I have been learning of the history of NZ and its completely different to what has been taught. All Oral Maori stories speak of a land full of People here when they arrived. Red head giants, just like the mound builders in America. Also a 4foot tall blonde people. Maori tikis related to the egyptian god Bes. Maui who in myth was meant to have fished up NZ was an Egyption Navigotar, To this day Tonga has copys of Mauis star maps he used to navigate.
The 'accepted theory is that Polynesians arrived 700-800 years ago and they we the first. but its wrong, many finds found under volcanic layers show human habbitation 2000 years ago. Framework of a ship 400 foot by 130 foot with the wood dated to 5800 years ago and its Chinese wood.
Anyway why have Giants, Small races "fairy People" and all these huge beasts of old been completely omitted from our history. Whats the reason, why. Who wants us to forget, Why. Why is it dangerous if we all found out this truth?
A priest finds All this giant copper stuff made for giants in Equador.
Brayden Davis
Giant bones found in Wisconsin. Smithsonian destroys or covers up evidence, No giant bones ever come back out once Smithsonian has them
Noah Mitchell
Solomon Islands in WW2, Japanese soldiers flee the central island from Giant Human creatures 12-15 foot tall. Locals speak of them, not a myth to them.
Jason Diaz
And i also think this old Global Civilization links to all this activity going on in Antarctica. Its all linked.
Leo Lee
Any /comfy/ documentaries or books about this subject op
Hudson Harris
The one in The OP is one on NZ history and there are more
I would search videos on the Mound builders of The Americas, they were these red headed giants.
Look up the Giant of Kandahar also, Some marines in the Afgan region of Kandahar supposedly shot a 12 foot giant in a Cave. Giant even piked the captain too.
James Thompson
Its a subject with lots of starting points, just dive in and look into it. Egyptian Hieroglyphics in USA. Im sure if you looked into findings and old newspaper clippings in your area something might show up.
Ayden Walker
Elijah Perez
Gilgamesh, Sumerian King was meant to be 15 foot tall. this statue is of him holding a lion.
Austin Reyes
The (((Smithsonian))) gathered all of the giant bones and destroyed or hid them. There were people here that long predated the "Native American" tribes. Entire civilizations rose and fell that we will never know about. What if they were white?
Lucas Roberts
There's a state park in Oklahoma that has runestones, perhaps from Vikings or perhaps something else.
Elijah Cook
we wuz giants
Brandon Peterson
>history >stories learn the difference you fucking kiwi nigger
Jacob Kelly
Who taught the Vikings this language? Old gods, Odin Thor etc. who were they? Ancient real peoples who were part of a global civilization? Global civilization wiped out in some way?
Angel Murphy
In NZ Bones worked by humans found underneath a volcano layer that had erupted in 180ad... Evidence enough for me, 1300 before people were meant to be in NZ ? Go look into Ausi stuff. Or just believe what you want Goy... Or are you a Goy...
Ryder Barnes
the Jews wiped them out
Carter Foster
Ian Reyes
What's with all the /x/ tier propaganda bullshit on Sup Forums these days? Sup Forums is a Christian board and we believe in God and Jesus Christ here, begone with your tinfoil hat faggotry Who's behind this anyway? JIDF? CTR? Shareblue?
Carter Allen
you sound like a nigger... are you a nigger?
Charles Lopez
Fuck off, jew
Dominic Peterson
>pol/ is a Christian board and we believe in God and Jesus Christ here Although that is correct these threads are very interesting. Better than the pol BTFO and blacked threads that usually pop up around this time of day
Jonathan Brown
This isn't political and the Smithsonian has no reason to lie about finding Giants.
Nolan Rivera
Good goy
Matthew Martin
How are these threads better? They are subversion threads designed to make us look autistic. Rife with disinformation and serve as a distraction to actual problems & development of our movement.
The Bible talks about giants doesn't it? Redpill on hidden history. Just looking for the truth.
Matthew Young
Getting a better understanding of events (at any point in time) and seeing things as they really are is Sup Forums doctrine. What's the point of securing our people if we have no understanding of our past?
Landon Sanchez
If you knew how a knee joint works youd know giants arent possible with human bone, retard
Josiah Walker
>make us look autistic oh noooooze, my credibillity and reputation. those surely are more important than finding out the truth so better not look into anything that could make us look stupid. now excuse me why i go back to worshipping this nazi frog
fucking retard, if you care about reputation and credibillity go to reddit
Christian Davis
Because it promotes their jewish idealogy.
Jackson Jones
What if a Whole bunch of scientists find evidence that show history is wrong and its covered up? is that not partly governmental? Its getting Shilled already so that just points to this stuff being true
Lincoln Jackson
There's also one in Minnesota. Also why our football team is named "The Vikings".
We have to win people over with strong arguments. If we start sperging out about giants and alternate history we will look ridiculous and noone will take us seriously. This is exactly what these threads do, make a mockery out of us. This is board about politics, shit like this belongs to /x/ anyway. Now go prep the muslim bull to fuck your sister you German degenerate.
This is not us getting a "better understanding", this is us being lead astray from the correct path by these disinfo shills.
Austin Watson
Looks like a nutting stone with petroglyphs on it Nothing special
Austin Jackson
this. the serpent hides the truth of the world to drive us farther from the father.
Evan Murphy
always wondered that. cool beans, user.
Carson Hall
They talk about, the brontosaurus was scrapped completely because they found out the skull was faked
>imlpying the bible isnt the greatest conspiracy theory of all time talking about how (((satanists))) try to doom you for all eternety uniting conspiracy theories of all kinds from shapeshifting lizards, jewish bloodlible, global conspiracy against mankind, cover up of our real history and the very nature of our existence. if you are truely a christian you should know that the bible speaks about one grand conspiracy covering all this and more, see
Angel Cruz
>if it wasn't taught in schools it's false
Anthony Green
There we go, the godless German jew reveals himself. Took you long enough, Schlomo. From this point on anything you say will be disregarded as Jewish subversive garbage.
Jace Phillips
How Can evidence be leading people astray retard. Rat Dna in NZ is 1500 years older than its meant to be, bones found under volcanic layer in NZ found to have human workings on them are 1300+ older than they meant to be. These Scientists get ridiculed when they show the findings because it doesnt match up...
How is hard evidence disinfo.
Go back to JIDF you low level bottom feeder
Alexander Russell
people that dont listen to anything because it sounds crazy are a lost cause either way as you can bring up as many facts as you want, but unless you are of authority, or some (((expert))) they will just ignore you. if looking into truth is not more important to you than to look sane you are simply wrong here, nothing more to discuss. if you think this is bullshit then bring arguments on why its bullshit, but just screeching "muh credibillity" makes you just a retard.
Andrew Young
Something that cant be disputed and sort of ties in with this is the conquistadors helmet that was dredged up in wellington harbour years ago.
Grayson Lewis
>talking about how the bible is real and the greatest conspiracy of all time makes me a godless jew fucking wut? yeah, you really are just retarded
Ryan Brown
I bet you we could bring the giants back, Jurassic Park style.
Lincoln Watson
if you don't find this thread more interesting than glow in the dark dick posting, then that sounds like personal problem and you should figure out a way to stop projecting your cuck fetishes onto a Japanese horticulture board.
Josiah Jenkins
>robert pershing wadlow 2,72m/8,9foot is giant like if you ask me
Eli Sanders
Awesome mate, didnt know about that one. Another good one is that the Nga Puhi tribe way up north were found to be cooking food with a chinese bell from a ship, using it like pot
Jose Harris
If anyone here is Godless, it's you. You're completely unwilling to let a man talk because what he's saying doesn't perfectly line up with your shitty understanding of reality. Sounds a lot like the ***ish Pharisees that Christ himself had to deal with. Go find another thread to sulk in.
Joshua Murphy
good idea, bring back those creatures which brought us the flood last time. i pass, thanks (even though we could use a flood right about now
Bentley Lopez
Michael Anderson
my theory is the buckets depict knowledge those enthities hold, as those people are the keeper of knowledge, or bringer of that. the mayan/aztec one seems to depicts quetzacoatl i assume which is said to have brought that for the aztecs.
in case of the sumerian i suppose it is enki en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enki >Enki (/ˈɛŋki/; Sumerian: dEN.KI(G)𒂗𒆠) is the ancient Sumerian god of water, knowledge (gestú, literally "ear"), mischief, crafts (gašam), and creation (Nudimmud: nu, likeness, dim mud, make beer)
Same role Quetzacoatl took, bringing knowledge, or Satan with the apple. Prometheus who brought the fire very well could be the same enthity, Lucifer. The Kabba in Mecca supposedly contains a meteorite, which might be the one Göbekli Tepe speaks of or Satan that was thrown to earth
Jace Torres
The Nephilim were half human, half fallen angel, and some even say they were the giants that ruled man pre-flood. Cool picture
Ryder Long
We're all tainted with sin regardless of the fact that we aren't giants, and it would be pretty interesting to teach them about Jesus. If it does end up being a mistake, God will just rain fire down upon them.
Josiah Hernandez
Proof that Sup Forums is being raided by shills and T_D pot smoking faggots
David Collins
whats in the bucket?
Jose Murphy
Basketball would get pretty cool mane
Benjamin Butler
The London Hammer paleo .cc/paluxy/hammer
Oliver Scott
Did you notice the wrist watch
Jayden Rogers
>I graduated from I. gimnazija, let me tell you about history and life
Jaxson Lewis
Pretty sure we'd have to segregate the sports, otherwise it would be like males playing against females.
Carson Johnson
The bible does talk about dinosaurs, just calls them "behemoth" and they lived while humans were around.
And I think this is how it really was. here some not so old mentions of dinosaurlike creatures.
Marco Polos description of dragons forbidden-history.com/marco-polo.html >"Leaving the city of Yachi, and traveling ten days in a westerly direction, you reach the province of Karazan, which is also the name of the chief city....Here are seen huge serpents, ten paces in length (about 30 feet), and ten spans (about 8 feet) girt of the body. At the fore part, near the head, they have two short legs, having three claws like those of a tiger, with eyes larger than a forepenny loaf (pane da quattro denari) and very glaring." >The jaws are wide enough to swallow a man, the teeth are large and sharp, and their whole appearance is so formidable, that neither man, nor any kind of animal can approach them without terror. Others are met with of a smaller size, being eight, six, or 5 paces long; and the following method is used for taking them. In the day-time, by reason of great heat, they lurk in caverns, from whence, at night, they issue to seek their food, and whatever beast they meet with and can lay hold of, whether tiger, wolf, or any other, they devour;
All signs humans were living during the same time as dinosaurs. What do you think they did when it was said some heroes slayed a dragon?
yes, but seeing how they are on both hands i assume those arent watches though.
Hudson Price
fried chicken
Nicholas Wilson
livescience.com/37781-how-do-fossils-form-rocks.html >The most common method of fossilization is called permineralization, or petrification. After an organism's soft tissues decay in sediment, the hard parts — particularly the bones — are left behind. >Water seeps into the remains, and minerals dissolved in the water seep into the spaces within the remains, where they form crystals. These crystallized minerals cause the remains to harden along with the encasing sedimentary rock. >In another fossilization process, called replacement, the minerals in groundwater replace the minerals that make up the bodily remains after the water completely dissolves the original hard parts of the organism.
So basically they get buried by some mud which is under water. Assuming a great flood hit them, wouldnt that meet the conditions?
>11In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened. >fountains of the great deep Now what are the chances that thousands of years later there is a discovery making it possible those fountain of the great deep actually exist theguardian.com/science/2014/jun/13/earth-may-have-underground-ocean-three-times-that-on-surface
>I seen a few youtube videos let me teach you how they lied to you for absolutely no reason
Eli Nelson
theepochtimes.com/n3/23630-ancient-atomic-bombs/ >Seven years after the nuclear tests in Alamogordo, New Mexico, Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer [...] was lecturing at a college when a student asked if it was the first atomic test conducted. >“Yes, in modern times,” he replied.
>Many scientists have sought to explain the dispersion of large glass rocks in the deserts of Libya, the Sahara, Mojave, and many other places in the world, as products of gigantic meteorite impacts. However, due to the absence of accompanying craters in the desert, the theory doesn’t hold up. Neither satellite imagery nor sonar has been able to find any holes.
>Furthermore, the glass rocks found in the Libyan Desert present a grade of transparency and purity (99 percent) that is not typical in the fusions of fallen meteorites, in which iron and other materials are mixed in with the cast silicon after the impact.
What has this to do with the bible? emergingtruths.com/lots_wife/lots_wife.html >The Hebrew word translated as salt in this passage is melach, which does indeed mean salt. However, the root of melach is malach, which means to vanish away, or dissipate, as salt does when mixed into water. Given that Hebrew writing omits vowels, it's easy to see why malach may have been mistranslated as melach. If this is true it means Lots wife didnt turn into salt, but simply vanished, when turning back to sodom/gomorrah, like when you get hit by a nuke.
So god possibly actually nuked fags and degenerates.
There are also Hindu scripts talking about weapons which appear to be quite similar to nukes or at least powerfull bombs en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahmastra >The weapon was also believed to cause severe collateral damage. The land where the weapon was used became barren, and all life in and around that area ceased to exist. Both men and women became infertile. There was also a severe decrease in rainfall with the land developing cracks, as in a drought.
Grayson Young
This looks oddly like ancient Iberian or Basque writing.
Aaron Wood
Carson Bennett
Jason Diaz
It's like here in America. Apparently there is evidence that white people had been to North America long before the vikings and perhaps before or during the time the natives arrived here.
It's hard to determine if this is true since the Smithsonian has confiscated any evidence that goes against the science community. Some even mentioned that there had been other evidence that completely disproved evolution altogether. This would make sense of a cover up since evolution has been the core of the NWO agenda making us believe that we are just primitive animals that still need to evolve.
Now, I don't have any access to such evidence, nor am I pretending to know that it exist, but I do know there has been cover ups as stated by creditable archaeologists who had their findings stolen by they Smithsonian. Even thought they aren't government, apparently they have been granted with special permissions.
Kayden Butler
> The world was full of dinosaurs and giants during the age of writing and nobody mentioned it. Kek fuck off schizo. > the Jews don't want you to know about it. Oh shit we're through the looking glass here people.
Samuel Campbell
it's full of mentions you retard
Levi Gutierrez
To be fair, almost all cultures have stories about giants and what not.
Austin Evans
Not to mention Bill Clinton making the law that anything a Indian claims to be apart of their history is to be returned to them, look at what happened with keniwick man and ask yourself why not only was the body return but why did we spend tax payer money to destroy the site it was found in.
Carter Campbell
Oh yeah I forgot the story of Paul Bunyan. Eat some more crayons genius.
Xavier Cooper
Fairy tales also have unicorns. Unicorn general when.
Sebastian Jones
Why do you think (((they))) are putting everything into evolving the puzzle for each generation? You would be a FOOL to believe one single scientific "fact" about the nature of the universe. The universe is wholly undefinable... Humans are disposed of by the ages, and one day our entire universe will be changed from what it is now. There is no absolute science, outside of gimmicks here on Earth, and fun mirrors imagined in space.
Josiah Walker
The Solutreans. Look them up before they destroy more evidence of them user
Owen Brooks
>ancient humans talking about dragons all over the world >even the bible mentioned behemoths b...but they never called them dinosaurs
Grayson Stewart
Ah, but are unicorns a near universal trait in ancient mythos of cultures all around the world? No.
Logan Bennett
I bet you don't think hyper elves exists either lmao
Ryder Davis
cultures all around the world talk about a huge flood, the hopi indians have one (also talking about the ant friends coming and bringing them underground to be saved), according to the aztec the world gets destroyed repeatedly with the last time it being destroyed being by a huge flood, the bible of course. just look at this list en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_flood_myths
when everybody independently says the same I tend to believe them.
according to graham hancock the pyramids align with the orions belt in their positions 12500 years ago which is the same point of time the constillation of draco alignes with angkor wat perfectly (also according to graham hancock) making me think the last great cataclysm which probably was the flood shortly after those 2 were built (or in case of angkor wat they were build not that long ago but on older remains which are probably from that time).
Some other interesting stuff showing ancients knowing a lot they shouldnt according to Mainstream History. (From the fallen angels?) youtube.com/watch?v=L777RhL_Fz4 This one is partly about modern monuments and their meanings too, but at around 1:10:00 he starts talking about the pyramids, and how they encode the size of the earth in relation to the moon, as well as the speed of light with over 99% accuaricy.
youtube.com/watch?v=k7rAIcIwBNQ this video talks about how different monuments, from the pyramids, to stonehenge, to stuff in south america encode mathematical knowledge as well as functioning as a GPS telling people where they are currently if they know how to read the monuments, again showing that those "cavemen" were far more sophisticated than we care to admit as well as showing that there was some kind of global communication going on (not like the internet, but information where exchanged through traveling, trade or whatever despite southamerica not being discovered officially until thousands years later) since they all use the same system
Zachary Bennett
huge beasts are gone because humans killed them all
Dominic Brown
thats just a big turd
Joshua Campbell
Not to mention that we know of the phenomena Island Gigantism
Well you convinced me. And as you can see from my ID I am from the Planet Nibru. But because you humans have uncovered our secrets I will now have to travel through the astral plane and kill you in your sleep unless you stand on one leg for five minutes with your hands on your head in the intergalactic sign of contrition.
Dylan Morales
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterosis basically hybrid creatures often happen to express certain traits stronger than both original species, with one trait being size. now according to the bible the giants were nephilim, mixes between the angels and human females. maybe an extreme case of this?
Brandon Flores
Joshua Wood
Quite an interesting theory, I could see something like this happening.
Brandon Martin
this, what is behemot what is leviatan? i cannot beieve a fucking hippo is the creature described by the bible
Jayden Clark
where dem bones den? you do not die wey
Ethan Bell
yeah, island gigantism is new to me too though. but i dont really see giants on islands but on the continents. but who knows?
either way, i can recomment again looking into archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/153373875/ and as i need to leave now and can only phone post and am too lazy to make any elaborate posts. in those should be all my knowledge regarding these issues either waay
Juan Morris
Gabriel Gray
word is some got sent to smithsonian for research, and when asked about it claimed they never got any of those and the bones were never seen again