Give me ONE non-racist reason why Oprah would make a bad president.
>pro-tip: you can't
Give me ONE non-racist reason why Oprah would make a bad president.
>pro-tip: you can't
Oprah is a man
that's a fucking gorilla
>it's a nigger.
She wants to kill old white people and she served as Weinstein whore madame.
Nice big boobs would suck
She would make a bad president because she is unintelligent (because she is a nigger).
She's ungrateful
i dont know her policies so idk
because she's a stupid ni... damn you got me
I was about to say, at least Trump created jobs in the private sector.
What has Oprah ever actually done?
You take away her gender and her race, the (((studios))) wouldn't have made her the star she is, and given her all the (((money))).
She'd make about as good a president as an ex-snowboarding substitute drama teacher.
No experience.
>Oh sorry, I forgot about taxes
That's why.
buden of proof is on you, faggot, it's in the sticky
even if it's satire, you're supposed to provide outrageous/hilarious claims for us to debunk
god this place has gone to hell
No political experience.
extra saggy
Hello my name is Bob Casper. It seems that you like Trump. If you happen to know him, do you happen to have any evidence of collusion with the Russians? This is all for bantz since this is an Australian boomerang forum. Just wondering.
She's a woman
oprah became famous on TV by giving people free stuff
trump became famous on TV by challenging them to compete for a job
Give me one reason why you think Oprah is running for president.
Oprah has the same fucking issue as everybody else in hollywood. She is too detached from the people. Those cheers at the award ceremony didnt come from everyday people they came from other Hollywood elite. Theyre all dellusional. What's more her message was as toxic as Hillary clinton. Nobody will ever be president by attacking 50% of society.
leaf defeats OP
Blacks are 14% of the US population.
We dont need 50% black presidents or politicians. 14% is enough.
The US is caught up for another 20 years.
Well, shit
She will playidentity politics worse then Obama ever did. Also will use her status with white women to turn them on their men.
Plus everyone in the media here is gushing over her running, so that instantly tells me its bad.
Her supporters are retards who use phrases like pro-tip.
She uses both money and the media to manipulate people, and that's wrong
Let’s look at her iq shall we.
She's a woman.
Trump has no experience in politics either. What's your point user?
Because she used to like Trump.
niggers would like her (i don't believe in racism)
she's got a business degree from a canon printer and her family history is filled with lies, can't be trusted.
She was born in Kenya
Trips of truth
We'll see if she's high energy enough to be as memetastic as Blumphs presidental run, though I doubt it
>"you get a gibs, and he gets a gibs, EVERYONE GETS A GIBS!"
>"What do you mean we're out of money? What do you mean we've managed to double the debt in two months? Everyone got gibs, what were they spending it on?"
>California gets nuked: "Well, I'm sure NK had their reasons. We should talk about it some time."
>"No no, they aren't taking advantage of us, we had a nice satisfying diplomatic meeting where we got a lot of things off our chests."
No, with only one African American President, that's only a 2% representation (1/45). To make it even demographically, our next 7 Presidents have to be black (8/52 *100 = 15.3%).
Reparations now!
She supports gun control. That's good enough reason not to vote for her.
where my black ass explorer oprah?
That he shouldn't be president either
and mo money fo dem programz
Seriously, what's the worst thing that could happen with her as a president, compared to what Trump has done?
Don't worry about it, the niggers can't do the math to work it out so just stay quiet and they will be happy with king nigger for a few more decades whilst we work on the ethnostate.
>Ohio has picked last 14 presidents in a row
>Ohio is flourishing under Trump
Sorry but it's not habbening, as long as Trump can flaunt muh coal jobs, he's a shoo-in.
The DNC will not allow her to win the primaries.
1. She has no ties with actual power. She hasn't paid to play yet and they don't know if she will play ball (orders from donors).
2. She may actually help black people. Last thing the DNC wants is a bunch of blacks that no longer enslaved in the vote plantations.
Oprah seduced her uncle when she was a teenager then later tried to claim she was raped. Her excuse was something like "sure, I was coming onto him, but he was older and should have known better."
Do we really want an incestuous whore who lies about being raped to be the president?
She wouldn't necessarily even be a bad president. Just a 'let's do Trump but a controlled liberal shill version who is also another token black' President.
Actually, she'd probably be a bad president, thinking about it.
Trump made a multibillion empire partially because he knew how to deal with politicians.
> Trumps policies make my abuela cry so he must not understand politics.
because she is linked with the establishment and probably worships satan?
how about that?
>pro-tip: you can't
Back to you go, sonny
She is a total mommy, and her milkers are better sucked and her mouth better used as my dick's uphostery. I would love to debafe feminism with her with my dick in her mouth and my hands on her milkers.
She's a woman.
you saying obamasa puppet of the white man to keep the black man down? shiiieeet.
Yeah, but they only get 3/5's representation for like 50 years or something. C'mon now, let's keep this on the up and up.
Oprah has never existed in a public position of scrutiny. Her name recognition has never been allowed to be dressed down by opposition because it would have been tactless and misdirected at best. If it were, it would result in a larger psychological breakdown than its worth. She is a cultural icon that wont risk being tarnished by dynamic responsibility of service to the country.
kek has spoken
>She wants to kill old white people
Because she is a ******
This I can believe
>implying we let the goyim have any say
She's a womsn, and women are absolutely terrible when provided power.
Slaves can't be President.
>obvious post is obvious
A's all around
she's not a politician. she has literally zero experience in government or law or anything.
fuck off out of America politics brit scum
>you will never fondle and suck on oprah's big black lesbian tits while calling her a good nigger mammy
came here to post this
She doesn't know the first thing about running a government. Also, she's starting her flirtation with politics by race baiting, proving how divisive her worldview is. Also, she sides with the fucking PRESS over the people. She is ponying up to fake news.
She has no proposed policy positions, so there is nothing to judge her political acumen on. Which also equally means there is no reason to vote for her.
But also, during the last election cycle we had a billionaire celebrity running and one common complaint was "no experience" so...
crack smoker
What an evil nigger witch
It's a black woman.
Fuck, that's two reasons.
Oh well, sucks to be you.
She would run on gibs under every chair and people would run to vote for gibs. Screencap it.
Forgot the skin lightener
Why does everyone in the media sphere thinks they can be president, like it is no big deal? It's not. Normies get out of politics.
She got famous for being a rape victim then she put presents under people's chair.
Flawed understanding of basic economic principles. The fact so many people got done on Tax for her car giveaway, shows this.
Not to mention she'll be attempting to take over from Trump who has put the America back into a strong economic position.
I would vote for her. May we never live in boring times.
Oprah got some nice milkers
Would Trump be savage enough to brand her 'Obese Oprah' ?
She's stated on record she would give all illegal immigrants immediate citizenship. That in itself makes her a traitor to the republic and an enemy of the American people.
But on top of that, she also wants to ban guns, she's black, and a woman.
she is incompetent in almost any field of politics and government. and no, business is not politics.
89 posts
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>Why do mods let this happen
>sage in options field
He only understood politics in relation to protecting his economic interests, he has no real political experience, not even as a mayor. And he is absolutely a meme on the same level as Oprah.
saggy tits
So basically a left wing trump. I honestly am curious of what a Madam Winfrey presidency would look like.
>Would Trump be savage enough to brand her
"America's Mammy" Kill Shot
>wants open borders
>feels-based candidate, not logic-based
>always wanting to be liked, more important to her than being wise
>has a billion dollars and still can’t lose any fucking weight after 30 years of trying
Need more?
Why do you think is always some half-Jew leader of some muh oppressed blacks movement?
Trump is a great president because he's piece of shit rich. He's 5 star restaurant in sweatpants rich. He's rich from entertainment, but from playing the heel. His money makes him not give a fuck. We need that, considering that Washington's best tactic now is personal attacks.
Oprah is GIRL rich. She's a woman. She's famous because girls think she's fat and black enough that they don't get jealous of her success. She's not smart, she just agreed to say the right things and wear this bullshit nuevo-spiritual attitude.
She's spineless. As president she would appease the coastal democrats in terror of the backlash. She's the type of person you could do ANYTHING with. Stupid and susceptible.
I hope she gets elected because I want only celebrity presidents. Next up is Pauly D, then the voice of Rick Sanchez.
It's a stupid office and I don't give a fuck. Politics are stupid. If you want to make change change peoples' minds.
Offered them up like lambs to slaughter.