned of their communist leanings, slavs and nips/certain east asians. africans, mudslimes are incapable of assimiliating.
We shoudn't waste any more time or money trying on those particular ethnic groups.
Send them to assimilation camps.
assimilation is anti-American and literally Hitler
Assimilation and integration are just buzz words politicians use to seem hard on immigration while doing nothing. Even Merkel used it before 2015 then she let is a horde of kebabs
Jews have NGO's to prevent Jewish assimilation in the west. This is probably triggering them.
The European Jewish Congress, (EJC), was founded in 1986. It is based in Paris, with offices in Brussels, Strasbourg, Berlin and Budapest. It is a representative body of democratically elected European Jewish communities throughout Europe.
The EJC lists as its primary objectives on its website the following:
To combat the resurgence of anti-Semitism through education, justice and security, in co-operation with governments and European institutions.
To promote a balanced European policy towards Israel and the Middle East, and to assist in the construction of a healthy dialogue between Europeans and Israelis.
To foster inter-religious dialogue and understanding.
To ensure memory and education of the Holocaust.
To contribute to a democratic European society based on peace, understanding and tolerance.
To assist in the revitalisation of the once rich Jewish life in Central and Eastern Europe.
To counteract assimilation of the European Jewish population
Assimilation is completely broken because there's no more upward class mobility anymore.
Assimilation is adopting the culture of the nation. what the fuck are you talking about.
So? Imperial Germany had the most assimilated Jews in Europe. We saw how that turned out.
Assimilation does nothing to counteract demographic suicide in the US and Europe. Its not white people they are taking about
Ok I'm sure you can discuss Thomas Paine with your based new neighbours Jamal and Pedro.
You will never be able to take America.
Well it isn't working; soon enough American Jews will be swept up into the hodgepodge like the Irish, Italians, Scandis, and Germans. Jews are either not having kids or marrying out. In ~100 years the way it's going now, the American Jewish population will be limited to deeply inbred Hasidics
What exactly does that mean? Assimilate to what standard? Can someone list a step by step process?
holy shit i haven't seen this in years
I DON'T fucking get it.
We were always taught that America was the melting pot and that our country was a quilt.
STEP 1: Immigrants are placed into white suburbs and white companies
>What exactly does that mean? Assimilate to what standard?
>Enculturation is the process by which people learn the requirements of their surrounding culture and acquire values and behaviours appropriate or necessary in that culture.
Ok, but I'm still not sure what that means in a place like America where cultures and values can vary wildly even within a city.
Sure you can't come over and rape or murder, but that's true for any country. What's a more subtle requirement for an Asian or African immigrant coming to America apart from learning English and having useful skills?
>assimilation are Europeans
not all of them, my shit-head boomer father lives in for 15 years and refuses to learn Spanish, throws garbage in the street when driving and generally talks down to locals, I've told him numerous of times that is not okay, he asks for forgiveness before me and god and then a week later resumes his old ways.
>apart from learning English and having useful skills?
also needs to work and pay taxes
that's it
I'd hardly call that assemilation. Working a legal job and speaking English seems like a low bar.
BASED JEW Miller wants to breed out the white race with assimilated shitskins. So fucking BASED!
Much higher bar than we have now. Play all or nothing and lose everything.
"Assimilation" is anti-white you fucking retard. Civnat faggots need to kill themselves
Who is more likely to be deported: jobless welfare leech who doesn't speak English or "assimilated" English-speaking employed spic with dozens of white friends? Assimilation means the death of America. It is better if they never assimilate because then they mark themselves as a clear "other" than can be separated from society.
Assimilation is the destruction of the people. Integration is fine for immigrants
the alternative is the brazilian plan
Look at sweden. The problem is immigrants going to a city and segregating and then swedes move out and more immigrants move in and it's like a city within a city.
People must assimilate under one flag.
You're a divide and conquer shill.
Like paying school kids to hang out with invaders? (this has been done in SWE)
>The problem is immigrants going to a city and segregating and then swedes move out and more immigrants move in and it's like a city within a city.
No, the problem is them being there in the first place, faggot. Maintaining separation is good though. If we cannot separate with national borders, then we must separate on our own within the borders.
Civic nationalists will be killed
most immigrants in sweden live in projects / outskirts
>. Maintaining separation is good though. If we cannot separate with national borders, then we must separate on our own within the borders.
Your nose is showing, kike.
Found the nigger
No, darkies need to GTFO of Sweden, they don't need to assimilate
kikes love forced integration
once the kids are mixed, there is NO going back
very progressive
is it true swedes left the cities and they now belong to migrants?
Yeah pretty much
This is no joke in Malmö
That is SO fucking racist I'm literally shaking rn. Wanting to change people like that. SMFH
white people assimilate well. how about 5-10 million of those Ukranian refugees? then all the South Africans, Poles and Kurds.
they are commie goatfuckers
If you have a strict immigration policy then you won't have people flooding in.
Who else is mad that fracking exists and makes the US and Canada energy independent (besides putin and arabs obviously)?
Back in 2008-ish when gas was heading towards ~$4/gallon I was happy that the markets crashed. I was hopping that gas prices would continue to rise forever and peak oil was here. I wanted a soviet union style crash that would lead to something like the breakup of Yugoslavia and its wars. Everyone in Yugoslavia was happy enough to get a long when they had wealth, but when that was gone so was peace.
While the economy is good people are not going to risk rebelling. Now were going to slowly get integrated and go further an further down on the % mutt levels here.
>% mutt levels
>le le le le le le le 56%
You only sounded like 50% of a faggot till that point.
who gives a fuck what this pee wee herman looking motherfucker thinks
dude looks like trump pried the fedora off his peanut head with a crowbar before putting him on tv
instead you get your soil fractured and water stolen. The momentary gains attract more locusts at the same time the wells dry up. Well done!
that guy is a trump fanboy
otherwise he makes good arguments.
>import immigrants
>higher wages
Really joggin me noggin.
>Olivia Beavers
Will my countrymen ever be stopped?