Fucking happy Sup Forums? This man, a DACA immigrant, is at the best public school in the nation and you assholes have to go and ruin his life by electing Trump
You should be ashamed
Fucking happy Sup Forums? This man, a DACA immigrant, is at the best public school in the nation and you assholes have to go and ruin his life by electing Trump
You should be ashamed
>You should be ashamed
why? fuck him and fuck tax money paying for schools, public money can pay for the library not for the school
He has to go back.
I don't like Mexicans' faces. It's mostly their slopey eyes that droop down the sides of their cheeks.
They should let his family and friends visit him, and when they arrive arrest their illegal asses too.
Being in Commiefornia doesn't save you. None of you illegals are safe from La Migra. Be afraid.
He’s worth more than you
Yes i'm happy with that.
Oh no some guy who might've become an IT exec on a few million a year and would thoroughly support libshit politics has to go back. I had so much to gain from him staying.
>Fucking happy Sup Forums?
Excellent! Keep focused on those Mexicans. They are why you are poor
I’d do it again in a heartbeat. You. Have. To. Go. Back.
Unlike him I don't break the law, and I put more into the system than I take out. I sincerely doubt it.
Forget which proxy you’re on?
>Cal student
Fucking good. I don't pay state income to fund education for some illegal who took an admit slot from an equally (if not more) qualifies citizen
>Fucking happy Sup Forums?
yes, he's illegal and should be deported, we have laws for a reason, also fuck you
Yes, I am happy.
It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally.
Borders themselves are the true moral crime. You know nothing about this man’s life other than he’s at the top university in the world, and he’s a Mexican with a brighter future than you.
Poor ? Unhappy life ? No i just want these shitskin out of my country. It's that simple.
He will be a good asset to his homeland
>Fucking good. I don't pay state income to fund education for some illegal who took an admit slot from an equally (if not more) qualifies citizen
That’s not how it works brainlet, if he wasn’t qualified he wouldn’t get in
>and he’s a Mexican with a brighter future than you.
but he's going back to mexico, so no.
>It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally.
This guy right here is a Mexican-DACA white Hispanic American Latino. His parents are illegal alien residents. He is also the stuntcock of GirlsDoPorn
He’s fucked over 200+ petite barely legal lily white-skin pink pussy girls aged 18-21, a few highschool seniors, a few 18 year old asians and latinos, a Miss Teen America, and so on. All of them are pure amateurs with zero professional porn experiences, and most of their only sexual experiences are with their high school boyfriends - until they meet this mestizo stuntcock. Soon when DACA gets legalized, he will be a full fledge American
>implying the school won’t be getting him out
They’re paying for his legal expenses, and bond. California tax dollars going to a worthy cause
>if he wasn’t qualified he wouldn’t get in
I went to Michigan and there were unironically hundreds of Indians and Chinks who couldn't speak English above the level of a four year old. Every single one of them got through school by cheating.
>It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally.
>UC Berkeley
>worthy cause
This is the school that literally hired a professor who encouraged his students to develop drug addictions.
He’s an undocumented California citizen, nothing illegal about it
States rights asshole
>>It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally.
>It’s not a crime
This has to be bait.
No one can be this legitimately retarded.
How's the weather in g4yTwN?
>not a crime to be in the country illegally
>not a crime
Yeah this thread became a joke right there. Have a sage.
Very happy. And you faggots try to say Trump doesn't get anything done.
>States rights asshole
not for immigration, fucko. Strictly a federal fucking issue.
>undocumented citizen
He's an illegal alien. He's willingly breaking the law and deserve to be punished. Now I'm not without sympathy; if he wishes to apply for citizenship after deportation, I'm for it.
>Family has been in California since 1823
>Family present during "Bear Flag revolt"
>172 years later
>"I want these shit skins out of MY country"
Fuck you, I'm not 100% white, but I swear to fucking christ I can trace my heritage back to before your immigrant ancestors ever churned butter in the new world.
Another success story. Thanks for sharing.
There are variations, this guy looks full Indian Mexican
Get em outta here
out out out
>It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally.
He's a sovereign citizen
Jesus is that who i think it is
Guarantee my test scores are higher.
But I'd have to pay out of pocket to go there.
Fuck him.
Fuck everyone that enables illegal scum.
Giving loans, grants, or anything to an illegal other than a call to ICE, should be a felony and prosecuted with zero remorse.
>are you happy?
Nope, not till he's deported
>They’re paying for his legal expenses, and bond. California tax dollars going to a worthy cause
Literally taking hard earned money from citizens at gunpoint and using it to free a criminal from prison and pay off their jewish lawyers. All so that criminal can live among you illegally and refuse to pay into the tax system that freed him.
this has to be one of the most retarded posts I've ever seen or quality bait. I just can't bring myself to believe anybody could be that stupid.
if it's real, then get yourself sterlized and if it isn't g8 b8 m8.
>States rights
You do realize that a re-interpretation of the the 14th's equal protection clause (aka states rights) pretty much means brown v board, roe v wade, lawrence v Texas, etc go straight down the shitter.
wait we're deporting DACA spics now ? WTF i love trump again
Hopefully they keep deporting illegal students and fuck over those student loan programs and maybe they'll think twice before loaning to illegals after they lose all their fucking money
>they still have to pay it back
While in Mexico? I doubt it.
wow, you're so obsessed with this guy's cock, why wont you just suck it faggot?
Not all laws are moral
that "kid" is a literal foreign communist agitator.
fuck him and fuck you for defending a commie
>claim to fight for freedom
>breaks the law of host country
>basically invading it at the expense of others freedom
Well now that's just retardes
I'm with Miller on this. Just end them.
American student loan lenders will even come after you in Germany and there are laws here protecting you if you have debts. These are private institutions, we're not like New Zealand and gave public loans to students that they could travel the world and skip out on.
These credit collection agencies are worldwide concerns and the typical US student loans is big enough that it's worth it for them to hire narco leg breakers as collections agents. I would not want to owe money in Mexico.
> "sovereign citizens" see themselves as answerable only to their particular interpretation of the common law and as not subject to any government statutes or proceedings
You reminded me of that priceless video, kek.
Libfags don't like to legislate morality when the subject is abortion laws.
>Fucking happy Sup Forums?
He looks half gook half white
>Family has been in California since 1823
yeah you invaded it (Mexicans), then you lost it in a war.
Abortion is morally good because of self ownership
>Its not a crime to be in the country illegally
>not a crime
meming into reality.
I support abortion because it's minority population control. My point is I don't want to hear anyone on the left bring up morality when it comes to immigration laws and The Wall because they support the legalization of plenty of immoral shit.
Supremacy clause
>Fucking happy Sup Forums?
Oh, you'd better believe it nigger
Literally dude I’m starting to think your gay. I’m Mexican and I fuck all the white tourist in Acapulco. You don’t need DACA for that. Try paying for college over here culero.
>admtted illegal alien
wtf is he still here
It's heve starvey
>It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally.
I bet her shirt says "Feed Me"
It literally is you fucking retard
Looks like he's one of the 200k Salvadorian's that has to go back.
I notice they don't mention what his major is.
I guess if they say he's in one of those Beanerology/Kill Whitey Studies he'd get less sympathy/
All illegal aliens (including DACA) would be considered INVADERS in any other society at any other moment in history. Remove them all.
OP is a parasite farmer. and a faggot
>It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally
>STILL detained
>the implication is that he shouldn't just because he's going to adult daycare, likely heavily if not totally funded by taxpayers
->Using the "sovereign citizen" nigger tactic
Wew sage just sage
>This man, a DACA immigrant, is at the best public school in the nation
Only because he got shit skin points over more deserving people.
It is a good first start.
Wait, so they are arresting and deporting "dreamers" now? Fantastic!
And yet the founding fathers would still have granted citizenry to those white European immigrants before anyone in your family. It's almost like this country was made for us, and not you. Really makes you think huh?
awesome! mexico just got a new Mexican intellectual
it isn't news, there is nothing to report until a decision is made about his immigration status
Who paid for his public school I wonder?
If the guy was documented everything will be fine for him.
This isn’t even quality bait.. sage
What is there to be ashamed about? He should be ashamed for feeling so entitled to citizenship. Your no borders liberal bullshit doesnt work here faggot
Underrated post. This is the right response.
I cant wait to extend the wall around california
>It’s not a crime to be in the country illegally.
imagine being this mentally ill
Its like sometimes idiots forget that illegale immigration is illegale.
Takes a special kind of retard.
Also its all in the hand of democrats say yes to the wall and end o illegale immigration and you get daca amnesty this one time. Dont agree to this rather fair deal and expose yourselves as being only interested in future imported voter fraud. Guess what dems will choose..
Thanks for the good news op
bump c
and if we reverse the trend and send all the smart person to where he they will came from to take all position of power and submit the inferior population would you agree ,we could sent all smart european and asians and let the middle east became the jewel in the sand,would you want it ???being economically prosperous but with no speak in the fate of your country??
there is no a single country in the earth that could absorve all the smart population outside .even china with an iq of 105 coul be submited if you send all the smart folk across the world .
would chinese agree to became pariah in their own country even if their economy became more prosperous???
>he doesn't know about affirmative action
He should've been allowed legally. Only after showing unconditional love for your country and adhering to your culture on top of material reasons to explain the gain obtained by him staying. Otherwise out fucking subhuman spic