what does Sup Forums think of The Illiad?
What does Sup Forums think of The Illiad?
It was the bible of the greco-roman pagan world, and one of my favourite book
New BBC Epic
>what does Sup Forums think of The Illiad?
It's great, your post is pretty shit though.
The entire point of adaptations is to create conversations about the source material, and the new adaptation.
Adaptations that have are true to the source (eg word for word) have the lowest ratings of any movies on imbd, they flop (eg The Great Gatsby 1974 vs 2013, the one with niggers in it was more fun to talk about)
basically the entire point of an adaptation, and straying away from the source material, is to generate hype/controversy/news around the new version...
...exactly like you're doing, you jew shill.
what does Sup Forums think of the new MLK?
So who is winning the most cuck country now? Is it still Sweden?
prob France.
11 year old is raped, Courts decide that she was asking for it, Clear the rapist, and then recommend the age of consent is lowered.
No it wasn't. It was more like Game of Thrones of the period.
Great book. Casting Achilles as black guy is kind of silly.
Overrated shit. The Greeks got cucked and chimped out, Hector couldn't stand and fight, everyone was queer: if this was the foundation of Western civilization, we deserve to get destroyed.
We think that there's no such thing as the Illiad.
i would feel terribly insulted as black person ,because the reason to put you in this character is jews see you as the botton of the humanity and want to insult us showing how you artificially succed
Pretty sure Zeus had a black son in the Iliad
I'm classics PhD student. I love the Illiad
μηνιν αειδε θεα Πηληιαδεο Αχιλληος
ουλομην η μυρι Αχαοις αλγε εθηkεν
Ofcourse, the women are all pale white.
just to sate Sup Forumss BBC addiction
>classics PhD student
>misspells Iliad
>2 lines of Homer
>4 errata
This is either a gr8 b8 or the absolute state of German universities
t. autodidact in Greek
Not his son, but the only African character was Memnon, an Ethiopian king, and was the main subject of his own Epic, albeit a lost one, akin to Odysseus and the Odyssey, called Aethiopis.
It really is a shame only two from the Epic Cycle made it to the modern day.
Has the actor playing Odysseus been announced? So help me, he is the one character I will not let slide, because he's the one with the potential for his own spin-off. I'm also an Ithacan, so it's a point of pride in the island.
More excited about the new Anne Frank movie.
i hope this wakes some fucking people up,
You got it wrong
Jews destroy our culture, but don't you dare touch theirs
That's the point.
bongs can no longer complain about shit like U-571
>literally blacked
Does anyone even disagree with the notion anymore that Germany should have sunk England in WW2 in a hot v2 shower?