Women Belong At Home Not Public Office
hhhhng I would make her my work wife
mmmm lhazar milkers
Ban women from public office. Profit.
Ugh. Oogh. Caveman MATE.
first pic if emily barry if anyone cares
Jew milk
There is a strong intellectual argument here even the MGTOW is afraid to address.
How many Founding Mothers signed the Constitution?
Yes. This is very true.
Clearly men must ban women from politics again. Allowing women into politics is the only reason that beast posing as a woman Mikael Obama has any platform at all
they should at the very least be forbidden from voting or signing during the periods the same way we are forbidden from driving when drunk
Women have always influenced politics from the bedroom and this is a holy power men will never attain.
It is clear we must equalize the playing field and ban women from all forms of public influence: voting and public office.
Men built civilization and women use retards use public office to tear civilization down.
If I wanted to take over a government I would hire an army of this to whisper in ears and make squirt the right people.
Those Milkers belong in my mouth
Are you men seriously going to allow Oprah, Mandingo Obama, Ellen Degenerate, and Madonna piss all over our sacred constitution
This whole 3rd wave feminism has men so confused of their identity we can't even talk about women shutting the fuck up in public office without facing ridicule.
It's time to shave our beards and grow political beards again. Fuck this reptile takeover
Women were oppressed living at home and having to raise children. Their biological role.
They are now free to work in a 9 to 5 job created solely for buisness tax reasons doing busy work and running bullshit errands.
The most brilliant female political speeches sound like this
Clearly this user knows the agenda
Wait this isn't a milkers thread?
Women: President of my bedroom not my country.
user make it mainstream: Ban Women From Politics
We all know this is a battle of good men vs. evil men, and none of us want to see women get damaged in the middle of this fight and that is what makes us good men
Who's paying the rent in this shithole cucked country then, man up and wageslave for nothing if you want to point the finger at other people, dance monkey dance
Does anyone know what started this idea of introducing women into American Politics?
Is this the old culture coming from the Queen and Britain? The idea Cleopatra is our Pharoa and men are slaves to the Queen bee
The old german/irish/scotts are most of the genetics of the American Founders and children of the revolution today
Stop pls
I'm on nofap 2018 and this is my weakness
Everyone knows by now all of these self-promoting jezebels in the Trump movement are a bunch of man-hating succubus' that turn into demonic fire breathing air-heads even questioning the role of women.
Almost every one of them will never have kids and does not represent the family or the core role of civilization.
Debate is the purest form of art and this is the role of man to clear the air and shut the bull shit up on the news about women running everything, they do at home, not in public office
i agree. giving them the vote was a mistake
This is the topic separating the men from the boys and the women from the jezebels
Are you waiting for Tucker Carlson to bring this topic up on Fox News?
History is full of examples proving this is the most real scenario for a true civlization
>not dominating your woman inside and outside of the bedroom.
you're gay, user.
guess what?
Need more giant milkers
>Gay jew tries to make men get erect and waste their semen
ha ha too bad jew, i'm inseminating my misses right now.
senpai gilkers are only possible when civilization keeps women out of politics. This is the only way to dominate women out of the bedroom as homo user in >156079973 is referencing
not something you're getting often if she's in charge in the bedroom. She'll lose attraction because you're a beta, and will fuck Chad on instead because he dominates her and makes her feel like a woman.
>being this insecure
Senpai your game theory power rating is too low here
This is about a functioning family unit as parts to a whole society
Also I said nothing about women dominating the bedroom get your squirts off elsewhere kiddo
Plus how old do I need to be to know what a chad is? under 14? maybe I spent too much time getting laid to keep up with the trendy names the kids use these days. maybe i am chad, maybe fuck all, dodge the original question cuck and go after the messenger you envious piss ant
Nothing about my post was insecure. That's just the reality. Women are submissive, and if you aren't dominant, they will lose any attraction they may have had for you.
>President in the bedroom
what else is that supposed to mean other than her being in charge?
It's actually a maxim of law (the tenets of western civilization) that women are not to hold office.
Bravo lad
milk truk just arive
>when the big tits girl you saw in college ends up in marketing
Every single fucking time!
>being this insecure
I make my wife have sex with me because I hate having to be the one to initiate it
We worked out a good deal
The only thing that can ever fuck it up is if she has talks with female friends and they brainwash her
For now it is great at multiple times of the night she will come to me to tug and undress
Yes it is apparent read with the voice of Bernie Sanders
The user army is awakening across America.
I suspect great cultural winds with this choice topic today
Would you accept?
>noose her
>doggy style ontop of stools
>moment of climax
I saw that video, it wasn't that great.
Why would I be insecure?
What is the driving motivation for the cuck to hate the honor culture and western civilization?
Is it only tearing down the image of Man or building the false image of a woman as the Pharaoh/jezebel/political authority/queen?
Everywhere in MSM we see pedo/satan junk screwing with kids minds about men/women
I'll just preheat the oven user
ew no
Is there more of her?
dude honor culture is bad
arabs have honor culture
modern western civilization was built on gentleman culture that french pioneered which is empathy love understanding forgiveness and acting nice and proper
Are you just going to post gifs of degenerates?
What what in your butt?
Is that abigail?
Do not confuse a Caste system/"honor" killings (India) with a true Honor Culture/western civilization.
Also never trust a Canadian they have a Queen monarchy slave peasant caste system just like India even though somehow Canada managed to keep the peasants happy and non-threatening to authority and not pooping everywhere
Even wiki is accurate in stating "The traditional culture of the Southern United States has been called a "culture of honor", that is, a culture where people avoid intentionally offending others, and maintain a reputation for not accepting improper conduct by others."
This is the culture that built America. Honor killings =/= Honor culture
This idea is not even a new idea. As user stated earlier this is a maxim of civilization to adhere
>oedipus shrugs off
>Would nurse on those for an entire weekend
Giant milky tits are my second biggest fetish
After pregnant bellies
t.Sigmund Fraud
Take your meme science with you, kangaroo fucker.
They're not my mom, nor would I want a Jewish mom. Those are the worst.
I'm disgusted enough without the fantasy.
You are not alone.
thread reported for /s/ bombing Sup Forums
capn cuck to the rescue
Goddess of Fertility Mal Malloy
That thing belongs being milked by me.
Banning women from Politics is exactly what the Patriarchy requires.
I'd betray the white race for those khazar milkers.
She's an ogre not jewish
that's no way to light a cigar. You use a wooden match.
do milk
Imagine how nice it must be to be one of these women, you probably would never have to raise a finger a single day of your life after you got your tits in.
Literal millionaires just by walking around.
I thought you just shove the end up your ass and twist it like a stick-on-stick friction tool
still ugly
This user gets it
Fairness is a non-argument for allowing women into politics.
Politics is a man's world and women need to know their place is not in politics
Everyone is in agreement.
Very little controversy.
One or two teenagers crying about
>how do i get date wit her
Sounds good men time to go to work and get this done
Trump should be down to ban women from politics officially with an Executive Order.
Look at how Ivanka is running around pointing fingers at who to bomb like she knows jack shit about military strategy
Get women out of politics and Make America Great Again
That being the case, I'd gladly get shreked.
It is Christian Religion and Faith to not allow women in politics. Much smarter men than you polskins figured this out a long time ago.
cloth washer machines replaced women