We need to troll #metoo. Rape is bad, and fuck rapists, but chit is annoying.
Love your past work fellas.
Accuse fake actor?
We need to troll #metoo. Rape is bad, and fuck rapists, but chit is annoying.
Love your past work fellas.
Accuse fake actor?
shia lebouf
Bitch needs some fucking moisturiser
#mealso it’s so alpha it will work.
>Lob ur pest wokr guise
How about you stop being a lazy faggot and "le epik trololol" on your own, you unoriginal bleeding vagina.
just start accusing famous women but say that you want to stay anonymous out of fear for retribution and then do it to ever famous women who comes for to claim them were harassed and just to make sure they don't get discounted start doing it to lefty faggot soyboy celebrities as well just spam this shit to the point that it becomes pointless and everyone ignores it
>/r/edit spacing
>rape is bad, and fuck rapists
>love your past work fellas
sage. go find a new hobby
shia lebouf lol The perfect target. Great idea thanks for the laugh.
Alternatively you could make posts here saying that we should make false accusations against famous people who are actually being accused. The screen shots of our "master plan" will get out when those people are actually accused and everyone will think the accusations are just a Sup Forums troll
Thanks for the formatting advice. Lowercase is how it is done?
First thread/post on here.
I actually have a metoo w a famous actress but I’m not a virtue signaling cunt, so I won’t be annoying like they are.
tell us
All these famous women have undoubtedly sexually harassed men and false accusations towards them and the hashtag #MeAlso may make of those men make open accusations. And it will be hilarious.
Girl I was into kissed me w out me wanting to. (She had a nasty herp outbreak). Also pulled my pants down in the middle of a party.
But, it was a wild party and ppl were drinking and I have done a lot of stupid things when drinking as well, so I’m not trying to ruin someone’s life over it.
>women will be butthurt that men got the bigger number
>the 3 looks like balls
tell us who. It won't ruin their life because who the fuck is going to listen to us?
if you ant to cause chaos the answer is here
the anti Oprah posters are pushing the connection between harvey winestein and oprah
forcing the #crowd to discuss this can result in nothing but salt and many lulz
Can’t do amigo. There are other factors at play.
How about Be constructive and use the #metoo to expose the Jews and the shitskin invasion and redpilling people
like what? Will you commit suicide via two shots to the back of the head?
anyone have the pie chat showing how most of the accused are jews?
dang ol' federal reserve man dang ol'
talkin' bout wizard of oz curtain dang ol'
dang ol' talkin' bout got'cher come on down print money dang ol'
Here is my story, after many years I feel I can share it.
In the early 2000s I attended the opening ceremony of the Welsh assembly building in Cardiff. It was not my intention to do so but I was swept up in a tide of people who had been invited past the cordoned off bit to sing a song for the queen after she arrived. I looked out of place, being dressed in tracksuit bottoms and a tight white t-shirt that unfortunately was showing my nipples through it as they had become engorged by the unseasonably cold weather, everyone else was wearing suits. I reasoned that if a policeman found me here I would be arrested and it would take some time to explain that I had just been swept inside by accident so I stood with a choir and hoped for the best.
When the queen arrived and got out of the car the choir started to sing... in Welsh. Now I didn't remember most of my Welsh lessons from school so I was left carping like a fish, hoping that nobody noticed I was mouthing the words and not actually singing.
Around the second verse the queen fixed me with a beady stare and smirked. Clearly she was eying me up! She must have seen my hard nipples through my top and assumed this was from sexual excitement in her powerful presence rather than the cold. As her son is the Prince of Wales she would also be more than aware that the girth of a Welshman's clock is legendary so this must have been going through her mind as she gazed upon my hunky body. Obviously she was plotting to use her power and influence to rape me art at moment!
Luckily, I was able to slope off while she was cutting the big ribbon using oversized scissors to declare the parliament open, but had I not she would have probably asked me back to Buckingham palace offering me a dukedom if I watched her play with the royal mingle.
(None of the events depicted in this post actually happened, but you can see now how easy it is to falsely accuse any random celeb)
moot raped me. he lured me into his car with promises of memes next thing I knew I had his cock rammed down my throat.