get this stupid bitch out of the whitehouse
Juden Empress
Other urls found in this thread:
you voted her in there with Trump goyim
you think he’s going to turn on her? she’s tribe, goy.
She also just followed schumer & pelosi on twitter.
Your wish is granted.
That's also what Steve Bannon said, OP.
1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate
See the pattern yet????
She is trying to secure a future in politics. Won't work though.
This #TIMESUP hashtag has something to do with the apocalypse and the end of of time.
It's Mueller time.
Checked. I believe you user.
Neither side likes her that much.
Poor Vanks.
it's to do with time travel
Good job on Ivanka's part, but it's not enough. Trump himself should applaud Oprah as well. Any positive association with Trump will destroy Oprah's changes running as a Dem.
I can't believe Trump never killed this stupid slut
Bannon was absolutely right about her.
She's also following Schumer and Pelosi on Twitter, which doesn't mean she's a Dem, it could just be to relay what they are saying to her Dad, but whomever dubbed her the most powerful liberal in America was right.
Trump has tweeted several positive things about her and his admiration from years ago, which is being retweeted all over the place.
It doesn't matter how liberal she is, they hate her no matter what, she is a trusted and moderating voice to her father.
Ann Coulter also strongly advised him against putting her and Kushner in the White House.
Later this year Mueller will probably show us why if you're in politics you don't employ your family or kids in it.
Don't you retards understand what's going on? She's playing up that she's not like her dad. She has political aspirations and wants to run in the future. It's so fucking obvious, this is why she has white house access, it's so she can say she has experience and knows how things work in the future. Her staying distance from her daddy also allows her to broaden her appeal to more voters who don't like Trump, and can point to her being opposed to him in some ways as evidence to this.
It's all part of her and her jew husband's plans.
Hmmm so it was Bernie Sanders all along. I guess this is what the burn feels like. Does anyone have any ice ice baby.
anyone know where this originated/ what it means?
Ivanka exists specifically so that nutty feminists think Trump has their ear
They aren't fooled.
#TimesUp The Jews must face judgement.
I don't like this stupid cunt or her sleazy ass husband AT ALL.
Ivanka is a pedophile?
personal assistant doesn't fall in term public official
This right here. #TimesUpJews
So she praises Oprah then drops #TIMESUP? Sounds like she's supporting her father's impeachment now? WTF does "Time's up" mean in this context?
It's 5D chess.
Hashtag means different things to different people, of course she stands against harassment like Weinstein and Louis CK
Bannon was right about Ivanka. She has too much Jew persuasion and Trump will side with family no matter what. The Jew is still controlling America. Shit hasn't changed. Kushner is really prez
but you voted her in. you knew what you were getting yourself into, don't lie
Bannon just said she was liberal along with her husband and argues for moderating everything. Which isn't in itself bad and if she really had that much influence we wouldn't have seen all the drama over all the shitlord promises he's followed up on this year or DACA right now.
Oh ok, I thought Oprahs speech was about Trump, but I guess the main thrust was sex harassment?
fuck off paid bannon shill
he invited a kike snake into the white house to write fake news undermining the president.
This is what happens when you're not a good father or a person in general and sell out to jews. You're 70, you have no friends, and even your own family is detached from you. I genuinely believe Trump only ever loved his father, the poor guy.
Has it crossed your mind that their are Jews who would like to see the current system dismantled?
Brumb as a dick
Ivanka was born male
He said she was dumb as a brick. Nothing about jews.
>Bannon took loans from Soros
>Bannon bought 666 5th Avenue
>Bannon bends over backwards for Bibi Netanyahu
>Bannon hired Gary Cohen and a whole cohort of chosen ones
>Bannon married of his daughter and sons to chosen ones
>Bannon said he doesn’t want to hurt the Clintons
>Bannon chose to leave Obama holdovers in every part of the administrative body
>Bannon launched tax cuts for millionaires
Bannon did none of this. Trump did, Bannon’s plan was to raise taxes on millionaires and cut them for middle class. I still hold a little bit of faith that the whole Mueller is Trump’s special prosecutor meme is true but let’s view things like they are
this could mean they were in contact with ayyys and claim to have their backing.