How conservatively would you prefer western women to dress?
How conservatively would you prefer western women to dress?
Your picture about sums it up for me, honestly.
Without the headpiece though.
I love Christian head coverings. The make women look so trad and cute but respectable.
If I saw a woman dressed like this, my instinct would be to protect and care for her.
Very conservative
Posting beautiful read waifus.
I'm actually hoping for Islam to conquer Europe and bring Sharia law. Whites would naturally rise to be the ruling class under islam, and then there could be traditional values again.
I don't care, people can wear whatever they want
However conservatively they want.
Read the book Submission, basically the plot.
>people can wear whatever they want
Flag checks out. It should be the law that must wear a 50s suit and tie and have a buzz cut and women must dress like pic related.
>read this Jewish book
They don't need to wear clothes if they don't leave the house.
Let it all burn.
They'll dress up on their own accord.
Full Niquab pls.
head coverings are nice, but I honestly would be fine with anything like pic related.
I don't really care as long as they accessorize with black men.
I agree, sadly most women who you would see wearing that style scarf are either 90 with one foot in the grave or 20 and a degenerate neo-hippie
Dresses and skirts, pants are for Men.
Even those who dress traditionally have 10lbs of makeup on, I hate makeup, unless it is on a legit whore or pornstar. I lose respect for any woman that is wearing noticeable amounts.
The 1950s' was not an aesthetic era. Women looked awful desu and so did men. Bring back traditional Catholic & Orthodox values for clothing. Not this gay protestant americana visual abortion.
like this, without hijab
I would feel ashamed if my wife put on that much makeup.
I agree. But I was just referring to the clothing. The only makeup I like my girl to wear is mascara and occasionally lipstick for something very formal. But she doesn't really need either because she has thick lashes and rather naturally pink lips.
She's built like Dick Butkus.
Girlfriend always wears dresses and a veil in church. It's nice to have a decent and respectable woman who I can actually show true love to without feeling like I am settling for a used-goods skank whore. Thank God she's a virgin too.
Women who dress like that are guaranteed whores.
>this is considered conservative in the 21st century west
poodle skirts
Why don't you marry her?
>mjolnir necklace
I like the aesthetic. I think the pinup dresses look nice. I think modern suit fitting is a lot better though, as they were really blocky looking back then.
I have a fetish for white girls in hijabs or niqabs. So the more covered in public the better.
Are you waiting til marriage, user?
i just like hoodies in ?black? metal styling
no its not larper
I'm planning to, but first I have to gtfo of California. Planning to move to Idaho, trying to get a job with the state before I do. It's really competitive but I'll do anything for this girl. She's the perfect woman, I really hit the jackpot with her. She's loyal, sweet, and wants many white babies with me.
Ora pro me, fratres.
>OP: please post photographs of ideal conservative attire
>posts thot roastie that's hit the wall, caked her entire face in makeup to hide a decade of alcohol and fast food abuse
>"ideal example"
Yes, we are both virgins. It's very very hard but we are determined not to sin against God.
Neopaganism is a leftist tool to make people find "spirituality", but not God. It's a fashion trend like Buddhism or yoga. Real conservative women are of the Abrahamic faiths, unfortunately for those who hate them.
Full burka.
I grew up catholic and I never saw a headcovering in my fucking life until I chased some girl to an evangelical church, now I refuse to live without it
I was focusing on the dress. Most of the pics I was finding were of women approaching the wall with a shitton of makeup.
No pants on women, skirts below the knee, long hair, covered hair, no makeup.
The 50s does it for me.
Metal is for fags and degenerates. Stop playing around and get yourself a nice girl. These "metal" cunts are riddled with hpv and will get you a rape charge.
That's great, man. Keep it up.
i bet you enjoy trap
No, I don't listen to music.
>pagan racemixer
Implying she's pagan though. She's propably Scandinavian and feels some sort of attachment to that sort of jewelry. Plenty non Christians wear crosses too, user.
Eiether way she deserves to be bogged.
Girlfriend told me a story once. She said her grandfather fought in Korea and was there for a while. Anyway he gets back to the US and the first thing he says is "it sure is nice to see women wearing dresses again."
Turns out the communists encouraged women to wear pants like men and that's all he saw for a long time.
honestly all traditional clothing is just larping at this point. the tradition is broken and is just an empty tought now
depends on the situation
on the beach a normal bikini is fine.
going grocery shopping you should cover yourself from the knees to the shoulders.
use your brain and dress for the situation. you don't go to a funeral with short pants and tshirt too, aren't you?
Something about women wearing Nazi stuff makes my dick shrivel up. There is nothing attractive about a women in a political movement, in particular one that is as masculine as fascism.
Good, instrumental music is degenerate, I listen only to nasheeds too.
Not conservatively, covering hair is Semitic bullshit and has nothing to do with modesty.
Absolutely haram
They don't need head coverings. I think hair can be a beautiful fashion accessory.
But I would like to see more modest clothing. I don't care if they accentuate aspects of their body, but they shouldn't be nude either. Dresses and skirts should come down to the knees at least.
I guess my main problem is sexualizing the female form. It should be a work of art, not a porno.
mental illness
Funny you should mention that. I saw a girl wearing a dress yesterday, and i was almost shocked. Noticed how men were looking at her too.
The skin tight jeans thing is dead at this point. Showing off less is actually more attractive.
What a strange fetish this is. Do you have an explanation for it? Or is it just a cuck fantasy.
I like it 2bh
Agreed that should be standard issue for women. Add in some stylish gloves and that is pretty much perfect.
>is such a weak person that he can't tolerate a militarized society where everyone has a place and task
Your individualism shows how well the Jew has brainwashed you
Only men will understand. Now go listen to your metal faggot.
Depends... How fat is the western woman in question?
Just like how they did when they were in Islamic territory during the original Crusades, right? Oh wait...
this woman, and no other woman, has been posting 10000 times to try to slander paganism. you can find any kind of woman on internet, doesn't prove anything.
Classy without showing much skin. No need a headscarf tho.
How is it individualism if I believe women should not have a place in authority or politics? Politics were specifically made for men to get women.
The amount of stupid in this post is actually kind of scary.
Socialism dosent work
that head cover looks like how they sell homemade yogurt here
She is so beautiful..
Holy shit this is funny. OP BTFO!
they're not christian. there's a whole chapter in corinthians about how it's in no way relevant to christianity for a woman to cover her hair. it's a byzantine thing. ie sandnigger tradition.
It's actually pretty smart, as long as you don't have any pre-existing religious affiliations.
The best fashion for women is mid 18th century or 1880's fashion that completely immobilizes them making movement difficult and tiring. Basically reducing her to little more than an ornament to admire. The more lavish,the more ornate the more rich in heavy fabrics the better.
Something like this wouldn't look outdated, but modest and fashionable.
not going overboard like some of the pics already posted but i think skirts/dresses shouldn't be higher than below knee
Well that one on the left is what niggers want,humans definitely want the one on the right.
>metric ton of makeup
>a forehead large enough to act like a billboard
>disfigured mutt tier facial features
Unsure if really blond or not, but that's up to you to decide what you make of it.
You're confused user. Women already have a role in politics. By being a mother they've consented to being part of the body politic. By teaching women their proper role in the state through a group such as the BDM or a women's auxiliary they won't develop into the woman that we now see in the West.
I like the look too.
A modest dress.
It is relevant.
read it again.
But it's only necessary during prayer.
We were discussing this last week with our youth group.
nigger what, point me to that chapter, corinthians literally says women should cover their hair
Dude it's just a dress
I'd like to find work first myself before actively going for someone.
I've got a couple I'd go for, but the question of work would come up eventually which I'd rather solve first (Feels embarrassing to me desu) unless they approach me first.
Women became the way that they are specifically because men wanted to make them feel included in society. That's what feminism is originally, how a woman and her femininity mesh into our masculine society (politics, work, etc). Society is a male concept.
More like in Lebanon and Syria today, where the elites are all the whitest people in the country.