All women are equal and deserve special treatment

All women are equal and deserve special treatment.

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>All women are equal and deserve special treatment.

Okay, all women are equal to other women and can ask said other women for special treatment.

If this isn't what you intended - tough.

>All women are equal
>and deserve special treatment

you are a sexist.
you are forever marked.
good luck at the grocery store. faggot.

I would unironically give Portgirl special treatment.

some women are better than others; and no two women, out of 3.6 billion, are equal.
a fact that cannot be argued against.

No. Science has proven they are different mentally. History has taught us empirically that they should not be in positions of leadership. But for most purposes they should be treated fairly.
I am assuming you meant equal to men.

>I'm the Hulk Hogan of slamming muff."
top kek!

I'd love to see the revival of chivalry, but history seems to have forgotten the whole story. It's true that a women's honor was defended, but that was contingent on the woman being chaste and the property of either her father or husband. As a counterpoint of that system, dishonorable, immoral women were burned alive at the stake.

Women are whiny crypussies.

>women can treat lower ranking women and men like crap with no consequences
>everyone is ok with this, but complains every day about it still

Tell me something I don't know, genius

Why didn't she serve in the IDF?

I agree with this a lot, actually: You have the pure maidens who did nothing wrong and you have the whores with shitty personalities.

How many of the nominees for best director were ****?

>all women are equal
So you've met every woman that exists? That's pretty amazing senpai

Equal in what? You didnt finish your sentence.
>Equal in biology?
>Equal in proportion with genius IQ?
>Equal in strength and endurance?
We can keep going with this but you probably get it now. Women and men are fundamentally different creatures with different desires, proclivities, strengths, (and in relation to civilization) purpose towards society. I suggest you take time and read something by Julius Evola and his work on what is called the 'natural law'.

why are you a sexist bigot?
we are equal in every way.
we just are because we are women and it's 2018.

Did you make this contradictory statement on purpose? You have to be joking, you can't be this retarded, right?

ummm... we are womyn.