SK. thinks that feminism is so powerful that men are slaves
this hand sign is called anti-feminism
Similar to ok sign but slightly different
Many Korean men are moving abroad because of public facilities and services available only to women
Feminism in SK
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So not much different to the western countries then
muh based feminist asians
>Many Korean men are moving abroad because of public facilities and services available only to women
Source. I gotta see this.
Women SK and Japan get women only services for crowded area things because of sexual abuse.
Women in the west get women only privileges for economic and financial reasons because Marxism.
There's literally no comparison and OP is a fag.
>living in Korea for 6 months
>what the fuck are you talking about
It is no where near as bad as America. I've met Americans here that are fucking FULL BLOWN Commies. Like one time I was taking a selfie, and I said "Okayyy and now give us your rape faces!" and she was like "What did he just say??" and had her period while we were all eating 치맥.
God that cunt and her hooked nose were just intolerable. But anyway nah it isn't as bad as the US.
나쁘지 않다 이기
News article
81.7% are male
In Korea, there is a law to hire women like women quotas first
The main reason is because of problems related to employment and Korean men have military service obligations
i can not understand you..........
그럼 영어 좀 배우고 와라
do not be embarrassed assh3 :0
Always the same thing with these threads. Anons saying SK is a feminist hell on earth and other anons saying it's a total meme.
this is because Korea is still extremely backwards
so to a westener the current situation looks like nothing special
the SK feminists are hardcore if you are used to SK culture
koreans pls learn english before coming here, it would be nice if we all spoke the same language.
You can thank (((America))) for that.
this qt is anti-feminist? nice
뭐가 창피해 등신아
what the fuck does that thing they do with their hand mean? i've been trying to google it for the past hour, closest guess is they want a foursome? what the fuck?
nevermind, it's some meme website and people doing the gesture admit to be posters there. thanks for making me waste an hour, asshole
The worst Korea meme was not ironic.
Enjoy legalistic lol
Feminism in NK
Koreans are moving abroad cause its the only way for some to get a decent paying job and not be a fuckin farmer.
It's not the feminism it the women there. Most of them are gold diggers. Also you won't date any one without a white collar job in a manufacturing country. Where blue collar jobs takes about 80percent of the economy.
English please I don't read gook.
The hours are simply fucking brutal for shit pay. A girl I dated last week works 12 hours days 5 days a week, and she is in fashion design.
Didn't Germany have rape-free zones over New Year's Eve?
Why blur the eyes, they all literally look the same.
So, the 8 "goddesses" are expanding their "Cult" to other countries, like america, huh?
I smell the presence of a soros behind this mess.
suck my ass cunny
pretty much
capital cities are hoodlom zone.
To be fair, telling a girl to see her rape face that you don't know that well is just spergy as fuck. But then again, you had to run away to Korea so obviously you're a retarded fucking faggot.
Is that kid grabbing his dick? Or where it would be if he had one.
To be fair, it was a group full of like 20 people and the only person that had a problem was her fucking dumb ass.
>korea is a shithole!
so you're saying nothing has changed then
When did all this start
I heard porn is banned too and if you get caught with it you go on a sex offender list for 20 years. Did that woman president do this?
South Korea is weird like that. Porn is banned, they cannot make, produce or distribute it in the country, but "artistic" nudity isn't banned unless it shows off too much skin.
So what you end up with is every single Korean movie/TV show is full of sex scenes. Not just crappy stuff where you cannot see anything, but 20+ minute long scenes which look (and probably are) very real. They just don't know off anything below the belt.