>By now you've probably heard of Bitcoin's meteoric rise in 2017. Maybe it got you thinking that you might want to be a Bitcoin millionaire yourself? Easy, right? Just head over to the local 7Eleven and buy a few Bitcoins and sock them away so you might have something to bequeath to your pets, right? Well not so fast, because the creators of Bitcoin have devised a process to obtain Bitcoins that is so convoluted and obtuse that the only explanation for implementing such a process is that it was meant to be exclusionary. Take two seconds to see who owns Bitcoins and who doesn't and it becomes painfully obvious what groups of people were meant to be excluded. Women and People of Color.
By now you've probably heard of Bitcoin's meteoric rise in 2017...
Other urls found in this thread:
more like they found out theres no way to redistribute it to themselves
literally pic related
Kind of want to exclude this author from life desu
God forbid white men have something for themselves so they're not constantly being persecuted
Isn't that a soft admission that women and POC are mentally inferior?
In a mere decade, feminists have gone from protesting pic related to unironically using it as an argument.
Someone needs to make this a real article
Gib link to article
maybe if they didnt alienate white men in tech they could have found out about crypto in its infancy.
After realizing that this was a shoop and that I am an idiot I posted it to Imgur to see what the normie reaction would be. Some of them are actually defending it. imgur.com
If trading Bitcoins is really anonymous, how do they know the race and gender of people using it?
>Navy made Bitcoins
I'm black and had BTC forever.
Women and niggers are not intelligent enough to invest in crypto, got it.
7/10 good effort
Holy shit, why did I not see this before.
I love bitcoin now.
That's funny because I directed two Mexicans on how to buy butt coin. They not dumb ass women though so maybe that's the issue.
You swallowed your own bait instead od going fishing with it :(
>men created something and now I want in
>this is hard, I don't want to make any effort. Waaaaahhhhh muh sexism
>Take two seconds to see who owns Bitcoins
I actually have the Jews to thank for the shekels I made with bitcoin because I'd never have become as paranoid as I am and learned as much as I know without the Jew. And the irony is, the money is going right back into propaganda to fight the jew.
isn't the creator Japanese. Blaming whitey
This has to be coming from a Sup Forums tard working for said press
It says they have no vision.
Because they dont.
Even most with PhDs lack any real vision or creativity and only achieve through grinding through the steps on well beaten paths laid by white men.
Usually with white men holding their hands and encouraging them the whole way, and subsidizing the entire process.
Women are just more cautious and lack entrepreneurship qualities
>mom has free money to invest
>btc @~7k
>tell her to buy some cons - will be 10 easily
>nah wtf is this, its a bubble it will pop
>btc meteoric rise
>normies are only getting in, buy it while its 10 it will be 20
>nah its a bubble
>In her groundbreaking book, The Violence of Literacy, the relevance of which has not diminished in the twelve years since its publication, J. Elspeth Stuckey argues that despite the best intentions of teachers, literacy is largely a tool of oppression rather than liberation. Learning to write, Stuckey argues, does too little to guarantee economic success for students of color other than white. Literacy is a promise in default—a default whose result points to the violence at the heart of economic and social arrangements. As Stuckey explains, “Literacy, like communication, is a matter of access, a matter of opportunity, a matter of economic security—a total matter. The violence of literacy is the violence of the milieu it comes from, promises, recapitulates. It is attached inextricably to the world of food, shelter, and human equality. When literacy harbors violence, the society harbors violence”
they cant even get quints
bitcoin is a scam
bitcoin is run by con artists
I put $800 into crypto and now I have $5,000
breddy gud