Self-hating White EthnoState

What's up with all the self-hating people advocating for a White Ethnostate?

BravingRuin is half/quarter Black or something [picture very much related - his pic].

BlackPigeonSpeaks is a Jew.

Laura Southern dates brown people.

Tara McCarthy half-Jew/Indian

Other urls found in this thread:

Braving ruin is half coptic egyptian half white.
Alt right is a spook

BravingRuin is half white and half coptic egyptian. Clearly he is therefore white, don't you have eyes? BPS lives in Japan. Jews are white if they denounce their in-group loyalty with jews. Lauren Southern dates a white man. Tara McCarthy is mostly white with traces of jew and Indian genes. She is white.

So the only argument against a white ethnostate is that they are too inclusive? If the white ethnostate is >95% clearly white, it doesn't matter if the remaining 5% are halfbreeds or quadroons, as long as they have loyalty to whites and they desire to live in a white nation.

I don't understand why people who are mixed or not even white can't be in the ethnostate. It would obviously be ethnocentric but israel has a ton of arabs and its working for them so far.

>Laura Southern dates brown people.
You literally don't care Richard Spencer fucks east Asians and the only way Lauren could be different is because vagina. Get over it and focus on what she says and does, she's done more for conservatism than anyone under 30

The men are probably self hating but the women are cashing in, the window of opportunity is open for long.. ;)

>BlackPigeonSpeaks is a Jew.

one drop rule

>she's done more for conservatism than anyone under 30
>he stills thinks conservatism is still a viable praxis
Lmaoing at yur lyfe fampai

>I don't understand why people who are mixed or not even white can't be in the ethnostate
clearly because you are a retard

>Clearly he is therefore white

Look at him, don't you have eyes?

>Jews are white if they denounce their in-group loyalty with jews.


>Lauren Southern dates a white man.

She didn't before. "Bruised apple" I believe is the term.

>Tara McCarthy is mostly white with traces of jew and Indian genes.

I believe she's half-Jew/half-Indian. Either way, just looking at her, she's a Jew.

It has always been time for iron.

Just curious, who exactly qualifies as white in this supposed ethnostate.

Israel allows anyone with a Jewish mother to immigrate, but I doubt you would be fine with millions of half whites running around.

Do you need to be 70% white to qualify? 80%? 90%? Where do you draw the line? And why?

Also how do you define a white person? Are scandis and southern italians equally desirable?


I'm a damaged and sick person raised within a sick society but desire to be better and to help, even if in some small way, to create a better and healthy society so that others will not be raised like I was.

What is hard to understand about that? I know I'm not the white masculine 'ideal man'. However I make do as best I can with the hand I've been dealt and some days I fail to overcome my faults.

It's like with Trump. He's not the best candidate and deep down he's not really /ourguy/ but he's the best we've got for now and getting him elected made it just a little bit less improbable that some day we really will get /ourguy/ and/or /ourGUYS/ into important places.

coptic egyptians are half negroid half arab. ive met plenty in my country

he is not a jew but he is in a relationship with a chink. therefore his children will not be white.

Just remember that Uncle Adolf surrounded himself with shitty people that were still of enormous use to him.
If our "allies" stop being of use, you can always liquidate them after le rope day.

I'd go by eye color and say that blue, green and, grey eyes are the most desirable. Cutting out the brown eyes will strip out virtually all the undesirables.

Anyway, I think the best dividing line is to look at which regions in Europe have had the most stable governments. So you can probably draw the line somewhere on the Spanish and Italian Borders and maybe the Polish border. As you get close to Russia they are still Caucasian but clearly not a people genetically predisposed to creating nice societies.

You want mainly German and British heritage, which is the majority of whites in the US today.

The majority of whites are German at 40% in the us.

coptic egytians are probably mostly greek

kek its true. my gf is north indian yet she likes nazis, white people, despites niggers, feminism, jews etc etc...shes literally Sup Forums but non-white. really gets the ole cerebellum werking.

Nice 8s, but conservatism is absolutely essential. Progressivism was literally used as a weapon against western society, without someone making moderate conservatism look cool, especially to young women, we're pretty fucked.

And that's why Lauren Southern is special, just get the fuck over the fact she's not a virgin sex symbol. You literally don't care if your male ideologues are virgins or if they keep to European descendent people.

>Black Pigeon Speaks is a jew
wait...WHAT?!?! What's his end game?

They are ethnonationalists in the ideological sense. They advocate for it not out of personal interest, but because they think its the most sound ideology overall for a political system

tear to my eye, u r not damaged user, the world is

You have to remember that you're talking to people who - when pressed on the matter - will say "I don't care about the future because I'll be dead :^)". These people can't understand self-sacrifice for a better future.


He's not Jewish

>I don't care about the future because I'll be dead :^)
I'm sure younger people say that but it is 100% the boomer motto.

Shut it 56%er

Coptic Egyptians are Greek. ALL of North Africa (the whole of it, no exception) was White until just 1000 years ago, now it's arab but Whites are definitely still around

Oh look, it's a memeflag shill.

>BravingRuin is half/quarter Black or something
Wrong. He is half Coptic. A kang.
>BlackPigeonSpeaks is a Jew.
You have no clue what his ethnicity is.
>Laura Southern dates brown people.
Dated one 5 years ago*
>Tara McCarthy half-Jew/Indian
Wrong. She is 10% Indian and 2% Jewish

Bye bye now shill.

>le le le le le le le 56%
Kill yourself, Insectoid.

Eww German girls are so fucking ugly. Typical Helga looks like a man. British cunts drink tea all days long and their teeth aren't straight at all... Not mentioning many of them are gingers.

Can confirm, even here in glorious Denmark, where I'm from, the notion comes up. When discussing immigration and the ever rising threat of islamification my uncle threw a fit about law preventing this and that, but when pressed on the matter of "who will uphold the laws of a christian country where the majority is islamic" he threw up his hands and said the common phrase - "I don't care because I'll be dead".
Pathetic rubbish.

Pure Germanic ancestry with grey/blue eyes (green eyes are borderline) and blonde/red hair. Brown-haired and/or eyed people are mutts and are not welcome.

I'm not the leader of a ''white'' ethnostate, that's not up to me to decide. ''White'' is an American concept anyways, I want a Finnish ethnostate in Finland and while Swedes and Estonians would have easier time getting in than Meds, the nation would be centered around the preservation of Finns.

Some Americans who want a white ethnostate put the cut-out at 50% white and a statement that they identify as white. It literally doesn't matter if a few mystery meat people get in, it's the big picture that matters.

>Where do you draw the line? And why?
The line has to be drawn somewhere. A group of people of African descent are clearly genetically different than a group of people from European descent. This whining about ''b-but the lines are blurry!'' is a real fucking bad strategy for you, because you are giving incentives for genocide. Are you fucking happy if we genocide all mixed race people, that's what you want?

Why not give human rights to gorillas? Isn't it a rather arbitrary distinction to give ''human'' status to some animals and not to all animals? Why should reproduction ability be the line that separates us? Should we take human rights away from infertile people? Should we put infertile people in Zoos for not being able to reproduce with humans?

You people think BravingRuin is White.

Get eyes.

Idiot those "white" Iranians are from tabaristan it had huge Russian settlements in the 1600's. Their last names are literally the names of the town's their families are from. My family are married into some of these Russian migrant families. middle east was always brown. Look up Sassanian artwork. Pre Islamic Iranian artwork depicting brown people. Afghanistan had some Aryan tribes settle in nuristan. They are less native than the brown Afghans.

The amount of half white people who identify as white and are loyal to whites who would want to live in a white ethnostate is so tiny the answer to this question doesn't even matter.

The truth is that your women prefer men from the south. Don't blame us that your women are whores and suck our dicks whenever we want. You're beta males who can't control them. We will destroy Europe and the gay, weak society you've created.

Hispanic friend of mine said something like this to me when I explained that I opposed illegal immigration and the growing latino population in America because I feared that some 100 years or so down the line it would cause a literal fracture in the country. His response was, "Well, that probably won't affect you anyway".

It's odd. He's a smart guy but he has his latino pride. He thinks POC's are oppressed and 2nd class citizens in America, but he's offended and frightened by the idea of his people being sent back to their place of origin and he is proud of Mexico but would never want to live there.

Yet he cares about the environment and worries about pandemics and gamma ray bursts and comets... I don't understand him. We can discuss movies and science fiction concepts at great length but when it comes to politics and social issues he goes into lockdown.

I suppose I respect his dedication to his ethnicity, but I wish he'd afford me the same courtesy.

Here look at this ancient mosaic from pre Islamic Persia. It shows people who look like modern Iranians . There are thousands of these, ancient Iranians weren't white. Lmao

This, I'm half white but I identify better with Iranian side.

Why make excuses for those mutts? The White Ethnostate needs racial purity. Start by refusing shit-eyed people and those with dark hair. This excludes almost every mongrel out there right off the bat. Then we start weeding people out who mostly look the part but have proven shitskin genetics like Lauren Southern.

Reminds me of a prison documentary where a beat up inmate that got jailed for a petty crime is trying not to get in trouble to not increase his sentence but everybody around him is bullying him into joining a gang while all he wants is to see his kid again.

He said a really basic sort of silly phrase that somehow hit me hard after all the build up: "You gotta make the best of the shit you've got, right?"

Godspeed, user.

This thread was probably made by a Destiny fan because he is going on a rampage on twitter and trying to create infighting. Destiny fans are also known as the lowest form of subhuman scum on this planet.

Desticucks are trying to gaslight people into believing that because it's controversial whether the guy in pic related would be allowed in the ethnostate, this whole ethnostate idea is not tenable

You can stop pretending you're a nazi now.

Lies, lies and more lies. Kill yourself.

>"I don't care because I'll be dead"
People who say this should deserve instant death penalty in a good society. Why would their life have value, if they are soon dead anyways.

Yeah but then no women will stay in your nation if it's just beta blondes

Needs to retrowave/photoshop the White on him.

or "who cares they aren't invading my property yet"

>It shows people who look like modern Iranians
A lot of modern Iranians are white.They're not considered so because of their split from the rest of Whites some time ago. So try again. Btw Iran and Aryan are linked words

>Lies, lies and more lies. Kill yourself.

LOL, keep living in your little fantasy world. It's true and you know it.

You can stop being a civnat faggot now.

Blonde hair is the most sought-after characteristic out there, nigger.

Debunked, mainly british

These are such leftypol shill threads. If someone looks white, acts white, and defends white interests, then they are white. Fuck off, leftypol.

Destiny: You guys will just purity spiral about what is white enough

also Destiny: lol, you guys arent kicking out everyone who isnt pure bavarian phenotype

Every women say they love MY BROWN eyes. I have never seen a woman complimenting someone's blue or green eyes, they love the brown ones. They also dislike guys with pale skin complexion. They'd chose someone brown or tanned over weak dudes who get hurt by the Sun. Stop crying blondes/gingers you're inferior to us.

Society persecutes me as an individual. I don't want to sacrifice for a society that persecutes me only for it to take away my freedom.

What generational motto is this?

Jews are White now. Blacks are White now too. Laurence Fishburne is White.

All that matter are identity and iq average. If we can assimilate a certain number of people and keep the national iq average at first world levels, I don't see why extreme measures should be necessary in any Western country.

But that looks less and less likely by the day.

The census was debunked?


I would like to see proof that BPS is a Jew. The man has redpilled literally millions of normies. He is quite probably the most popular and credible advocate of the legitimate alt-right that exists currently.

Yes because Iran had huge migrations of Caucasus peoples, about a million during safavid and afsharid era and Russians into Gilan and Mazandaran. All the white look Iranian are these descendants. All ancient artwork depicts brown looking Iranians for a reason. Iran still has native Zoroastrian communities who have lived isolated in the deserts of Yazd and Kerman and never mixed with foreigners. They are obsessed with bloodlines, there are still a few families that trace their pure heritage since 1500 years ago. Persians are naturally brown as fuck. The white Iranians are from the north, from mixed backgrounds.

I'm telling you this as someone who is from this area where the white Iranians are from. One of the guys in your photo is Larijani he's from a village near my family in Mazandaran

But people do persecute me so am I wrong?

Yes, it was. Literally do more than five seconds of research, you fucking newfag.

Blonde women yes, but not blonde men.

>People who say this should deserve instant death penalty in a good society
I'd sign this. I don't care-ists are a bane to society.

>Jews are White now.
Jews don't defend white interest.
>Blacks are white
Blacks don't look white
>Laurence Fishburne is white
Laurence Fishburne does not look white. That does not make him an enemy, but he cleary doesn't fit my easy definition.

This is classic leftypol bs.

Furthermore those Afghans are kalash peoples from nuristan area. You actually believed that stormfags trash? :DDD

Pic related friend. Do not indulge the memeflags.

For me it's not that I don't care. It's that I know no matter what side wins I lose. It's taking the black pill.

Blonde women are hot but blonde men are beta males. They get sunburnt easily and walk around with red skin. They also have less muscle mass, they tend to be tall but skinny. I agree with you.

The truth is we don't need to define what "white" is, we can just let all the POC's and Jews and Feminists do that for us.

Basically, "white" is just anyone with privilege who benefited from historical racism and who enjoys the benefits of systemic racism today. ;)

I've seen it. That's not proof. He looks *somewhat* chosen, yeah, but the nose isn't right and even if it were, that's still not proof. Show me something from him saying he is. Show me a member of his family with a merchant surname.

>Jews don't defend white interest.

But they can apparently.

>Blacks don't look white

Neither does BravingRuin.

10 asian men just got all excited.

t. mongrel self-assurance

Nobody looks into your shit-coloured eyes and thinks of anything other than poo. Nobody looks at your boring brown hair and thinks it's aesthetically pleasing. You are mudbloods. You are not welcome in the White Ethnostate. I don't even know why you're posting here.

>white interests
nice meme. there is no such thing as white interest. there is maybe a stormfag interest, to build a society which you hope will finally accept you but it is not whute interest

The artwork you posted matches the people in my pic 100%. Post more, let's see

Everyone knows it. That's why when you see naziboo artwork it always depicts a brown haired man paired with a blonde girl. Light identifies with purity in any culture. That's why pale skin and light hair is preferred. But on men it's seen as effiminate and young. Women never rave over Scandinavian men it's always Meds or some exotic looking mix

Cuz talking about the ethnostate is cool. See: the huge audiences for the last two YouTube chats on the subject.

Partly explained by everyone knowing there's a problem.

Who are you trying to fool exactly? Women wet themselves over tall dark and handsome. Women generally don't like blonde guys

Oy vey.

Yeah and blonde hair reminds me of the colour of urine, red of the colour of period blah blah I could keep writing uncreative bs like you without end. You're just a frustrated virgin who doesn't get girls irl so you want to blame it on people with brown hair because they get girls more often than you.

No they don't. You're just parroting kike propaganda that's used to try and get white girls to racemix. Literally anywhere in the world you'll have women gushing over beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair, especially non-white women. Asian women won't even give you a second glance if you're some poo-eyed shitter.

I don't like brown eyes just because they are so common throughout the world and are pretty much universal of non-whites. I'm sick of seeing them. When I see them I think "inferior shit-skin". If I see them on an otherwise "white person" I think "tainted bloodline".

Yes because that's what Iranians look like you idiot. Not light haired and light eyes like your first meme pic.

You will find that young urban Iranians have light skin because they don't work in the fields like rural Iranians. Iranians tan easy you send those kids to work in the fields they'll brown up.

You're trying to wedge anywhere you can that Iranians once upon a time were whiter. It's bullshit. If anything they are whiter now than before thanks to those huge migrations I discussed earlier. My family is one of the few that is actually native to the Caspian area and are generally tanned. The blue eyed ones aren't native most of them came during the collapse of the safavid dynasty when Russia was trying to capture Gilans silk industry and sent hordes of settlers. Iranians were always brown as they are today

It's obvious you're just an arab shill that happens to have generations that lived in Iran. The fact remains that Iran's core stock has always been white.

Scythians, Persians and some Assyrians were all White by definition. The Ancient greeks knew and described the Arabs and other desert peoples well, and Persians, and none of their counts matched. They described the Persians closer to the northern Balkanoid and Nordic peoples than the subhuman (to them) lower Levant semitic nomads.

It is clear where the Iranian stock originates from, but we are not the same now since Iranians deviated paths long ago


Fun fact: white people tend to sunbathe a lot because they want to have dark skin. Just admit you want to be like us.

No, that's silly. The question of "who is white" is only asked to muddy the waters amongst people who look white but, genetically, might be half and half or majority something else. It's just a tactic meant to stall the movement.

As far as I"m concerned it's not even a useful question. We can create the ethnologist by selecting more specific factors such as IQ and propensity for crimes. We can also look at specific genes in different populations and their presence or lack of it and such.

If we filter out groups with lower IQ's and increased skin pigment we get rid of most of the people we don't want. Asians are a genetically distinct group from Caucasians so it is as easy to define them as non-members of the state as it is blacks or abos and so forth.


Not an argument. Let's even ignore the fact that dark hair and eyes look like literal shit, it's by far the most common look in the world. The planet is full of shitskins with these features. White features like light eyes and hair are actually rare, unique, and therefore highly sought-after.

I am completely aware that there are plenty of white people brainwashed into hating their natural appearance and worshipping niggers. That doesn't make it right.

Light hair light eyes =/= White.
There are mongoloid steppe tribes with those features, and there are more than plenty of Whites with dark features,mainly coming from Atlantid and Balkan h/g and Med farmers, and undeniably upper Levant Caucasoids. That's what they look like.

>You will find that young urban Iranians have light skin because they don't work in the fields like rural Iranians.

This goes for every race on the planet other than negroid. Arabs don't get as pale as the pic I shared when sitting indoors. Even pure 100% Finnish Mongo-nordics get tanned when working the fields.

Iranians are, genetically speaking White today as well as 1000 years ago. But culturally they deviated. I'm not saying they WUZ WHITE, I'm saying current day, living breathing Iranians largely represent the Aryans of yesteryear. Blue eyes or not

That is how white people absorb the power from the sun.

Gonna screenshot this post and send it to Edgy just so he knows that you guys aren't on his side and he should stop making propaganda for you :^)