Does Oprah have a fighting chance in 2020?

Does Oprah have a fighting chance in 2020?

I don't want this Boondocks gag to become a reality.

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I think we learned our lesson on black presidents desu. I voted for Obama first term, he made me racist as fuck. Well Obama and pol.

We can only hope.

The parade of disasters doesn't seem to have any terminus.

No. Of course not.
Not even relevant really, only suggest by lefties after she made a speech. She has no political background or nouce. All she does is donate money to African charities and have photo ops with obama.
There is no way she would secure the nomination. There are too many Dems who want a proper politician to get the nomination. Not a meme contender who has no substance. Trust me, if this bag threw her hat in the ring, so many real Democrats who have slogged away for years and now think it's their turn would be seriously fucked off.
Also she would have very limited appeal. Blacks, middle aged women, maybe some fags. Who else would she represent? Not men, she's said plenty against them. Not millennials, most young voters don't even know who she is. Business people? No. Hispanics? Unlikely. Bible belt? Definitely not.

Don't worry about all this shilling for her. She's just some stupid sjws wet dream. The only reason she would campaign is if she's bored and wants to try something different. Hardly an admirable motivation.

The real reason is it ensures that Alex Jones loses his mind for the 600th day in a row.

she just might, by virtue of Clinton probably being the only person on god's green earth capable of losing an election to a senile clown like Trump

Everyone gets a car!

She'll fall into the identity politics trap and ruin her chances at winning. Plus there's no telling what skeletons are waiting to come out if she does run.

She already blew her load on getting Obama elected. Not happening.

No chance. It would come out that she pimped young actresses for Weinstein and her run would torpedo



Whoopi Goldberg for VP!

Hillary clinton was at least some kind of candidate

Trump will rape Kanye and Oprah if they try to run

>ex-nigger lover
I reserve the right to mock you endlessly.

dems are eager to plant this meme before the new withholding tables go into effect in Feb, and nearly every working American gets a raise.
the week that happens you can exepect they have some bullshit primed to try and control the narrative

If the Clinton cartel couldn't beat Trump, there is no fucking way #WeinstienEndored sheboon Oprah will win

"You get free shit, and YOU get free shit! Everyone gets free shit!"

Gee what do you think user? Democrats will eat that shit up.

>Oprah v trump debate

I want it so bad fellas

>Does Oprah have a fighting chance in 2020?

Black men don't vote for black women. Latino's won't vote for black women. Even among the minorities she is not a crowd pleaser.

Even if this weren't the case she has already admitted that she is a crack-smoking, abortionist who claims to have been "raped" multiple times as a child (like we haven't all heard that BPD line of bullshit from some lunatic cunt before)

Her IQ is about 86 on a good day and it is only masked by good editing and a charisma that hides it as far as possible. Put her in a nomination race with multiple trained politicians and she will get eaten alive, never mind the debates.

I will be surprised if she survives the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primaries.

She has done so much well documented and self publicised shit that other Democratic candidates don't even need to do much in the way of Opposition Research, they know how fucked up she is already before she's even started campaigning.

It's easy to be serious sitting on a tv sofa, but primary politics is retail politics, it's getting out and meeting the voters and getting your message out, it is a day in-day out grind that demonstrates whether the candidates are up to the task (Hillary demonstrated she wasn't and lost)

Finally, Oprah can get as many niggers voting for her as she likes, but you can't beat the Electoral College maths by playing to the Democratic base as it is concentrated on the coasts and that doesn't get you to the Whitehouse as Hillary proved.



Not like they haven't been promising them free shit every other past election. She'll have to offer free houses or cars



After Bush I didn't think it was possible to do worse.

>Hillary clinton was at least some kind of candidate
This. I'd take Hillary as President over this nigger any day.

She doesn't. We are shifting away from the sjw stuff

I thought the American people chose candidates. Would Democrats really risk making the same mistake they did with Hillary?
>Hello Democrats, we know you want to vote for Bernie Sanders buuuuuuuut we decided you really want Hillary instead lol kthx lost.

The Dems don't want a proper politician to run. They want a symbol.

>I thought the American people chose candidates.

Not really, the Democratic primaries (excluding the few open primaries) are for registered Democrats only, the "American People" only get the final say after each of the parties has nominated their candidates for POTUS and VP at the general election.

Most Democratic candidates are knocked out during the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primaries, which often have a huge field of candidates.

As for the Democratic nomination itself, Hillary was on track to lose the nomination to Uncle Bernie (your friendly neighbourhood Communist) until Hillary used her financial muscle and pulled strings within the DNC (i.e. corruption pure and simple), to force them to nominate her.

It's unclear, even after their restructuring to remove Clinton biased candidates whether they have learnt their lesson.

>he thought the American people chose candidates
get a load of this goy

The Dems would say that she helped those strong talented young women start their careers by introducing them to Wienstein who opened the door to success for them and helped make their dreams come true.

>november 8 2020
>sunday, not wednesday

I wouldn't bank on minorities not voting for her. Even worse, white women adore her for some reason.
On the other hand, everything the MSM ridicules Trump for, Oprah has the same or similar but 10x worse.
Or college education. It won Bernie the votes (while Hillary stole the delegates).
I hope you're right, and if an Oprah candidacy doesn't do it, nothing will.

Are you a fucking idiot

>She has no political background
Let's face it neither did trump, and that's appealed to most people
>There are too many Dems who want a proper politician to get the nomination. Not a meme contender who has no substance.
If they get fucked during the midterms this year, I fundamentally believe that they'll be desperate enough to choose her and her running mate Bernie
>Not millennials, most young voters don't even know who she is
Nigger, Oprah went off the fucking air in 2012, by 2020 the youngest voters would have been 10 when her show end. Everyone who will be voting will have known who she is.
I guarantee spics will like her far more than trump, after all, she'll give away amnesty like she did cars
>Bible belt?
This one might be contentious, but I think most of them will not see her in a bad light since she doesn't really have any scandals
>The only reason she would campaign is if she's bored and wants to try something different. Hardly an admirable motivation
Bitch, all she has to do is bullshit and take a bunch of pages out of trumps playbook, and she could be successful.

I love the god emperor as much as the next dipshit but dismissing Oprah would repeating the failures of the Dems in 2016

she has no chance. where did this come from? simpsons? if its simpsons then yes, cause they are controlled literal illuminati. otherwise, NO.

absolutely disgusting.

she's a worthless loudmouth nigger whore who's done nothing but drive liberal horseshit into the minds of women for 40 years.

SO MANY J00000000000000000S

she has a very real chance if she decides to run. look at the numbers for obama vs hillary. shillary lost 100% because of voter apathy, give them barry 2.0 to elect and they'll rush polling places like they did back in 2008.

maybe before this me too bs but feminists seem intent on crashing the left with no survivors

>shillary lost 100% because of voter apathy, give them barry 2.0 to elect and they'll rush polling places like they did back in 2008.

Nigger woman = Barry 2.0

I don't think so Deshaun...

Trump won from white people seeing whats going on around them, how they're being abused in the media and replaced in their own countries.

Despite him clearly not being 100% there, he had balls of steel and wanted to take a step in closing borders.

Oprah would have to be running off of pure major backlash in order to win the vote. It doesn't matter how famous she is.

>maybe before this me too bs but feminists seem intent on crashing the left with no survivors


>Everyone who will be voting will have known who she is.

yes, the woman who speaks of the terrify man with "OVER 9000 PENISES"

>maybe before this me too bs but feminists seem intent on crashing the left with no survivors

That's because they are so wrapped up in their self destructive delusion about the Patriarchy that it completely distorts their perspective.

Look how irrationally Hillary has behaved since losing to Trump, completely delusional.

Plus, lets not forget "Old white people have to die" coz Muh Wacism.

who do you think had a dick in the barry moochelle relationship? protip tyrone, it wasnt barack
