How did they do it Sup Forums what don't we know about the world before.
Why are we so inferior?
How did they do it Sup Forums what don't we know about the world before.
Why are we so inferior?
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What and where is that?
Longyou Caves
my bad al nalaa
flintstones garage
Look up coral castle
with an endless amount of slave labor that don't need wages, you can do a lot
Ok thats neat and all, but what does tgis have to do with pol?
Who did it, how was it done, and why can't we do it now.
those questions will involve incorrect politics when answered just wait.
>we can't cut fucking rocks
this board has gotten so goddamn dumb
I hope we get an answer OP otherwise this will be another /x/ tier thread.
we can't cut them like this dumbass
Ancient sound/vibration tech. Remember, vibration is a fundamental Law of this dimension
Elaborate please
That is in china. I know much about what is not known in this subject area. though I am kinda bored so might bail :P
There are examples even in recent history of lost knowledge you dont even need to go that far back really, pick your period, culture, or civilization from Native Americans, to the Dark Ages in England throughout europe, or in asia thailand or early chinese state formation leading to feudal uprisings leading to the birth of china itself.
Something something lurk moar
Once you find the frequency the object is resonating at you can manipulate it with ease.
i believe it's just time
imagine you have 10 children and nothing to do
you start carving stone
We have literally been cutting rocks like that to build our houses for hundreds of years. Try visiting the old world sometime my wooden homed friend
>bricks are cut stones
>been doing for hundreds of tears, now to expensive to do.
Because they understood the power of resonance.
>we can't cut them like this says who?
thats stupid
t. fucking newfags
this is an air shaft
that rock is diorite, a material requiring a tool or means to create that tool that is harder than the diorite is to cut which as of yet has not been found to exist naturally thus creating the anomaly.
this is from inside a pyramid I believe if I am thinking of the correct location. That is a mere drip of the tolerances achieved by Egyptians which should not be possible and to date we have no explanation.
>source: sci/engifag
says ugly modern architecture
>this is an air shaft
speculated to be an air shaft, its true purpose exactly is unknown since no data scientificially acknowledges in ancient texts their presence or precise purpose.
>lurk moar newfag
can't contribute
Is that how coral castle was made? How do you find the frequency? Why is this not studied more? Is there something secret about it? Are ley lines involved? Any good YouTube videos or podcasts about it?
time tombs?
tribeam creates square
>Is that how coral castle was made?
this is unknown.
>Any good YouTube videos or podcasts about it?
probably tons since its all speculation and anyone can offer their unfounded opinion on the subject since we have no evidence how it was done.
at least it's not muh aliens
both claims are equally unfounded making both just as dumb.
these things are lost to history, your opinion though is as valid as mine or anyone elses if that works for ya.
Check out this guy
>muh aliens
thats more stupid
It's the "how" assuming that shit has been made by primitive civilizations older than ours and therefore unable to do so. Baigong is the prime example: The pipes are to 13% made out of an material that doesn't exist or hasn't been found yet on this planet and that crap's 3000 years old.
so what do you think it is?
what the fuck are you talking about? what pipes?
>is he a dwarven ?
tom (((abrams))) selling the caves. keeps all the money
>Why is this not studied more.
Because, I make $11 an hour to do menial labor instead. Fucking kek.
Reptiloid conspiracy we are just a few generations from microchipped cattle, all old world knowledge has been hidden. Sorry. A miracle from god is our only hope.
I think there was a pre ice age civilization that was good at cuttng tones of all types and had ways of growing minerals and using natural energy sources
Monitoring this thread
That's not diorite. it's a cement block.
>Reptiloid conspiracy
david icke codeword for jews
predynasty diorite vase
Modern minimum wage is much cheaper than the boarding and rations costs needed to pay an endless amount of slaves.
why didn't they have computers and shit?
Using the sun as a laser cutter.
>endless amount of slave labor
>undermines economy
>does shit work
Fuck yeh I was just thinking that
What was used to drill this hole in granite?
Why was this not possible? If they understood a perfect square they could have made one.
Did they really care about the slaves enough to take care of them properly? Did they care if some died? Just put a few new ones to work.
>train- threaten - alternatively tell them they're doing god's will
Tuning fork.
>If they understood a perfect square they could have made one.
uh yea but not with copper tools
Do people who pay their workers minimum wage? Isn't that exactly how they treat minimum wage workers? Doesn't it take a bit more skill and training to build a pyramid than flip a burger?
Does it? Move A to B according to instruction. BAM you have a pyramid.
Remember we haven't evolved much since the time that they built the pyramids. And today we have planes in the air and men in space.
What in the fuck else would they be doing back then?
> can now compete with native worlers
threaten ,mass unemployment
>will revolt wih sufficent numbers
alternatively tell them they're doing god's will
>see moses and eery slave revolt ever
endless slaves doesn't work for anyone. see gracchi reforms
same thing Africans did when they were never building shit, fucking and running in da woods all day
Why don't they visit us anymore anons?
With enough labor they could have sanded the granite into its final shape using plain old sand. I'm not sure how they would have gotten to the more general shape though.
All you had was time on your hands and no porn
Shit got done
The pharaoh knew that construction projects would give the men something to do in between the wars he waged.
Is there anything less impressive than a giant heap of pointless structure? Shit
Are you retarded?
Do you even know how many slaves died from lack of food or overworking?
Also they wouldnt dare to riot because it would upset the gods. They LITERALLY were just tools. One breaks, you use the next. Also they had decades to make 1 single square inside a rock.
You just break as much stuff out as you can before using smaller tools to sand down the edges. No matter how hard it is or how long you need, with enough slaves it's easily possible.
Are mutts really this retarded?
Fucking /x/ soys, i swear. Kys.
>Shit got done
not necessarily mathematically precise stone cutting shit
It takes a single skill repeated indefinitely, for people who barely know what leisure and luxury are
you've got a ton of people who aren't stupid lazy niggers and are experiencing population growth thanks to agriculture putting their work toward the only lasting pursuit they can think of at their technological level, architecture, intertwining it with religion and monarchy
if u highlight a word in his post then right click it then choose the option search google for blank u may just uncover what your looking for young nigger
There's not that much to this one actually, it's a type of stone/sand, that gets hard fairly quick in contact with water and oxigen, you can even carve them by hand.
Since it's as easy to find there's enough time to perfect the technique.
Yeah "Moses" revolted but the Pyramids are proof enough that that didn't matter much for that construction
>according to instruction
Now you just need an endless supply of instruction giving and instruction enforcing slaves too.
>today we have planes in the air and men in space.
Wage free slaves did that?
Black TURKS built it
how? easy. with rocks and chicken bones of course. duhhhh
I watched a documentary that said builders were actually not slaves but were payed and were the most looked after apart from royalty, followed by soldiers.
dumb amerilards. i mentioned it near the beginning of the thread
>Do you even know how many slaves died from lack of food or overworking?
no and neither do you, endless slaves is a cop out and when analyzed makes no sense
>Also they wouldnt dare to riot because it would upset the gods.
impying slaves never revolyed, implying slaves werent mostly conquered foreigners with different gods
>No matter how hard it is or how long you need, with enough slaves it's easily possible.
shit tier logic slaves don't even work for free, they are expensive to upkeep and replensh.
you can't just expect overworked slaves to breed healthily and consistently you were either spending money on war(expensive) or slaves (expensive)
If an army costs alot to train and upkeep for a few seasons, what do you think conquered armies of people and their families cost.
And the work done by slaves is always inferior to freemen
>its an air shaft
It's sealed and the opening in pic related was knocked out by a British dude
according to the person I was arguing with You are wrong and it was endless amount of slaves.
Also applies architecture and such precise quarrying takes far more than one single skill.
>think pyramids were made by slaves
>thinks jews made the pyamids
What is this ?? AESTHETIC as fuggg