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she's slavic
babby is 28%
Can someone do no make up thing?
I feel better and better about being MGTOW
fuck you shill
slav women 10/10
bitches aren't immune to jewry over there
>I feel better and better about being a fucking cuckold that won't add a white child to the world
please someone "DAS RITE MANE" this mutt.
(you) really believe that don't you?
Face it, the time of the white man is over.
Doesn't mean we won't go down without a fight.
there is nothing wrong with an infertile woman adopting a kid
>gif is me tasting the redpill
>go to her profile
>bio says "made in siberia"
I thought Slavs / Russians hated niggers? Sup Forums lied to me.
Can someone tell this nigger to stop breathing on the goddamn painting?
Where the hell is the curator?
Another pure aryan princess succumbs to the power of BBC
You assholes certainly didn't help our position
lol thanks america
All that make-up on that mutt.
Lmao that baby looks 40
Yeah thats exactly whats gross, the extra makeup ... hahahahah
This makes me so FUCKING angery!
EEEEEEEERGH! *punches hole in wall*
>You may not like it but this is what a peak Shart body looks like.
We wuz Vikings
dem Fo Chedda Parma need to get dem some hot sauce fo dey tablez n shieeet. I hads to bring my own orange drank.
-Nigger Yelp
If you don't think that baby is beautiful, you are literally hitler.
How can two attractive people have such an ugly baby?
Two attractive people have attractive children. Niggers have hideous ape babies. If you think niggers can be attractive, GTFO
El leviatan...
pierced a baby boy's ear
truly the niggest
Youre not even Huuwhite!
They can be attractive. I'm not insecure enough to deny that.
Why, because we were more worth colonizing to Jews than Canada? Well ok.
This old woman does not know how to eat a stained her top
La creatura...
Roastie ruins her genetics. News at 11.
What looks attractive for white people does not translate well when mixed with nigger genes. The middle ground gives weird bone structure.
I just looked this female up. Honestly not jealous in the least bit. After scrolling down a few pages of her self-worship I realized she is legitimately retarded. She and her nigger lover are probably very close in IQ. This is not even a dis or anything. I wouldn't want anything to do with this much retardation even if she didn't fuck niggers. Nothing was lost here.
>feeling better and better about having let a nigger take white women
kill yourself
No. The time of the weak, cuckboi, low IQ, cowardly, low T, whiteboi is over. White men will rein until the end of time and we'll only get stronger as your faggot genes are eliminated.
She'll be a single mother in 6 months max.
And good luck getting any man to care for that niglet.
nothing presonel
In 40 years time
Fucking hell hahahahah
That kid’s been dropped butterside-down more than once.
On one of her photos with the baby someone posted "your twin" lol. Hard to tell if it was serious or ironic. This is really sad, a 8/10 girl (10/10 with the surgeries) and a decent looking black man and the result is a nappy haired gobblin. Sad for the baby and the mother.
They're under layers of makeup, cosmetic surgery and so on.
Kalergi wasn't Jewish.
Das rite we need mo white women fo our programs. By programs I mean BBC
oh my kek,
this is even more hilarious than the polish jaw woman one
Shes regretting it. Basically validating pic related.
He was mixed-race (his mother was Japanese) and his wife was Jewish.
This belongs on The only really political post here is and that's only because it's taxpayer funded and, with all likleyhood, if it were instead a white man saying that blacks were 'in-bread spawn soon to die out' it would be considered a hate crime in Scotland.
That all being said it's an interesting piece, even though I really feel like it's unfortunate that it's clearly borne of malice spawned by a lifetime of indoctrination.
I unironically feel bad for black people a lot of the time.
Not because I think I'm privileged or that I think they're particularly disenfranchised, far from it. I just see so many black people who have it drilled into their heads over and over again that every single white person is there to put them down and to hold them back, even though most of us would prefer them to succeed and be happy just the same as anyone else. So in the end all it ends up doing is giving them a huge persecution complex that's far more effective than any imagined conspiracy to keep them from succeeding will ever be.
Looks like that Polish single mother with the ugly mulatto baby
What is it with women with dyed blonde hair and having sex with niggers? Is dyed blonde hair just average slut makeup?
The child looks like pic
Ayyyy underrated
That's one fugly child.
>can I get a refund?
Picture would be more accurate if all of the negroes were light skinned, indicating that both races are destroyed in the process