That shit is not even funny anymore. It's worst piece of propaganda hate created by amateur jobless alt tards. Get out of your mom's basement and stop blaming others for your own failure.
Stop fucking posting stupid jew hating conspiracy threads
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop leafposting
Maybe the Jews shouldn't conspire so much.
Posting while a leaf is not a victimless crime.
wtf i hate the protocols of the elders zion now
We will not SID
dumb niggers blaming white people for the reason they're failures with no future
now lemme tell you why it's the jew's fault that i'm a failure with no future
t. butthurt jew boy
What's to like?
Lavonne Affair - President Katzav presents three surviving members with certificates of appreciation at Jerusalem ceremony. These three survivors launched attacks on US installations in Egypt.
USS Liberty - Israeli fighter jets killed 34 Americans in an unprovoked attack.
Johnathon Pollard - Israeli spy who caused an unknown amount of American undercover agents to be exposed and subsequently killed due to leaking information. Israel honors Pollard as a hero and petitions for his release even today.
Sept. 11, 2001 - The "Dancing Israelis" are seen celebrating the the attacks on the world trade centers, then later brought on Israeli television where it was stated they were sent "to observe the event."
the ride never ends
Looks like JIDF is getting desperate. Sad!
Oy vey investigating me is antisemitic.
Where have we heard this before?
JIDF is more subtle than this and I don't think it even posts here
It's afraid.
kys jew
Yes, yes! The Jews are subtle, yes!
No. Stop being a faggot leaf. Or leave.
"In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town: the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history."
--Ari Shavit, Haaretz(April 5, 2003)
jew hate thread!
You're right OP but unfortunately the Jew haters cannot be convinced otherwise. They are too emotionally invested and unable to see past their own confirmation bias. Best to just ignore. They are sad acts anyway.
>inb4 someone calls me a Jew or good goy
So fucking predictable
why the fuck do you even show your face on a politically incorrect image board.
Sorry CIA, your attempts are demoralization are pathetic
Please explain away the below posts... I'll wait.
push culo?
But then why did the jew bolsheviks kill 60 million people?
Have a look at the culture of critique or the Occidental observer website for the redpill on the JQ.
Shithead. Didnt predict that one did you?
jews did this :D
I bet if i got kicked out of 359 places i would be considered the one at fault. But with jews its always someone elses fault
come on, let's go for a swim!
Holy fuck OP is right.
The Jews killed yoda and we must kill all the Jews.
360 times they kicked us out! Can you believe it! What were they thinking, these goyim, these wreckers, what schmattas!
Jews are always innocent goy, ALWAYS!
It's a fundamental principle of the universe.
Jesus, please stop. Some people in my family are Jewish, and it hurts to hear Sup Forums wants them dead. They are law abiding, generous, well educated, and kind. I don't understand why anyone would want innocents dead.
Because they were envious that Germany was breaking away and becoming (or really, had become) successful on it's own merits, combined with the fact that they were generating a self-sufficient economy that wasn't predicated on crippling debt chains issued by central banks.
Germany was also proud of and celebrated their culture and way of life, and rightly so.
Also because they are jealous, predatory, soulless cocksuckers who only destroy and take.
The usual.
oy vey that pool was for storing the Jewish blood, they had to drain it before cremating the bodies. It filled with rainwater in that image (notice the weather)
It's not that we are blaming others for our failures. Not at all. We are just pointing out that it's not a conspiracy that Jews control most media, tech companies, banks, etc. It really is true. They purposely promote race mixing and far left ideas on society. There's no other explanation as to why they do these things other than to slowly but surely wipe out the white race and subvert our society. Jewish hatred for whites and Christianity go way back, bud. Wake the fuck up.
>Jews killed yoda
Yoda was the jew, he was rightly shoah'd
I knew a Jew once. Sup Forums is and always will be right.
Who fucking cares if there's a Jewish elite who works against us? It doesn't matter that that is the case because almost all Jews are not elites. Most Jews are very kind and intelligent. Maybe if you met one you would realize they are not so bad. I plead that you stop spreading anti-Semitism, although I know Sup Forums has their beliefs set in stone and many do not have empathy for others unlike themselves.
No they would throw the jewish women and children into the pools then take away the ladder till they got exhausted and drowned.
Give the little ones the heat until they make a voice towards the big ones.
posted in the other ones
there are 6,000,000 Ashkenazim in USA
nice round number, eh?
What other method of hampering the elite working against the masses are you offering?
they threw the woman and children in the pools of jew blood to drown and then they tortured puppies all night and drank Hefeweisen
It's not fun denying it either. We are not talking about some lizard alien shit, we have facts and some events are too coincidental.
>6,000,000 Ashkenazim in USA
>nice round number, eh?
user please, jews never lie
Jews are the child traffickers and this is prevention month.
I don't have one, but genocide or mass deportation is not acceptable and it is morally reprehensible.
“Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must ‘vanish’ before the state of Israel can be formed. ‘You shall return minus 6 million.’ That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the ‘sacred 6 million’ is an attempt to transform the holocaust story into state religion… Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in ‘burning ovens,’ which the judicial version of the holocaust now authenticates… ‘Without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.’”
Literally full communism my dude
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
>genocide or mass deportation is not acceptable
Why? because the jews told you so?
We don't hate anyone, just criticizing genocide, you wouldn't understand
>genocide is not acceptable
If, according to how you view the situation, the genocide is unavoidable, and it's either you or them getting genocided, which option would you choose?
>Oy fucking vey
They didn't torture the puppies, they were training them to rape jewish women because their sadism and evil outweighed their need to ration manpower. They literally lost the war because they were so focused on coming up with new ways to torture the Jews
>oy veyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Not condoning violence, stop trying to shutdown dialogue with a veiled threat
WTF I love Jewish led white genocide now!
okay (((bro)))
>oy veyyyy fucking oyyyyyyy
Hi Lauren.
No it's not and even if it were morals are not real, some people, like Hitler, are just pathologically altruistic
We will expose every filthy little lie and trick you implement on the goyim.
Just like we did with your latest WTC hoax.
what are you going to do about it? kikeboy?
Fine. Have some of this:
There's a big difference between intentional genocide and passing legislation that leads to demographic changes. Preserving the white race is not worth genocide or fascism.
Any type of killing is wrong, except for murderers, rapists, etc. 99.9% of Jews do not fall in that category.
It's an interesting opinion, but I disagree with it. In my eyes, one is not better than the other (especially considering the option of deportation). So unless you offer me something better, I will not reconsider my anti-semitic ways as I feel they are justified. But I hope at least you can understand my viewpoint better now.
Morals are subjective, and I believe it's wrong to deprive a person of life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness(as do most people on Earth).
It's difficult to tell when Sup Forums is being serious or not. I can't tell if most people want Jews gassed or not. Even in this thread it seems people support killing all Jews.
The Khazarian demons must be studied and trialed, it might be better off that they are gone all things considered.. however the average Jew, like the average person is my friend. Life, libtarding and the pursuit of happiness makes all happy, perhaps one can stop genociding the Europoors now?
“Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must ‘vanish’ before the state of Israel can be formed. ‘You shall return minus 6 million.’ That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the ‘sacred 6 million’ is an attempt to transform the holocaust story into state religion… Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in ‘burning ovens,’ which the judicial version of the holocaust now authenticates… ‘Without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.’”
You really think open border activists and leftists will just disappear from your country if all Jews are deported? Keep in mind Jews only make up a small portion of your country, and still yet a small portion of leftists and open border activists. My uncle is a Jew from the Soviet Union. He is a right winger and I highly doubt he supports open borders, but Russian Jews might be different.
>Jews do not fall in that category
>advocating endless war
>mass immigration
Not not at all, just go to sleep goy, don't forget your bluepills
People will say anything here, it is to eliminate the weak willed we don't need them
>preserving the white race is not worth genocide
Oh you could not be more wrong there kike lover
I do believe that regressive left views would be reduced to harmless if jewish politics, msm people and educators pushing for them would disappear from the country, yes.
*but Russian Jews might be different from Jewish immigrants from the Soviet Union.
Also he isn't related to me by blood, he married into the family.
Oy vey! I can see your nose from here!
>1 post
Well at least they're honest with the sliding
wypipo cant have everything. they are the most beautiful and industrious, hands down
africa has penis and speed
asia has sushi and gyoza
jews have cunning
that birdman link will make you think a bit about the 6,000,000 number in USA
we know its not 6,000,000
why do they perpetuate this number now? the holohoax already hoaxed everyone? do they need another one? wtf?
Spectre's words from Hitlers mouth
Jew here. It's fucking sad to watch goys constantly tie themselves in knots over the Jew thing.
>Don't invest your money, that's what Jews do.
>Muslims hate Jews, therefore Muslims must be good.
>Jews study medicine, economics and science. Don't fall for their tricks! Don't study!
>Jews invented communism and capitalism, what do we do?
Funny thing is Jews didn't really invent capitalism. We did invent fascism and communism, but so what. We invented Christianity ffs. Honestly, it's embarrassing. You have to take at least some responsibility for your own stupid problems at some point. You can't blame China for trying to take advantage of the west's economic policy failings, and you can't blame Jews for every single fucking thing that's wrong in your lives. Stop being so fucking gullible. If a Jew tells you to run across the road with your eyes closed and you actually fucking do it, it's your own stupid fault if you get run over. Really. I know it sounds harsh but jfc guys. Turn off your fucking televisions, that would be a good start. The holocaust never happened. We know. We all fucking know. How does knowing that help you? You know what would help you? Studying something that would make you useful to society, or at least something that would make you money. Learn about markets and maybe they won't seem so fucking evil. Maybe you could get in on it yourselves. Ah, who am I kidding. You won't do that. Fucking morons.
good idea user
This thread is literally filled cancerous post. So many amateurish MS word/paint and badly done photoshop crap with pictures of celebrities and left wing politician. Nice try faggots. Only a literal drumpf tard would believe in ANYTHING thats been posted here.
This is actually weak. Why not reach for the stars? How about we talk about the fact that the sun and everything else in the universe revolves around the earth while we're at it.
yes mom
emex dykes
We are free and complete and not for sale
Not everyone knows about the holohoax yet and the horrors you enacted on the charming German folk are as of yet unanswered..
There will be no new world order
“Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must ‘vanish’ before the state of Israel can be formed. ‘You shall return minus 6 million.’ That's why Tom Segev, an Israeli historian, declared that the ‘sacred 6 million’ is an attempt to transform the holocaust story into state religion… Those six million, according to prophecy, had to disappear in ‘burning ovens,’ which the judicial version of the holocaust now authenticates… ‘Without the Holocaust, there would be no Jewish State.’”