Pygmies really are a subhuman species. They are regularly genocided and enslaved in Africa. Africans consider pygmies subhuman. The average height for a grown Pygmy male is under 4,11. Their IQs are so low they couldn’t even take written tests so they had to count blocks and match stuff physically. Psychologists speculated pygmies have an average IQ of 63. The best part is pygmies are without a doubt a victims. They were a planned target of the Rwanda genocide, not just the Tutsi. 1/3 pygmies were killed. There’s 10,000’s of pygmies enslaved in the Congo right now. The last major genocide on the pygmies was in 2003 and 70,000 were systematically killed, it was called Effacer le tableau. This is really funny to tell a liberal because it puts them in such a weird place. I mean you’re just trying to help the pygmies. If they say pygmies are Africans you call them racist and say that’s incredibly insulting to Africans to compare them to pygmies. And if they try to say pygmies aren’t subhuman they look really stupid. Pygmies are an ethnic group, they really aren’t Africans. We need to spread awareness on pygmies, I’m telling you this is gold.
Its not like they are stupid they just primitive and have zero access to modern education.
Hunter Wright
Is that Jim from that show "the Office?" Also, why are those black people so short. Are they retarded?
Ryan Thompson
Jonathan Bennett
I read elsewhere that their estimated IQ is 58 not 63. But yeah, we should mine this. My take is that liberals are too emotional and uneducated to understand stuff properly so you need to use emotive arguments and use cog dis to keep them defensive.
Adrian Evans
I wish Africans were half as awesome as those pygmies
Jordan Thomas
Tell me more about pygmies. They have always fascinated me. Why are they genicidee? What happens when they mix with other races?
I wish I knew more about them. I know they have homo-erectus DNA (probably around 8 percent). Even though Africans never directly interbred with homo erectus most Africans have around 1-2% homo erectus DNA from when they interbred with the pygmies around 40,000 years ago. They are really cool though I’m going to read more.
Jayden Howard
This needs to take off, I like this.
Hudson Butler
I wish it would. It could be really funny if it ever trends it would force liberals to see how stupid believing all races are equal is by using an extreme example
Nicholas Young
Genereally the status of the various extant negroid species is uncertain and little known, bc (((reasons)))
Nathaniel Thomas
>its the year 1933
> A caravan of american traders have heard of an african tribe that is starving in the middle of prime hunting grounds
>They investigate to discover that the local shaman has forbid anyone in the tribe from eating meat
>They think hunting is bad an meat is cursed
>A plan was devised to perform some mental gymnastics in a way tat could be translated
>The white folk convince them to hunt with nets for a rare species of antelope that dies from fear
>No stabby stabby = no curse
> then they cook the meat in fires
> no raw meat = no curse
>then they smash the meat with rocks to their liking
>meat smashed with rock = no curse
>then they rejoice in ritual dancing as they are saved from starvation
>at the end of the ritual dancing a man cuts his eyes out in front of the cameras possed by the rythm
>he later collapsed from exhaustion...... and cutting out his own eyes
>Africa, Wild and Untamable
this just goes to show that technology is the devil and I regret watching that youtube video.
Christopher Richardson
Bump. How about some dank ass OC on this matter, fellas?
Henry Cruz
Imagine being born as this for a minute
Dylan Williams
Gavin Mitchell
>>tfw ZERO pygmy porn on the Internet
Robert Cox
You make no sense. Some pygmies are African, but not exclusively, pygmies aren't even a real thing but a European term used for different ethnicities not related geographically.
Saying "Africans consider pygmies subhuman" is a lose statement, there's not a united entity under the name "Africans". Have you ever noticed the difference between people from Senegal and people from Ethiopia? There are many physical traits that differ. Tribalism is a plague for Africa and Pygmies are paying a terrible price, yes. Tribalism is also a plague for Europe, the Americas, Asia and probably Oceania, and minorities suffer from it. Pygmies aren't suhumans, the same way Dutch people aren't for being so tall, or Americans for being so fat.
You're trying to create an epic Kekistan libtard trap meme and you're failing hard at it. Your counter-arguments (you're the racist lol) are childish and weak.
Robert Rivera
not all pygmies are like some live in cities some still live the traditional lifestyle it is true that before there was( is ?) a little stigma towards pigmies but you should know that african countries have many dfferent ethnies so there are usually always problems/stigma/discrimination amongst each other so no Pigmies are not particularly discriminated in any way.
Austin Rivera
It's a shame that a lot of diverse groups of people throughout the whole continent were massacred and replaced by braindead and overly aggressive bantu niggers. I'd like to see how Africa would be doing now if that didn't happen.
Wyatt Turner
I support these pygmies.
Blake Anderson
Wyatt Kelly
African pygmies are like African Americans. It’s just Pygmies who live in the geographical area of Africa. So you’re wrong on that. Pygmies are one race, scattered into about 8 geographical locations because they are hunter and gathers who move around in tribes. They don’t settle. All pygmies are the same though
Kayden Thompson
OmG this site is so surreal
Samuel Morales
Bosmer irl
Asher Evans
not true bruv
Connor Torres
absolute crap. they have isolated pygmie genome and it is completely different from other bantus to the point that they are almost another species.
The fucking state of leftists these days.
Caleb Wilson
are you a real nigger or some white guy living in africa?
Benjamin Gutierrez
Niggers in Africa are racist against Pygmies. It makes you think they deserve racism from Whites if they are doing it to someone else.
Luke Morris
Lincoln Sullivan
this is awesome
Noah Wood
Agreed, we must save these little midgets from the niggers & let them conquer Africa, maybe donate a bunch of grass seeds so they can build a shire
Alexander Bennett
You mean ((((((they)))))?
Nicholas Hernandez
They'll never learn
Jeremiah Williams
I PM'ed you the answer :^)
Jose Scott
iim tellin on you for being anti semitic
Levi Howard
At 4:53 the cameramen throw a chimpanzee into the water & a crocodile eats it
Noah Fisher
I’m glad they didn’t use a Pygmy for that scene
Austin Perez
based 1930s dudes. How far the world has fallen.
Gavin King
Idk desu I can't tell.
Brody Foster
Connor Reed
cheap special effects
Noah Davis
Wow they're so cute
Joshua Edwards
>DIO DIO DIO DIO DIO!! fucking meme lords
Daniel Sanchez
IQ of 63 so even lower than typical African blacks.
So why then are the African blacks so much more violent, destructive, crime-prone and corrupt? The pygmies by contrast seem pretty peaceful, friendly and just want to be left alone and cause no trouble.
Jaxson Adams
Link faggot
Justin Turner
Because it's the 1930s & CGI doesn't exist
Real answer: they do this shit all the time in movies & shows. Back in 1976, Disney cameramen threw dozens of lemmings from a cliff
So it's PETA and animal/wildlife righers should be talking about them, not us.
Noah Cox
Warrior gene. Willing to bet Pygmies lack it.
Ryder Long
Don't fuck wit da bwiti user, they have seen death while alive. Leave them to their forests and they will leave you to your concrete.
Dominic Hall
>What is IQ and genetics?
Thomas Roberts
>warrior gene
Logan Gonzalez
I'd still rather has pygmies in my forest than niggers in my neighborhood
Mason Barnes
Oy. Vey.
Liam Edwards
They build that woven rope bridge with 65iq?
David Harris
Go see K p selection.
there's a subspecies of weak effiminate small and stupid chimps often referred to as pygmy-chimps they became like that because lived in safe areas without threats and the females chose weak males they could control over the strong males who would control them so over generations they became a biologically-degenerate sub-chimps.
Elijah Howard
what the fuck how did you get a picture of me???
Jaxon Roberts
>the polyphonic music of the forrest pygmy was reached in europe by the 14th century. They are hairless Ewoks...fuckin Ewoks man
Alexander Ross
are there any cute pygmies?
you know why
Leo Parker
>((((((they))))) >kek
Its always funny when plebs ignore the fact that there is evidence for biology in men.
Andrew Evans
When you get 200 Pygmies all thinking together they will surprise you on what they can do. Also the jungle is their domain
That’s the nicest I’ve ever seen a Pygmy dressed. That Pygmy almost looks African in that photo it’s incredible
Leo Hall
>A version of the monoamine oxidase-A gene has been popularly referred to as the warrior gene. >Low activity MAO-A could significantly predict aggressive behaviour in a high provocation situation, but was less associated with aggression in a low provocation situation. Individuals with the low activity variant of the MAOA gene were just as likely as participants with the high activity variant to retaliate when the loss was small. A deficiency in monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) has been shown to be associated with aggressive behaviour in men of a Dutch family >Dutch
Carson Hughes
And reliance on the locals which often results in
>and what about that area over there, looks inhabited and you didn't count it >the inhabitants are not human, we only conduct census of people
Austin Barnes
guatemalans would be pygmies if their men would allow themselves to be measured
Cooper Murphy
does this count as cp
Jace Wood
Actually humans aren't r/k selected
If that was so, asians and whites would be abo tier
William Garcia
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Cameroon is home to about 40,000 Baka Pygmies, or about one-fifth of Africa’s Pygmy population, according to the London-based group Survival International. In Yaoundé, the nation’s capital, Samuel Nnah, who directs Pygmy aid programs for a nongovernmental organization called the Centre for Environment and Development (CED), tells me he struggles against a federal government that allows timber companies to log Cameroon’s rain forests, driving the Pygmies out. “The Pygmies have to beg land from the Bantu owners, who then claim they own the Baka,” Nnah says.
David Peterson
C’mon, how many of you pol’sters want to fuck a Pygmy woman now? Be honest.
Jace Adams
Human males are significantly larger and stronger than females and they also invest into raising high quality offsprings rather than "lets have 40 kids maybe some of them will survive" including asians and whites so humans are the most K species there is
Niggers seem to be more on the r side though.
Nathan Cooper
I'd rather fuck a dog than a deformed midget
Isaac Gray
It's amazing to me that we had a well documented, distinctive ethnic group in Australia and knowledge of its entire existence has been cut out. Would love to know how they fit in racially, whether they were some degenerated form of aborigine or a remnant of an even older group
Robert Moore
What happened to them? ;_;
Austin Anderson
Yeah, and it changes dramatically with race, possibly due to the fact that humans are sentient life, still doesn't explain why injuns failed so spectacularly (perhaps it was due to the relative lateness of settling the continent)
Apparently they were brought to a mission station with other (much more numerous) Aborigines and bred out since the missionaries deliberately tried to disrupt tribal marriage customs
Grayson Miller
For those who don't know where Pygmies inhabit.
Brody Martinez
Keep in mind this is just where they're the majority, they're spread throughout Central Africa.
John Richardson
Anglos are true evil
Jackson Butler
is that refn?
Jeremiah Lewis
Why do white men who travel to Africa on humanitarian missions wear such preppy outfits? You're in the 3rd world interacting with the poorest, most primative people on earth and your choice of clothes is khaki pants and white collared polo shirts like you're eating brunch at a country club?
Adam Evans
He's not wearing a polo shirt, it's some sort of hard wearing twill, it's pretty practical and comfortable for the conditions
Julian Williams
I had a really old coworker from Ghana who told me that they're 4 foot tall people who shoot arrows at you and then scurry into the bush where you can't find them
That's about all I know about pygmies
Justin Lewis
Its amazing how we have the kwnowledge of all people easily found on our computers
and can easily send messages across the world (alaska here)
>so we can call eachother stupid, and argue over things :/ lol
africa as many races, they just hppen to have the same skin color. soe areas tall thin, others... capods, congoids, pigmeys...etc
Brody Robinson
If a relationship between low activity MAO-A and aggression can be shown then it's reasonable to expect it to occur in other cases
Jordan Diaz
Concrete structures in a world without whites?
Ryder Ramirez
They must be eaten to give us sexual supa powas
Ryder Nelson
>Lemmings have become the subject of a widely popular misconception that they commit mass suicide when they migrate by jumping off cliffs. It is not a mass suicide but the result of their migratory behavior. Driven by strong biological urges, some species of lemmings may migrate in large groups when population density becomes too great. They can swim and may choose to cross a body of water in search of a new habitat. In such cases, many may drown if the body of water is so wide as to stretch their physical capabilities to the limit. This and the unexplained fluctuations in the population of Norwegian lemmings gave rise to the misconception.[7][8]
Uh huh
Aaron Turner
No but it could as threesome ;)
William Moore
I'm now convinced we must save the pygmies and eradicate apefreakans
Kayden Scott
I don't understand what the imperative was that made pygmies this small. Is it purely from arcahic african admixture?