>The admissions from a Starbucks employee were apparently too revolting not to share. Spitting in a woman’s coffee, sprinkling dog feces in a child’s hot chocolate, mixing blood into jam — all were disgusting acts, presumably committed by a black woman, Shanell Rivers, targeting white customers in the Atlanta area and detailed on Facebook for the world to see.
>By Sunday night, as images of the post mushroomed on social media, Starbucks was trying to reassure customers that the post was a fake that was “maliciously” created. But that was after a store’s phone started ringing in an Atlanta suburb, with threats coming from the other end of the line.
>The digital outrage spurred real-life consequences Sunday, forcing the store in Brookhaven, north of Atlanta, to close two hours early, a Starbucks corporate staffer told The Washington Post. Maj. Brandon Gurley, a Brookhaven Police Department spokesman, said police responded with additional patrols in the area. Authorities have also launched an investigation to determine how the false information spread, Gurley said.
>when Washington Post takes shitposts about shit so seriously that an actual Starbucks shitter doesn't get shitted
Asher Hughes
>aussie >CIA
Yea mate ma wife just got raped by an emu mate. Your daughter's safe innit?
Angel Diaz
self bumping to get all my shanellfriends from yesterday in this thread
Hunter Williams
So I missed this initially. Is this indeed a hoax, or did someone actually find these posts and now Starbucks is in damage control?
Levi Martinez
Her name may not be Shanell Rivers, but her pictures are definitely real. I did a reverse image search yesterday before shit blew up and nothing appeared. The pictures on her facebook are almost certainly of her.
Noah Nelson
This post was real. The account may have been a fake but the posts absolutely happened.
Kevin Wood
So Starbucks may technically be right that they don't employ anyone named Shanell Rivers, but it's quite possible that there was some sheboon putting shit in White people's coffee. Either way, yesterday was *shit*loads of fun.
Yup, the posts are real.
Brandon Ross
Everyone in this thread has been reported to CNN.
Isaiah Martinez
Camden Richardson
Thanks for the rundowns senpai
Aaron Bell
>Black people have every right to poison white toddlers possibly fatally out of revenge for slavery and Drumpf, new study finds Every day I feel more and more blessed that I don't live in a majority-black area, or even where blacks are that common.
Blake Johnson
So am I reading this right? Starbucks is telling everyone this is fake on the sole basis that the negress used an alibi so technically they don't employ anyone with her name?
That's pretty weak. This is why I don't patronize restaurants in with black employees if I can possibly avoid it. I'm sure only about 2% of the ones that shit in wypipo's food brag about it on Facebook.
Daniel Parker
>WaPOO I made a huge mistake reading those comments. It's always the comment sections on news sites that make my blood boil the hottest.
Jeremiah Allen
Those weren't fake though. Thanks for pic OP
Cameron Wright
what are those niggers going to do about it? glow harder?
Eli Nelson
Look at the comments in OP's article. They're the very thing they mock. Anti-whiteness is real and it grows more and more dangerous every day.
Easton Kelly
Don't be racist user, we stand together with our black brothers and sisters!
Jacob Lewis
>Anti-whiteness is real and it grows more and more dangerous every day.
to them. you know that white people aren't going to be the ones who finally initiate the ethnopurge. we have to be dragged into it kicking and screaming, but it's for our own good. and these nigger scum and muslim child-raping hordes will do us the favor of making it inescapable. all things serve the good in the end.
Michael Taylor
>did someone actually find these posts I took a lot of the Screencaps. Its a closed faceberg group but they accept everyone.
Thanks, fortunately you thought about saving the thread.
Julian Davis
thank you base krautbro. I've been following this for a couple days
Oliver Richardson
Why the fuck does Starbucks not just fire her and move on. The fuck is the world coming to?
Tyler Ward
That would mean drinks actually got tampered with, which would probably get them in a lot more trouble.
Jackson Sullivan
They did, but the victims were white, so it's okay.
Jonathan Gray
which is more proof that it happened
Luke Perez
Starbucks thinks her name is Shanell Rivers also you cant fire a dindu queer tranny that would be politically incorrect.
Isaac Reyes
Any Atlanta anons can confirm that """Shanell Rivers""" actually works at Starbucks? If this bitch was fucking with spice pumpkin lattefags and it's being covered up by Starbucks this happening will go nuclear. Pics of her working at Starbucks would be fucking exceptional. Don't drink the coffee tho kek.
Carson Flores
>eating food prepared by niggers don't you do it
Nolan Hill
>Authorities have also launched an investigation to determine how the false information spread
Russians, probably
Brody Rogers
The Turd special menu come to life!!
Isaac Adams
>fire her more like arrest her under full prosecution of the law
Ian Powell
Obvious fake nigger.
Elijah Jenkins
Jonathan Lewis
Isn't it amazing, how we weave our spells down here in our pocket of hell, and then we release them to the human realms and watch them do their thing like proud parents would.
Lucas Myers
It's a troll. We figured it out 25 threads ago. You can stop larping faggots
David Ross
Isaac Stewart
Jackson Cruz
>image fuck
Alexander Brown
This. They were confronted with a situation where they had two choices:
1. Investigate and maybe take action, in which case they're suggesting their drinks were tampered with using dog shit and blood, which could cost them hundreds of millions in lost revenue. 2. Scream out loud that it's a far-right hoax and hope that enough people, especially journalists and law enforcement officials, buy it so the story will die down and people continue to buy their drinks.
Chase Rogers
Wow, that's deep.
Chase Smith
the birth of a new hate symbol for that "nsa" hacker to cyberbacktrace
> .
Ethan Cruz
>Desiniea Dudley. >Sex: Male.
Dominic Foster
It never happened because the accused has protected minoroty status.
The end.
Nathan Stewart
I just realized Finland's flag looks like a present wrapped with a bow. Every time a Finn posts it's like he's giving you a tiny present.
Samuel Morales
We figures out it was fake 21 threads ago
Robert Lopez
Easton Ortiz
Best outcome would be to expose the tranny so clearly that the tards would step in to defend its actions and people spread eating turd sandwiches voluntarily to support xer