Australians, you must vote this man!
Australians, you must vote this man!
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Australia is already great
Cory Bernardi
Cory is good he has even tried a UN withdrawal and defunding the ABC. However, his party is shit tier, disorganised, invaded by religious neoconservatives that are more concerned with campaigning against fag marriage and to reduce luxury car tax than campaigning for a massive cut to immigration, tax cuts for workers etc
Sorry can't.
^ this
Bernardi needs to get over fags and purge the evangelical cunts and focus on real issues, like islamic trash being prevented entry and fix the economy by pulling out charitable cock out of the worlds ass, and build a wall to seal in Redfern.
Yep. Their party got beat by the Greens in Bennelong and if you look at their website they are patting themselves on the back over it and before that they were patting themselves on back for losing the plebiscite. No comments on Chinese spying, foreign ownership and the unfair CHAFTA, no comments on African crime. These evangelical boomers will speak against homosexual marriage and abortion but in the end they’ll vote for whatever party guarantees them negative gearing and millions of nu-Australians to boost their property portfolio
It was their first election in NSW & they got a respectable 5%. Plus that 5% kept Labor out