2020 marks the end for white patriarchy

Pay up whitey.

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>More race/sex politics
I'm sure Trump will gladly welcome an easy reelection.

This. No way in hell Oprah could win without the white man's vote

>an unmarried president

My god, imagine the scandal.

Implying white people don't already SUBSIDIZE all niggers. I know it's a big word. Google it. Nigger.

>3 years of this shit

It's nice to see Democrats learn the completely wrong lesson. Trump won because he had a totally different message than the arthritic GOP was dealing and a known name was only a bonus; Winfrey is shilling the same old identity politics everybody is sick of.

they will never mention it again after a few weeks, like biden. and the others they tried to stick to the wall.

She would be the second gay black president...that is if she won.
And that shit ain't gonna happen.

>she knew about harvey
and with four words her campaign is dead

>Pay up whitey
Yeah just start up the civil war, or it could end up like vid related
but I doubt it

Wishful thinking. She would bring blacks, latinos, and maybe even Asians. Trump is a protest vote and a bad one at that. He's squandered his early momentum by treating the presidency the way a teenage girl would. His approval ratings are in the shitter and the only way he could turn it around is a war which I can't think of a man more poorly suited to execute one. Trumps base has shrunk even on Sup Forums. I hope someone better than Oprah gets the nominee because the country is really going down the toilet.

It's working!

As Trump's economy continues to boom, expect libbies to tell worse lies than usual.

And just like that, another stupid politician made Hillary Clinton's mistake: shaming an entire demographic and leading it to vote for the counterpart.
Remember the whole 'Hillary doesn't need white men durr' article?
This is just more of the same, Democrats refuse to learn from their mistakes

did she really say that? wtf

>End of the Patriarchy

When will roasties realize that men can quite literally end women's existence at will? Women are inferior by design and should learn their fucking place.

Also saged.

I’m just looking forward to the Mingey and Gary themed meme war of 2019. South Park ruined that poor woman’s chances of anyone taking her seriously 10 years ago.

get confirms

I sincerely hope Oprah wins the next presidential elections.

The Democrats already have 90% of the black vote secured regardless of candidate. Latinos will at best continue to be split. Her being black will be more of a detriment to the Asian vote than a help. She doesn't have the appeal many think she does. Even middle and upper middle class women will have to decide to side with her or their husbands' paycheck.

Yeah oh boy I love this terrific economy as businesses consolidate into even larger monopolies and consumer rights erode. Meanwhile the President is comparing dick sizes with Kid Rock on twitter because the country is terminally retarded. Bush is three times the President that Trump is.

Wasn't George W. Bush pro-amnesty?

>Wishful thinking. She would bring blacks, latinos, and maybe even Asians.

That would be you doing the wishful thinking. Black men don't vote for black women. Latino's won't vote for black women. Even among the minorities she is not a crowd pleaser.

Even if this weren't the case she has already admitted that she is a crack-smoking, abortionist who claims to have been "raped" multiple times as a child (like we haven't all heard that BPD line of bullshit from some lunatic cunt before)

Her IQ is about 86 on a good day and it is only masked by good editing and a charisma that hides it as far as possible. Put her in a nomination race with multiple trained politicians and she will get eaten alive, never mind the debates.

I will be surprised if she survives the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primaries.

She has done so much well documented and self publicised shit that other Democratic candidates don't even need to do much in the way of Opposition Research, they know how fucked up she is already before she's even started campaigning.

It's easy to be serious sitting on a tv sofa, but primary politics is retail politics, it's getting out and meeting the voters and getting your message out, it is a day in-day out grind that demonstrates whether the candidates are up to the task (Hillary demonstrated she wasn't and lost)

Finally, Oprah can get as many niggers voting for her as she likes, but you can't beat the Electoral College maths by playing to the Democratic base as it is concentrated on the coasts and that doesn't get you to the Whitehouse as Hillary proved.

>thanks to poltards they will elect her

This, the only question is how to escelate and increase the animosity, slow burn is suicide tbqh.


She'll get a heart attack this year and die.

Yeah, I'm sure support from foreign Bolsheviks will help her as much as it helped Clinton.

I'll just leave and let the niggers and mexicans turn it into a 3rd world nation.
The end of white patriarchy is also the endo of America.
By 2020 I'll be so rich of crypto I could live anywhere I want in the world. Let's pool some of our gains together and buy a private island somewhere and form a Sup Forums colony.

Wtf did I just watch?

>His approval ratings are in the shitter

Interviewing 1,000 people in California doesn't count, user. You forget the silent majority.

I bet this really burns Zuckerberg's breakfast, he's probably still seething. Can't wait to see these two idiots duke it out in public, might even be more interesting than the last Republican primaries.

>You forget the silent majority.

The silent majority are the same ones who wouldn't vote for Clinton and they won't vote for Oprah.

They are silent for a reason.

>rich off crypto
ok, buddy. sure thing.

DailyKos may be a bunch of Democrats, but it's a bunch of Democrats, so you can get an idea of what the Party True Believers think by taking a look at that site from time to time. They appear to have a general consensus that Oprah is a bad idea.

it doesn't matter, because they weren't going to vote for hillary anyway. trump could've been for open borders and settling refugees and the white male would still vote for him

I'm glad the silent majority didn't. We dodged a bullet with Clinton, and lefties will be pulling all the stops this year and in 2020.

Alabama was a warning.

Clamoring for Oprah just shows how lost libbies are right now.

She's not running.


>I bet this really burns Zuckerberg's breakfast,

Unless Zuckerberg is the recipient of the world's first Charisma transplant, he's doesn't stand a chance in the Democratic primaries.

You can't buy the US General Election and fuck knows that Hillary tried. She outspent Trump by 500 million, but still couldn't win the Electoral College. She would have lost the Democratic nomination as well if she hadn't stiffed Uncle Bernie.

It might be fun to watch but Zuck would be spunking away millions on a race he cannot possibly win. Same with Oprah. Too many skeletons in her closets.


Join the financial revolution faggot and take your share from the kikes. Or you could stay a poor wagesalve, the choice is yours.

you're retarded. it's never about dems vs republicans. it's always independents that decide elections

You should support her too and then leave your fucked up continent en masse and come back home, white man. Maybe together we can retake it. Clinging on to lost ideals of American dream and land of the free and shit helps no one, just our slow and inevitable demise.


You're fucking retarded, since everything I said was in relation to the Democratic nomination process, the Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire primary in particular.

She would never even get anywhere near the nomination.

Excluding open primaries, these are restricted to registered Democrats, so Independents don't get a look in.

>since everything I said was in relation to the Democratic nomination process

oh ok nvm. my bad. carry on

Why they always ask for repatriation?
Africa sucks

WoW how wide is this negro's nose?? yeehaw

>Why they always ask for repatriation?

Niggers on the make. Nothing new here.

All Hail President Strong Independant Black Womyn Who don't Need No Man

I actually hope the Democrats run with her. people are totally fed up with Virtue Signaling Liberal hypocrites.

Its time to pay up white boi

And all of you NEETS who don't have any money and live with your mommy will be put into labor camps and FORCED to work for your black queen

He said repatriation
That means you go back to your shithole and get nothing
The only thing most people want to give you is a plane ticket back or a bullet