Red states even HATE Trump haha
Trump booed in Georgia
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I watched it live and heard nothing but cheering.
Also, Alabama pulled it the fuck out at the last minute.
>Trump got booed by niggers at the niggerball game in the nigger capital of the South
Fixed that
Fake and gay.
Fuckk off with your fake news
Literally the epitome of Fake News and a headlined designed for people who didn't watch it and want their biases confirmed.
>RealClearPolitics Fake news
>here a few boos
Are you a lying pice if shit
hilariously un-accurate
Being booed by black male watches is a compliment if anything lmao.
Racist aussie ass racist
You can clearly hear boos
College students from Georgia Statd and Georgia Tech booed Trump outside of the stadium. They didn't have tickets so they couldn't boo him inside. One of them set up a projector to show "Fuck Trump" on the side of the stadium. It lasted a couple of minutes. Trump likely didn't see it or hear their boos outside. It was basically a circle jerk of virtue signalling by the Atlanta subreddit.
>as he arrives
Niggers staged a protest outside the stadium
>the game
99.9999% cheered best president.
And clearly hear more cheers.
>shart blue memeflaggot
Kill yourself, marxist faggot.
I lived in Columbus Georgia when I was a teen. One day my mother said she was taking us to the Atlanta Zoo. When we got to Atlanta I said "Wow, this is a really big zoo. Why do they let all the apes walk around with the people? Is that safe?". She said "Silly boy, those are niggers".
University of Georgia, a fine liberal brainwashing institution
Let's see what Georgia Tech thinks!
t. University of Texas alum. I regret not going to A&M in some ways. UT Austin girls are hot and love to fuck after smoking pot and doing coke.
>drumpf is retarted
cant wait till he is impeeched!
Georgia Tech is like a mini Silicon Valley. They have parades to celebrate gays and trannies. I am not talking about Atlanta's pride parade. Tech has its own diversity regime. Forget going there if you're not a freak.
you means 10s of football fans
>College kids booed Trump
Imagine my shock
gee how is this possible after solid 2 years of 24/7 global smear campaing and slander against him?!
I mean its not like idiots believe anything they get told by the men in the tv right, right?!
wtf im not that drunk to agree with this cock wash
I was there in the stands, most, if not all in my section were cheering. The predictable boos were drowned out by the cheers.
He's one of the most hated presidents ever, when ever he goes out in the public people boo him.
Yeah they can smell his weakness, football player said "FUCK TRUMP" on his way out. I don't blame them.
>Trump is a disaster, lowest approval, shittiest president.
Only cucks watch football though.
inb4 college football is legit. They had to keep those cucks in the locker room during the anthem.
>Only cucks watch football though.
Trumpcucks everyone
>soccer is a real sport
soros bussed them in
I watched it live and heard nothing but booing.
Soccer is just as cucked. All of the UK's biggest teams are owned by Jews or a Muslim. Every major team is majority non-white.
We literally live in two different Americas.
We're going to kill each other, aren't we?
This is exactly why nobody trusts the media anymore. As the boomers die off, the MSM are already digging their own grave.
It sounds like 1 guy in the crowd booing while everyone else is cheering.
Liverpool and Arsenal are owned by white men
crowd erupts into cheers when Trump walks out, awesome to see!
I'M SORRY sweet Prince but wich article has VIDEO PROOF? Yours or this one?
Yeah that's what I thought.
He got booed because he can't even sing the national hymn.
Leave Daddy Trump alone.