H&M Fucked up
They are using science now
"*GRAPHIC* Proof of white people being born with TAILS. Like the monkey apes they are."
the tail is another jew genetics thing
a jewish friend of mine had his removed when he was 23
why so late?
>whites are actually monkeys
this is a new jew trick, let me just say
parents are weird hippy jews
into herbal medicine
no caffeine or candy allowed in the house and shit
he finally had it done on his own once an adult
hope he didn't have trouble with the ladies....
23 kek...
actually he dated several girls in high school
>never really thought about that part before
First my foreskin, now my tail???
I swear to god those kikes will pay for this
Damn I got mine removed at like 6
Everyone I know got theirs lopped off before 12
Can confirm. I am one of 8 kids and 2 of them have tails
So i guess this White people with tails is not just a meme...
>not keeping your tail and having threesomes where you're the meat in a sandwich fucking one girl with your penis and one with your tail.
You have never truly lived
>white people are Saiyans
Fucking HYPE
>they cut off our tails
No wonder our people aren't as good in sports, it must completely throw off our sense of balance.
>Getting your tail snipped
Well I guess you'll never have the pleasure of whipping that badboy out in a fight and strangling the jiggaboo that started it.
They should be thankful most of us cut them off.
How do they know it’s not reptilian dna that causes it? I think they’re pretty quick to say it’s from monkey dna.
We are Saiyans and they are the weak monkeys.
Let’s pay em a visit when the moon is out
You could probably get pretty good at hiding it, but in highschool I'd imagine everyone knowing because if gym and shit. We didn't have any Jewish rats so therefore no tails
since when did monkeys have tails?
Ironic coming from nigger chimpanzees
Larry: If it doesn’t have a tail, it’s not a monkey
Even if it has a monkey kinda shape
If it doesn’t have a tail, it’s not a monkey
If it doesn’t have a tail
It’s not a monkey, it’s an ape!
If it doesn’t have a tail, it’s not a monkey
Bob: Let’s see if we can catch it on the tape!
Larry: You can very plainly see if it’s a monkey
If it doesn’t have a tail
It’s not a monkey, it’s an ape!
Bob: Look, there it goes, there it goes,
I don’t know, I can’t tell if it’s a monkey or an ape!
Larry: It’s very simple, Bob...If it doesn’t have a tail it’s not a monkey
If it doesn’t have a tail
It’s not a monkey, it’s an ape!