He's in jail because Anglocucks are a bunch of hypersensitive faggots who are easily threatened by mere WORDS.
If you ask anyone what he did wrong it's all vague effeminate "he was spreading hate" hysteria, whatever the fuck that means...
In other words, Anglos got nothing on him. It's all just "he's a big meanie who says bad bad things!!!"
At the end of the day he stands against the same establishment which genocides white Europeans, and anything they do to him they can do against you.
Only a dumbfuck Anglocuck would rejoice in his persecution.
PS: if you read Mein Kampf you'd know that radicals like these only come out of prison bigger and better than coming in.
Watch the fuck out Jewnited Kikedom.
Isaiah Hall
>supported ISIS >opposes those who want to genocide europeans good logic
Kevin Stewart
Germans would do the same to him. You're all leftist faggots who don't even deserve a peaceful death.
Christian King
He’s a muslim. That’s enough of a reason for him to be executed in the most horrible way possible. Muslims are not human beings
Alexander Watson
He should not even be on the island, let alone the continent.
Jonathan Mitchell
Oy vey!
Elijah Young
I agree he he shouldn't be in prison. He should gave been deported. End of story.
Zachary Morales
We would have never even let him in to begin with. We'd have a White Reich.
But Anglos fucked that up, and they are the ones who insisted on muh multiculturalism, muh anti-racism, and now suddenly those faggots don't like the bed they made.
Anjem Coudary will be released and become much more potent and radicalize legions because they just made him a matyr. LOL
Dumbfuck Anglos, they deserve him. Let him out. He did nothing wrong.
Joshua Robinson
>haji >did nothing wrong Do you know where you're at TRSnigger?
Carter Ramirez
>TRSnigger certainly not 8chaim you autistic faggot
Aiden Johnson
Don't you faggots even believe in your own 1st Amendment?
What did he do wrong apart from words?
Nicholas Allen
Enjoy your gchq watchlisting kek
Adrian Lopez
Died in car accident
Gavin Wright
Your Anglofag kike alphabet organizations have no jurisdiction over me, and neither do I respect these traitor organizations. Very much unlike you little spineless cuckformist faggot coward of a manlet for giving these traitors legitimacy over you.
enjoy Ahmed fucking your would-be wife and cumming deep in her slut Anglo pussy ypu well behaved obedient little goody two shoes cuckold faggot.
Jackson Gonzalez
I partly agree, he shouldnt be judged because of what he said. But should be there because of being sandnigger.
Chase Scott
hate speech is a crime in the uk
Christopher Morris
hate speech is a crime
Nolan Powell
>defending a mudslime >not even once
Jayden Williams
> hate speech is a crime!
Oh no... how terrible, wouldn't wanna offend some cuckold's law you scared little bitch faggots.
That's the difference between Choudary and you malleable little Anglo fags; the man has the conviction and courage to speak, but you little faggots cowards are such scared little betas you don't even know what ur convictions are.
Muslims deserve to inherit not-so-great britain and every Anglo slut in it. At least they know what they're about.
Luke Phillips
It's funny that you would defend hate speech laws seeing as white Anglos are its intended victims lol
Try saying Muslims have no place in Britain and see whose side your sacred little laws vindicate you faggot little Anglo cuck.
John Mitchell
I was talking to a burger trying to police my tone.