Anyone notice that people who are not on the left do not know how to debate at all?
Ben Shapiro is pretty good at debating but everyone else is a fucking joke.
Anyone notice that people who are not on the left do not know how to debate at all?
Ben Shapiro is pretty good at debating but everyone else is a fucking joke.
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you ever get tired of shilling for that midget?
Nobody cares, man.
But Sargon won?
>implying he is big enough to make anyone tired
He's not exactly politically oriented my dude.
I like replies too 2bh
Is the first one Destiny? Why is his mug so familiar?
It seems people are only good at debating to the left. No one can say anything to the right except maybe something about how idealistic it is.
Candice.. The red pill black girl is a crypto-lefty. If you're so deep you're willing to break the law for your political ideology, you're too deep to change. Do not trust her, you're probably naturally blue pilled if you don't get a bad vibe from her.
Ben Shapiro is a future politician
Blair white is an attention whore
Richard Spencer is an FBI/CIA informant
Destiny is meme who loses arguments and pretends otherwise
Cenk Uighur is only left wing because it's his job, guy literally hates women
No idea about Jontron
Only Sargon, who's actually a political comedian, and Lauren Southern, who's only a decade away from taking the reigns from Molyneux, are anything special. When you get over that Lauren is a non virgin millennial who uses tinder, like most nerdy girls who like attention, she's actually an extremely impressive thinker. But of course Sup Forums is too sexually frustrated to realise Lauren doesn't want to be a sex symbol.
But of course
>no Lauren Southern
I don't know who's more sexually frustrated, her fans or her detractors.
Sargon got destroyed. "Spencer's going to genocide the puppies!"
I am now an avocado richard, am I white? How would you even determine whether I would be allowed into your ethnostate?
"Debating" :D some circle jerk from yt nu-males yeah wow..
It's cringy as fuck but not "debating"
KYS smide thread making faggot asshole! NOBODY CARES ABOUT THESE FUCKING "DEBATES" THAT "WE" SUPPOSEDLY "LOSE". wtf is your problem like seriously how do you sleep at night. I hope you are just some spam bot because if a human being spams this shit for a living you are truly sad.
Sage every field faggits.
The right (usually) doesn't know how to debate because conservative institutions generally do not encourage it. In the conservative tradition, which in America is largely rooted in the Christian church, knowledge is simply imparted with no expectation (or acceptance) of critical thinking on the part of the subject. liberalism, on the other hand, is necessarily about questioning the current order and thinking of alternatives. So what you find in liberal institutions, such as the University, is a focus on critical thinking and debate.
Ben Shapiro is different because he is Jewish. Judaism is the opposite of Christianity in that critical thinking and debate is a strong part of its tradition. This is why Jews in general make excellent lawyers and rhetoricians.
Wow you sure took your time to write a response just to sage.
>le epic Sup Forums debate club
you're all fucking gay
Fucking hell. Did Sargon really say this?
Bro how dare you put that fucking pedo as a right winger
Sargon could not have been that retarded.
Please tell me he did not say this.
faith goldy is the most charismatic and best debator imo
Because the first one is Destiny.
Controlled Opposition.
these alt-right e-celebs are opium for the masses.
The illusion of change, the illusion sombody is at it "just wait and do nothing they will bring change". in the time you are sitting in front of the screen you could take actions instead, but you dont, you are a crackwhore searching for her next fix ready to suck whatever dick.
Look at them, genetically inferior betas, is this the stong man of today? Your role model? They cant debate because all they do is sitting alone in a room and talk to a webcam for hours straight. Occasionally they meet up for a little circle jerk, its basically the same as reddit hivemind.
sides = gone
absolutely did, then he had to go to bed early, but instead made a different hour long video on how he was right and one of his orbiters tried to also explain why he won.
a lot of people don't know how to debate because they don't understand formal logic and argument structuring
spoken debates are stupid for the most part, they just show who's more charismatic and can get catch the other guy with more "gotchas" instead of exploring any kind of ideas
To be fair you usually don't put down dogs with rabbies
Its fake.
Sargon just got rustled a bit is all. Spencer was pandering to autism memes.
Ben Shapiro only debates within the controlled safety of the Kosher Sandwich, so he counts for nothing.
yeah you do, what the fuck?
Leftists know they know nothing, therefore they opt for everything but the truth to be persuasive (which often works).
Non-Leftists are too prideful in their perception that they know too much, and thus they let boring (but accurate) fact, arguments and statistics speak for themselves, which we know is generally unpersuasive.
Trump did it right by not getting entrenched in actual philosophies or numbers in his candidacy, but merely spoke to the crowd and amped up their energy and positivity (towards prosperity). Hitler operated in a similar manner.
pic related
Which midget
Shapiro or Memestiny?
he probably stands out for you because you can relate with him
read the op
oh yeah you do,confused it with something else due to my shitty english
uhh no sweetie
you just fucked up talking about things you have no clue about, as is usual on Sup Forums. fucking duning kruger niggers
Stop the fucking bus. Did you just actually try and defend a tradition rooted in the Catholic Church as "knowledge". Like the knowledge that the great Flood didn't kill everyone on the planet? Like the knowledge that it is LITERALLY impossible for Mary to have performed asexual reproduction? It's not "knowledge" it's them plugging their ears and screaming "LA LA LA LA I CANT HEAR YOU SO IM RIGHT." Get the fuck out of here with your Christian "knowledge".
1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate
See the pattern yet????
The shills on this board, and the reason the_donald has turned into a jewish cesspit of zionist filth is because Bannon controls T_D through the mods and has shills on there as well as here.
That's why Roy Moore was shilled so hard and you actually got banned if you said to trust Trump and support Luther Strange.
>appeal to emotions
>look how bad my opponents character is
>he is hate and we are love
>thunderous applause and fart huffing ensures
Shapiro may be a Jew, but Destiny is by-and-small a legitimate manlet who has nothing on Shapiro. I would like to see Shapiro destroy Destiny in a "debate", but alas Jim's few quick witted insults will have to do.
The problem that I have with Shapiro is that he's doesn't respect his own standards.
He can and will constantly interrupt people speaking, he will always present his own words as truth and expect others to back theirs, he will always speak in a condescending manner but demand for the discussion to be respectful, even when confronted with solid arguments he would rather weasel himself outside the topic rather than admit a fault in his logic.
He IS a great debater but he's also a scumbag, it's easy to see why people get pissed off when they "debate" with him.
shapiro is actually an inch taller than destiny lmao
Fantano ridiculized Shapiro recently
>rooted in the catholic Church
*Ancient Greece/Rome
Where Philosophy / debate occurred in Catholicism it was completely by default and limited to church nobility, who themselves had to be extremely careful about the way in which they questioned The Doctrine. Critical thinking was not permitted for 99% of people. In fact, The Church and Nobility actively kept peasants illiterate for hundreds of years.
>Anyone notice that people who are not on the left do not know how to debate at all?
I actually noticed this on the left anita sakeesian, kraut, destiny all behave like petty children after they run out of arguments.
This happens routinely dont even get me started on campus protests lol You are kinda blind and clueless buddy.
Debates are just shekel grabbing and channel/patreon promoting. That's why people like Milo and Shapiro go for the big bucks and either go to college campuses or big events. Watch SquatingSlavTv commentary on why they get loaded with money for those events if you're curious (he's another money grabbing shill and works with jews as well but he's jeallous enough to snitch on Milo and Ben).
Spencer tried to do the same but he was unpopular enough to resort to debate youtubers to avoid falling into irrelevancy.
jesus christ what a blatant attempt at ripping off pewdiepie
>not on the left
Uh. Left """debating""" pretty much consists of nothing but adhoms and muh feels.
>give no fucks my idol sucks dicks
Just admit it, in 10 years she'll be a female Stefan Molyneux. It should be the biggest non issue that she's very likely sleeping around, it's her words and not her cunt I'm interested in.
What is doing here JonTron?????
Destiny and Shapiro actually argue in a similar fashion, but Shapiro is way ahead of him and would absolutely destroy Destiny if they play that game.
It would be like a fishing boat against a destroyer.
The Needle Drop started 3 years before pewdiepie
the format didn't
>Destiny, I don't like it when you do thing X, I think it's dishonest and not productive
>well what about when I do thing Y
>that is also dishonest and not productive
How would a debate between Shapiro and Destiny go and end?
TL:DW both retarded
Did you ever think all lefties do is talk all day instead of getting things done like right wingers do.
>posts a video with a different format
fucking imbecile
But who is that bitch with the tits on the lower left??????
Gee, I wonder why. It's as if the church might have had a book they didn't want common people to be able to read. Also thank you for the clarification.
that's a tranny
Is that Josh from drake and josh?
Alert: Someone claiming to be under investigation by Mueller made an AMA that just got deleted. He claimed that there will eventually be "disclosure" regarding Iran/Iraq ceasefire, murder of Ruhollah Khomeini, lewinsky scandal, 9/11. The thread is in pic related. Download it while you can!
Whata fucking retard wew
Gee wollickers he had me flustered for a hair split of a second
is anyone supposed to manage to read that?
>user it's your doctor
>You have the gay
Destiny is ok, but his tactics are dishonest. It's not hard to find video after video of leftist getting routinely BTFO because most of the shit they say is inherently stupid and wrong. Occasionally there will be a leftist who has their winning formula to "win" a debate. But it always amounts to misconstruing something being said, shouting someone down or muh feels. The last one was attempted on Sargon during mythcon, so none of these are sure fire if the leftist sucks at that technique.
>Cucknard Failder
>defender of the white race
Haha aa!
No lie destiny is the best debater in that pic. But shapiro is not a cuck like him. Im with shapiro. I would love to debate destiny on American culture and imigration. How can i contact destiny to btfo him?
This hahah.
Thanks for pointing out idiots that ruin this bored based uhhh Toothpaste
>No lie destiny is the best debater in that pic
No lie i can fly thanks to the power of lies too.
You mean he purposefully created a strawman that he could more easily tear down. Fantano should really just stay out of politics. He looked fucking silly
Shapiro is one smart mohter fucker.
Debate is for the weak. I'd rip Destiny in half.
well, it's a strawman of a strawman, so Shapiro can't complain
ignore what people say
watch what they do
this is the true measure of their wisdom
rhetoric is masturbation
right action is wisdom
Nice flag u fucking faggot.
>what color am I thinking of then Richard?
>so you just want to release Indians back out into the wild then Richard?
>establishing an ethnostate in Antarctica would be bad because it would probably be oppressing somebody's rights at some point.
>Sargon won
Richard Spencer is excellent at debating, he thrashed Sargon, and it seems that not many people who he debates can pick up on what he is saying.
>and it seems that not many people who he debates can pick up on what he is saying.
because he is not saying much, just implying things without asserting anything concrete so basically lawyering his way out of having to have a consistent ideology
But he will say something clearly addressing his question and they’ll continue as if he said nothing. like when he was asked how he’d decide if someone is white enough to come in his ethnostate and he said for the most part you can tell when someone is white but for exceptional cases the state could give a dna rest. And Sargon acted as if he dodged his question because he wasn’t listening or because he is retarded
Daily reminder Destiny is actually 5’ 8” but the Alt Cucks are just salty because he btfo all their racists propagandists
hi Destiny
5'8" when he's wearing his 6" stilletos maybe.
Whose the cutie bottom left? XD
At least he’s not a rapist like JF