I'm tall

I'm tall
I'm white
I lifted 5 fucking years for her

Yet she dates this skinnyfat spic, why??

5 years and you didn't make a move? what the fuck is wrong with you. she literally sees you as a friend now. completely asexual.

>i lifted 5 years for her
you don't understand woman thats why

Jew indoctrination. She'll probably get her throat slashed open; you can do better.

this is a slide thread
If you reply past this line your mother will die in her sleep tonight

stop posting this thread here go on /r9k/ and cry rivers

I got banned on r9k :/

Obviously you have a robo personality, as opposed to the social spic.

i will help you win her over for 0.5 btc.

I have just won over a girl, just by talking to her on the phone over a span of 6 months. She had a bf at the time as well. She also lives 3 hours away by flight, and is talking marriage.

women like the spanish. they think they're exotic. you think with your dick, the spanish think with roses.

I have the bitcoin, but give me a hint before i give you money

i mean 0.05 btc

What is it with white girls and little beans? We need to figure it out.

Money don't matter, muscles don't matter
Being a chill dude is the only thing that matters
Acquire chill


you now realize that women don't give a shit about your gains. only other males care.

You are not going to have a Good marriage. Bc she looks outside of the relationship for validation. You are also not the only guy but her boyfriend she is talking to. I know her type. She need to feel "special"

you lifted what for five years? weights?

nevermind. i guess that's the spic. you never know here
either way, sage and fuck off

Maybe you should have developed a personality instead of lifting heavy objects.

Stop calling people names and improve yourself.
What type of punkass spreads somebody's photos online and calls the male suitor a spic. You are trash, man.

The process:
1. you build intrigue
2. you build rapport
3. you build attraction
4. is the secret weapon to keep her eternally loyal.

Bonus: Tricks to hack into her hypergamy and make her remove her boyfriend as a romantic prospect.

I got from 1-3. Need to use 4 to cement the bond. didn't need to use the bonus of getting her to dump her boyfriend.


kill yourself leaf just cuz you posted your shit 20 seconds before me

thanks for the heads up. I will try to find out about this.

All women problems are man problems. Tall and handsome? Well that gets them in the door. You need to dominate your house. This guy may just be a tad bit more alpha than you.

>lifted for 5 years
work on your personality - a sense of humour BTFO gains every time

because you did it for her.

White women no longer want white men. Simple as that. Take the brown pill and find a spic or Indian woman to bleach, they're better anyways.

cause youre a huge fag

It's clear from these threads that Elliot Rodgers got his pathetic entitlement attitude from his white genes.

> qualifying for a woman who is - as all women - dumb as shit and needs to be treated like a dog (=punish bad behaviour, reward good) instead of whorshipped or respected

this is where you’re wrong.

cos no amount of lifts stops you being a small man (and racist).

lol fell for the tall meme

prolly because you love to watch yourself too much in the mirror.
one of women's instincts:
why does he takes so much care of himself?
he has somone else?
no... that can't be, i'm so special...
(sometimes after a chat wih bestie)
he has to have someone else... fuck it
or simply you're a douche obsessed with your own body

Once we cut off welfare, the opposite will be true. Nature will take the weak and lazy. Clearly it is a perversion that thieving socialism has created, having time to joke around is a privilege that nature has granted only to those whom produce .


The fuck?