I moved (legally) to the US nine years ago from the Middle East, learned English, worked hard to obtain M.S. and PhD in STEM field, started working three years ago and making six figures. Why cannot all Americans do that?
Why (many) Americans complain too much?
Le international brown global citizen
Because they are overindulged and weak.
I'm more "white" than average whites
They're Americans. They're either lazy or stupid.
Why don't all middle easterners do that ? lolol
What kind of question is that? Why aren't all Arabs computer geniuses? Why? Are they weak? Do they complain?
The opportunities available in the US are far bigger than any other nation so all Americans need to do is to work hard, but hardly I don't see them do that. Don't get me wrong, I love this country and it's people but I feel sad that they don't take advantage of what they have...
congrats on your success. americans really do not realize how well we have it here. an extremely large majority of them have grown complacent and are spoiled. i honestly believe it takes someone that isn't from here to fully appreciate america and all that she has to offer.
>but hardly I don't see them do that.
Try having a 171 on lsat and having to sit next to a nigger with a 153, while a nigger with a even a 163 would be Yale Law scholarship. If you are telling the truth, you got in as an unrepresented minority, not talent you filthy dune coon.
Diversity quotas and Affirmative action
More complain and excuses... Fuck minority advantage... If there's one thing I learned from Trump (I'm trump supporter btw) is to have a winning mentality... Against all odds..
Not at all... It wasn't easy for me here... I submitted more than 400 job applications to get my first internship and you are telling me diversity... Diversity my a$$
And you got trips
Well aren't you just mr perfect
it amazes me that legal immigrants become successful small business owners while born americans do not. NE Kansas City has a large amount of hispanic owned businesses and if it weren't for them the area would be a total boarded up nigger slum.
and if we reverse the trend and send all the smart person to the middle east to take all position of power and submit the inferior population would you agree ,we coul sent all smart european and asians and let the middle east became the jewel in the sand,would you want it ???being economically prosperous but with no speak in the fate of your country??
I've been meaning to ask this.
These Americans win the lottery by being born in the US. Constantly complain about every little problem in their lives.
Why don't they move to a real country with real problems or just shut the fuck up.
I'm not trying to show off ( well maybe a little), but if I can red-pill one person here to work hard, then I'll feel good.
You have to go back, achmed.
>work hard
Why? I'm at work right now with no degree or salary. Yet here we both are. It's not how much you have it's how you spend it.
there is no a single country in the earth that could absorve all the smart population outside .even china with an iq of 105 coul be submited if you send all the smart folk across the world .
would chinese agree to became pariah in their own country even if their economy became more prosperous???
I don't care if you are legal or illegal, if you are not white then you are not welcome here and your children will never be Americans.
Forget what you see on TV about shitskins... I hope one day you can visit the middle East and see how white many people there...
Define "Americans". Burgers and niggers are just lazy.(genetics)
Why don't you move back if you don't like it? Get out. We don't want you here!
>Why cannot all Americans do this?
>Red Pill
>Work hard
Uh, variables. Equality doesn't exist.
Claim Red Pill status yet believe we have equal opportunities.
Not all those who work hard will be successful.
>Why cannot all Americans do that?
Why can't you do that in your own country? GO HOME sandnigger
Tell us about your privilege that allowed you to afford to pick up and move from one country and afford the luxury of attending a college.
You're from old money.
I remember back when I made 6 figures, 10 years ago.
I was the broker in a sale of a company last year, my commission was 5 million dollars.
American is not an ethnicity, it's a nationality and set of principles. The American Way of Life(tm). If Achmed here works hard, creates value, and supports our public institutions, he is an American. Just like every Italian, Pole, Anglo, and Kraut that came to America before. As long as they leave that European garbage thinking behind, they are welcome. America is about being the best in the fucking world, excellence bar none. Teddy Roosevelt said it best.
Why can't all middle easterners do that? Why did you have to move to the US?
Why do you feel that your country was in such poor shape that you had to leave it, and then come here? Do you see any irony in the fact that you, yourself, are complaining right now?
Because our society was better 20 years ago, and it makes people angry.
I moved here with only $2000 and no family and friends... and no English... I was able to afford college only because I got scholarship (worked hard, again)... No old money, buddy!
To you, the only acceptable outcome in life in having an advanced degree and making high wages. Well great, congratulations, you're a prole, a social climber, and you contribute nothing to the fabric of our society. You have narrow, blinded definitions of success and yet you come here and look down on the rest of us who live regular lives, work hard at manufacturing jobs, have good American families and live in good American towns. Fuck you you selfish prick. I hope your Islam makes you burn in hell and gets your dick sliced off one rusty scalpel swipe at a time.
Jews. It really is that simple.
I lived/worked in Dubai for 9 months. A place that is considered (and prides itself in being) open for all 'dreamers' (Mohammed bin Rashid's words on TV) and tolerant etc.
Whites are a crushing minority and they are staying there just for the money. Loads of tourism though, I hope you're not confusing the two. Even my Indian CEO claimed multiple times he's doing this temporarily until he can move to NY. Your origins are shit in every way and that's why you moved to USA. Admit it.
>learned English
>why cannot all Americans
Pardon me for having doubts in your story
You and the rest of the boomers need to fucking die already. Go back to T_D you civnat faggot
Post a pic of your hand
Do you realize what kind of knowledge and technology US has? No other country can even compete... If you want to be on the front line of the future... Here is the place to be...
I really hope this guy gets beaten by a white supremacist.
The nerve it must take to move to a foreign land that asks nothing of you, and to take advantage of it, while looking down on your new compatriots...fuck you, fuck Islam and fuck Muhammed.
Why do you feel entitled to that? You're not an American!
Good and happy for you!
I hope Trump keeps more people like you out.
Yeah heah heah heah heah no.
Not European? Not more white than anything.
Why can't you do that in your own country? What made you come to ours?
Drugs. Take drugs as a kid and ask me this question again.
I'm not Jew nor Muslim
Which country are you from
URM confirmed.
Education advantages were stacked in your favor at every step, good job for being persistent, but, it's almost impossible to fail at an MS or PhD once you're in.
Getting into them is relatively hard, but your URM status played in your favor, and I hope you understand why US Citizens are annoyed with you.
I know a lot of similar PhD's, who usually exist as a diversity hire.
In fact, I know of one, who is stunningly unspectacular, has barely been published(not once in the past like 4-5 years), and somehow became the face of a research organization while being incompetent and hated by his peers.
True... I didn't come from a rich family back home, I came here for the opportunity.
> I spoke not a single word in English when I moved here... I think I'm doing pretty well now
>Work hard, support our public institutions, and support our American ideals then you are an American.
I don't understand this point of view. Even Roosevelt disagreed with you, are you going to call him a cuck too? You are not European, Europeans will never accept you. And we don;t need them, we have created the most prosperous and innovative country the Earth has ever seen, and all without monarchy, aristocracy, or a state church like in Europe. If you want to be pozzed, go to England, France, Norway, Denmark, Italy or any other western European country. Defend our borders and defend the ideal that is America, else fuck off to wherever you came from. We don't need you.
They are still the reason.
White countries prioritize non-whites. Your school was given tax incentives in the millions to accept you over a white man. Your company is given tax incentives in the millions to hire you over a white man.
I wish you the best in your endeavours in USA. God bless.
Yeah fuck you Pekka, until /you/ take him in.
>400 job applications to get my first internship
That is slightly below average. Diversity hires suck ass. If you would've applied for a city or county job you may have gotten in but they usually only hire true black people for those jobs.
I'm the only forigner I'm my company... Stop making stupid non-white incentive excuses
I forgot to say, 400 applications in 3 days.
And most of positions were in big cities
Lebanon dudes are very chill. Most of them are white, some have blue eyes even. Ancient Greek tier. Literally the best people to hang out with from my time in ME.
Someone gets it.
Quit bitching about the Boomers jfc
So a few questions:
1) Why haven't you taken the skills you have learnt and gone back to your own country and created work there and improved the country you came from?
2) Why are you shitting on the citizens of the country that took you in, do you think you have the right to lecture those who gave you this opportunity?
3) Why did you choose the US in the first place, surely with your "skill" you could have done just as well in other white, first world countries?
I had a sense you were a lebo, being from here and not being muslim and kike and all.
Cheers from your home country mate.
well you're obviously a poor little nafri nigger NOT making shit, otherwise you'd post something, so the only truth that remains is that you're a worthless shitskin leech who brings nothing to the country he stays in
in a perfect world you'd have already gotten a bullet to the head for being a useless pislamist piece of dogshit
> l-lebanon dudes are chill and totally not lowIQ dogs
lebs are becoming the new "baesd sikhs" I see
because they're entitled shits
not getting a yale law scholarship isn't the end of the world you lazy fuck
> I'm considering this in the future
> I'm not... I really like US and it's people and hate to see so much talent being wasted
> As I said, US is the front line for science and technology
Hey... mar7ba :)
No one who has done the things you've said would waste time here. Larfo
True... Screw those ivy leaguers... They are called intellectual yet idiots
you know who're the people most fucked over by diversity quotas and affirmative action? asians. but do you see them complaining? no, they get off their ass and are the 2nd richest group next to jews.
i unironically hope you die
If that makes you feel happy
I'm complaining on why many Americans complain... Two negatives make a positive
>worked hard to obtain M.S. and PhD
Yeah who fucking paid for that motherfucker? Labor is free that ain't shit and it's not the hard part you fucking jerk.
i have made over six figures the last two years in a row but it doesn't belong on a political board narcissist that's fucking tacky.
i already answered your question
Why would i want to fight you affirmative action niggers just to end up in some kikey office job full of chingchangs and sub human shit skins that only got their PhD because you fucked camels till you were 18, such as yourself?
Nah. I'll pass and do something else.
White people have to pay for school and need better grades than you to get accepted into the same school.
Not true... My first PhD advisor kicked me out of his group for not "doing well" and I had to start all over again...
I'm paying back with taxes now
Damm, girl on the far right have perfectly shaped tits, would molest her
Not true... I got rejected from all "top" schools.
If you've ever interviewed someone that got their bachelors abroad (*cough* india) then moved here and got their masters in some STEM field you'd know how utterly unqualified they tend to be.
6 years of school and no experience and frankly an inability to even think. No American that stupid could get into a decent college to get that Bachelors, even as bad as schools have gotten here.
>Couldn't get into a decent school w/out affirmative action, complains about whites who have to pay their own way and get better grades
So you're stupid then?
congrats on the affirmative action
lol, who said he was a muslim?
non jew white are fucking moron ,fuck yourself and go back asia if you want to protest