this is my problem with guns, the dumbass culture around them
This is my problem with guns, the dumbass culture around them
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You deserve to be shot.
No one is this stupid.
It's probably airsoft.
1/4th of americans are retarded.
Yep, we call them niggers. That's a bb gun.
>No one is this stupid.
You'd be surprised...
>this is my problem with liberals, the dumbass culture around them
Nobody sets up targets on their fence, shooting into their neighbor's backyard. /thread
Try again, idiot.
Youre the 25%
You sound, like, really smart.
Wheres the vid of her shooting it?
how to troll liberal nutjobs 101.
I am, thanls.
if this were real there would be news about a young woman killed by swat after failing her round of twister.
OMG, totally!
>1/4th of americans are retarded. the other 3/4
>literally did not see what i just did
Did your 2 inch 14 year old beta fag boner just go half mast when i did that? Lmao
How Can You Count To Fifteen If Humans Only Have Two Hands?
Doesn't this bitch know what clay pigeons are for?
Google it fucktard. Theres one exactly like it on the first page, mlok, BUIS and all. If that was real there would be holes in the fence, you noguns faggot.
I hope on the other side of a fence it was a house full of niggers
I hate libertarian fucks living in the suburbs acting like they are in the middle of the country. You never use the bed on that truck you fucking poser.
Shut up, Cisplatina. You're Brazilian clay.
>mfw I can't even deny it
Ur being unfair to me right ow.
Go To UruGay, Theyre All Fucking Mutants And Retards
15 items = what you can fit in 3 hands
I figured out their stupid pictograph, boy you sure have to be a genius to get that one.
fuck off, you fight worse than the argies
You severely overestimate where the bottom of human stupidity lies.
show your flag pajeet
You mean idiots like you who try to pass of feels as logic? I don't know of any place in America where you can discharge a waepon within 500 ft of a residential neighborhood. This is another pussy who is scared of guns. You KNOW he called the cops and they told him there was nothing illegal about it, so he tweeted it like the pansies on the left do. Such little bitches, they are such a fucking embarrassment.
Should see if /k/ has any more fun stories.
Bullshit. Where do you assholes come from? Just say the stupidest fucking shit without even thinking.
this. It's BB at best
are these two right down the street from each other AND looking in the same direction? fucking lol
>next to a fence
>not getting decent sunlight
I call bullshit
literally a /k/ troll lmao
lol first I thought they were all running after the car because they forgot the parking brake.
This. That retard deserves to get shot in the balls.
27% of Americans believe they are being watched by angels
But capitalism HAS failed, user.
Yeah, but that's Florida
I personally knew this guy, he was crazy + stupid. Not just stupid.
So what, edgy fedorafag?
>Rifle would not only chew large holes in the fence panels and the posts but blow off chunks of the boards and puncture a few walls in the house behind it.
No one who has ever fired a gun and can also earn enough to afford one would set their daughter up for a manslaughter charge this way.
I Am Not From Canada. Why Call Me Indian?
>But capitalism HAS failed, user.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty that any other economic ideology. Prove me wrong.
Protip:you can't.
As an Australian who knows nothing about guns can I take a few stabs at the answer to pic? The thing over the trigger is presumably a safety thing put there by the store, right? There's a block of something covering the ejection port. Or is the block just something in the background? Are the metal cable ties blocking the loading port?
The only worried face is the girl behind him because she felt how forcefully the child's head was grabbed. Biden is a slimy freak.
Look at his hands in this spicy interview
its better she gets machete raped by apes, that won't bother your petunias at all
Are those fucking hose clamps? Jesus christ
Yeah, they're called niggers
>hearing protection for airsoft
What happened at 0:24?
Did he ever think that was the intention?
niggers and spics, youre right
More than half of ALL you americans are retarded, no matter what % nigger or mutt you are.
Shell rolled off the table.
>When being a cunt makes you look stupid
I think Its either the trigger thing or the fact that there is a scope on a fkn shotgun.
5.56 rounds get stopped by 2-3 panes of sheetrock. That fence might legit stop those things from killing someone.
whatever i can carry in three hands?
i heard they were designed specifically to bend on impact and curve throughout someone's body, but not kill them, so a second soldier would come over to help and be occupied
>i heard
believe half of what you see and none of what you hear
The 5.56 and .308 are just ham fisted, hack jobs. They're old lever action cases and bullets mashed together to make something that works. Both are way to stubby and have shitty ballistics.
That’s the most pol story ever
"Florida Man" worthy
i heard that shit when i was around 10 and then never heard it again, so it seems spooky
Go look at the original post in that Facebook group, that's a April 1st post. Confirmed as a joke. But you're right half of America is stupid, we call them niggers
Return to /k/
Might have tightened the clamps a bit too much. Might mess with the optics inside.
>Guns aren't the problem, Americans are.
>people still don't dryfire with lazzors
#TheirTimeIsUP #MeToo #TuckFrump #Oprah2020 #RightSideOfHistory #CheckWhitePrivilegeDAILY #Resist #NotMyPresident #PunchNazis #ImCertainTheEvilsOfTheOctoberRevolutionWontBeRepeatedBecauseThisTimeWe'reTheGoodGuysLikeInStarWarsOrHarryPotter #ProudCucks
it's like watching my cousin's hashtags :DDDDD