STRZOK AND PAGE WERE THE SOURCE OF FBI LEAKS. The Hill got copies of previously unreleased text messages from the two deep state operatives with discussions of articles they had contributed to in order to sabotage Trump's chance to get elected.
>“Article is out, but hidden behind paywall so can’t read it,” Page texted Strzok on Oct. 24, 2016. >“Wsj? Boy that was fast,” Strzok texted back, using the initials of the famed financial newspaper. “Should I ‘find’ it and tell the team?” >“I can get it like I do every other article that hits any Google News alerts, seriously,” Strzok wrote, adding he didn’t want his team hearing about the article “from someone else.”
>“Sorry, Rybicki called. Time line article in the post (sic) is super specific and not good. Doesn’t make sense because I didn’t have specific information to give.”
>A few days earlier Strzok texted Page about another new article, suggesting it was anti-FBI. “Yep, the whole tone is anti-Bu. Just a tiny bit from us,” he wrote. >Page texted she had seen the article. “Makes me feel WAY less bad about throwing him under the bus to the forthcoming CF article,” she texted. Congressional investigators are still trying to determine what the “CF article” reference means and who the agents thought they were trying to throw “under the bus.”
>The two agents also spent extensive time shortly before the 2016 Election trying to track down information — including an address and a spouse’s job — about New York Times reporter Matt Apuzzo, who has reported on numerous developments in the Russia case. >“We got a list of kids with their parents’ names. How many Matt Apuzzo’s (sic) could there be in DC,” Page texted. “Showed J a picture, he said he thinks he has seen a guy who kinda looks like that, but always really schlubby. I said that sounds like every reporter I have ever seen.” >A minute later, Page added another text: “Found what I think might be their address, too.” >Strzok writes back, “He’s TOTALLY schlubby. Don’t you remember?” >Page responded later by saying she found information on the reporter’s wife too. “Found address looking for her. Lawyer.” >Strzok cautions Page against using the work phone to track down information on the reporter. “I wouldn’t search on your work phone, ,,, no idea what that might trigger,” he texted. >“Oops. Too late,” she responded back.
Henry Garcia
Also, if you search Duckduckgo for the Hill and try to go to the Hill via the DDG link, Chrome tries to prevent you from going to their website.
Nicholas Rodriguez
So what's the bottom line?
Jace Miller
Adam Cruz
Which of these articles prompted Page and Strzok to search for Matt Apuzzo? Why was it a bad idea to search for him using their work phones?
The bottom line is that FBI agents worked with the Democratic Party for the purpose of winning an election against their rival party.
This is Watergate if Nixon had paid a think-tank to pay foreign citizens for dubious information, used that information to obtain a secret warrant on the Watergate Hotel, sent FBI agents to break in, then accused the Democrats of working with foreign agents, This is the biggest political corruption scandal in the history of the US, user. The whole executive branch is tainted.
Joshua Jackson
This is the biggest political corruption case in the history of mankind. You'll see.
Jaxson Sanders
Jeremiah Hall
Liam Edwards
and the terrifying thing is, this is baby shit compared to all the rest of the corruption.
Xavier Young
This is just the smoking gun.
Leo Taylor
Anyway to document and slam them with this?
Doing it for me too.
Owen Davis
alt-shift-i to report bugs in Chrome.
But I realize now the issue is on DDG's side. They are linking to httpS:// which is secured, but the Hill is not a secured website. It happens in other browsers, too. So proper place to report is
Chase Hall
Nobody fucking cares you shills. Fuck off back to plebbit or your containment thread and stop sliding actual discussion.
Landon Wood
>FBI agents leak dubious information smearing rival party's candidate during a campaign >FBI agents discuss "insurance policy" to prevent rival party's candidate from winning campaign
Wyatt Reyes
To be honest lads I'm gonna be a bit upset if they all just end up in jail. This shit should result in them hanging from nooses. Such blatant disregard for the law and basic decency. At the very least let's hope they actually go to big boy prison, not some minimum security white collar bullshit.
Jackson Price
Jace Long
Sick of hearing absolute bullshit from "muh twitter secret agents". Seriously just fuck off. It's just boring, been hearing the same things over and over for more than a year and there has been no legal action taken against anyone.
How many times have you pathetic shills screamed about smoking guns? almost every single fucking day. Its about time you sucked on the barrel of your own smoking gun cunt and fuck off. These are basically blacked tier threads.
Blake Stewart
Your sense of ennui is not relevant. I'm not sorry that criminal investigations of official misconduct that was covered up by the White House takes too long to hold your interest way down in Dropbearland.
For Christ's sake, Nunes just got the documents on Steele from Rod "Contempt of Congress" Rosenstein less than a week ago. Justice takes time.
Chase Green
>"muh twitter secret agents" And the Hill is not fucking @thomaspaine1776 or Q, you moron. It's a respectable newspaper.
If you're saying you reported this thread, you may want to review the rules and remember this isn't Sup Forums.
Benjamin Adams
M8. This is the hot shit stuff shills slide.
Jeremiah Adams
Thanks burgerM8. Ozbro is fucktard. And possibly a proxy.
Levi Martinez
>To be honest lads I'm gonna be a bit upset if they all just end up in jail. >This shit should result in them hanging from nooses. Such blatant disregard for the law and basic decency. The US population is over socialized to a disgusting degree if we did start hanging these treasonous fucks even the conservatives would start crying
John Richardson
>he said to the shill trying to slide
Matthew White
Check. Yeah.true....but it gives a bump. And may possibly be useful for lurking newfags.
Lincoln Hill
I can't wait to see how this all unfolds, the dems really shot themselves in the foot with the whole russia bullshit.
Lincoln Adams
I know mate. 'Murdering political opposition' and all. They'd never be given the death penalty, likely even if paedophilia is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. I'll take seized assets and a cell shared with Bubba or Bruce.
Carter Price
I don't care about them dying as much as their crimes being fully documented in the public record such that the events that have transpired cannot be rewritten.
Nathaniel Young
Jaxson Bennett
What is this about? What team is it bad for?
Andrew Smith
Bad for FBI swamp figures, they fabricated the steele dossier, made sure the MSM talks about it 24/7 without a single shred of evidence to undermine President Trump Ultimately it's VERY good for President Trump
Mason Gray
CF Article is probably Clinton Foundation
Isaiah Lewis
I believe so
Elijah Bennett
Asher Moore
This is bad for Clinton and the NWO cabal. Political team sided up with "neutral" law enforcement and intelligence agencies to spy and discredit a political opponent. There is a smoking gun trail
Caleb James
bump this shit my dudes
Asher Price
Jaxson Phillips
don't let them slide it.
Nathaniel Perez
What articles did they mean?
Josiah White
>>Congressional investigators are still trying to determine what the “CF article” First rule in litigation, never ask a question you don't already know the answer. Congress knows that CF refers to the Clinton Foundation.
Jordan King
Caleb Lewis
Some treasonous shit is the bottom line.
Matthew Stewart
A Jew always looks out for itself first. Remever that.
Jonathan Thomas
This is working as intended, https traffic is not encrypted and chrome is being a bro and letting you know
If anything, email the hill and tell them to update their lazy sysadmin to update their SSL certificate
Ryan Smith
Carter Gomez
BUMPEROONI JIMJAB, always kill a ******* before you kill an enemy! *** the ****! **** war NOW!!! Day of the ****!!