Testosterone is what makes life enjoyable. How do testlets cope with their anemic testosterone levels? What is the testlet cutoff? 600ng/dL? 700ng/dL?
We need to talk about testlets
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The only high test levels Asians have is in their math tests
FYI being naturally high test in a world where oestrogen is everywhere (water from birth control, in plastic, in dairy products) makes you extremely depressed.
On the other hand, I have an 8 inch dick.. Which no one sees because women aren't interested in low energy depressive men.
Reminder: Obesity decreases testosterone levels. Lose the weight, fatties!
whats your test score fella
No idea, but I have extremely sharp features, a massive brow ridge, put on muscle easily and have a massive dick. All signs of high test.
That being said I'm suicidally depressed and believe suicide is the most cowardly, pointless way to go. I can't go a day without vividly imagining myself hanging from a rope with a broken neck. This doesn't happen to low test people, they seem fine with mediocrity and weakness.
I've always been underweight, I've never had to fast to get shredded.
I see the ups in being high test but the depression is a fairly consistent pain without drugs. I refuse to be an alcoholic or opiate user and eventually weed sets off everyone's hidden mental conditions. I really need hormonal birth control banned, some extreme regulations on cow's and then I need to die and be reborn in ~100 years. Atomic age civilisation without regulations is extremely painful for the high test, it's just not a good feeling being high test and artificially high oestrogen. And why? Because milk has to be cheap and women want spontaneous sex.
Zinc and magnesium. Creatine is nice too, especially since it gives you the signs of high test without artificially changing your test levels.
Things are only fucked up when your hormones are artificially changed. Everything is fine if the only thing changing your hormones are your diet and exercise. It's the fucking milk and birth control in the water.
Being depressed and low energy is a massive sign of low test
I don't think your depression is caused by estrogen in the water, friend.
The description you gave
> I have extremely sharp features, a massive brow ridge, put on muscle easily and have a massive dick.
describes me to a T except my dick is unironically slightly larger than yours. Testosterone tested at ~800, maybe yours is higher. I drink tap water in Vancouver, Canada. Don't drink much milk but enjoy many dairy products. No suicidal thoughts at all. Life is pretty great. I do find myself contemptuous of a lot of numale types and their sociopolitical machinations, but that's hardly suicide-inducing.
btw how can you say you put on muscle easily if you've always been underweight? whats your height/weight?
I've never tested my testosterone, but I am terrified of it being too low.
What do the goyim do to increase test?
Things I already do
>eat foods rich in iodine (raisins, seaweed)
>up my salt intake
>do a 20 hour fast every day
>lost 15kg of fat
>take muh vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium
>try to keep my balls cool
What else is there?
It's like being a hormonal teenager. I'm not low energy all the time, it comes in episodes, like I'll be fine for a while and suddenly I'll get so tired I'll pass out no matter where I am. I'm fairly certain it's the combination of test and artificially high oestrogen.
Maybe not in Vancouver, but I remember reading the way the water drains in East Canada means the birth control addicted Torontans end up poisoning the new yorkans more than their own locals. Could also be true in Vancouver, your women could be why Oregon and Washington are soyboy Meccas.
6'1, 70kg, fat tests are pointless but probably between 5-10% body fat. I'm ripped.
post pic of your abs for bf % estimation
btw 6'1 154lb is skeletor-tier.
>tfw high test but only a 5 inch pecker
feelsbadman. oh well, at least my gf is pretty virginal, even with my technically average shlong it still felt like trying to push my dick through a door keyhole.
I strongly urge you to reconsider "testlets"
why? I actually thought it was pretty funny. Truth be told, the entire reason I started this thread was because I wanted an excuse to use the phrase "How do testlets cope" and hopefully make "testlets" happen.
Fine, I'm not shredded ripped, but thin enough that it's probably a factor. Just like a self respecting woman wouldn't post tits, I'm not keen on posting topless photos.
Let's keep to the discussion
This increases test or at least the desirable outcomes
>zinc and magnesium, just take mens vitamins
>lifting and exercise
>red meat and a low dairy diet
>strategic fapping, not too much but don't be a nofap celibate autist
>keeping a positive mentality
Dick size is probably the best indication of test, that's why some dick pumps work on testosterone.
>oh well
.. Another soyboy that's somehow perfectly content with mediocrity. Literally how?
It took years of drugs and philosophy to convince myself I was a worthwhile person, then I had a break, gave up the drugs, the philosophy felt like bullshit and now I'm thinking about suicide daily.
not effective enough, needs to be sharper, harsher on the ear
Get on my lel faggot
are you dumb? drugs aren't going to increase your test size.
I mean dick size. Lel, obviously steroids will increase Test and other androgens but if you do it for too long your testes will atrophy and then you're fucked. Anyway you're a fucking moron, stop LARPing you pathetic faggot.
Take DHEA - but RESEARCH it first.
And only take SOME - less than 100mg per day. Any more than that and it WILL become estrogen.
If you are younger than 35 - DON'T TAKE ANY AT ALL.
If you are older than 50 you should be taking some.
You goys need to eat New Zealand grass fed lamb if you want high testosterone.