Would you rather live next door to a well to do black family or white mormons that wish to convert you?
Would you rather live next door to a well to do black family or white mormons that wish to convert you?
I'd rather live my whole life with my balls glued to a power outlet than ever live near mormons again. Black people are easy to solve via noise complaints. Mormons, not so much. Police will NEVER EVER COME if you call them and say mormons are trying to break into your house.
Shit's fucked.
>white mormons that wish to convert you?
I'd rather live next to a family of 8 ghetto niggers living in their grandma's house
Don't care.
i'm assuming you're joking. have you done this before? it's absolute fucking hell.
Either way I could finally live out murder fantasies.
I've done both. Mormons are worse.
Mormons so i fuck their daughters.
>convert me
Many, many wives!
They seem like decent people.
Also, no matter how civilized Jamarcus might be, he's still black and generally speaking it's easier to get along with people of your own race because you have more in common.
sick demented faggot sam hyde. evryone looks so sweaty and dirty in the cock sucking video, and that tiny hairy cock getting sucked off by over-rated HYDE KIKE.
Source nohomo
Mormons. They tend to be decent boardgamers. Aside from not drinking, they'd make for fun Friday game night people.
I'd bang them and bang my own damn bang nigga fo real lls
Considering I’m Mormon I don’t see the issue.
Considering I like board games and don't drink, maybe I'd make a good mormon.
Noice. What's it like?
I live near the black people i'd pick them any day over some nutty religifag spying on me all the fucking time
I’ve done both. The well to do black family were respectful, kind and helpful. The Mormons knew I was a baptist, so they were pretty obnoxious when I didn’t respond to them. Fuck Mormons.
Mormons. I live next to a few. Extremely nice people always willing to help. They were understandable when I told them im Christian and would rather not talk about religion all the time. One of them helped me take my Christmas lights down the other week.
Mormon. Well-to-do or not, nogs are always mere moments away from chimping out.
did they ever try to break into your house?
Even nigs aren't stupid enough to get cucked into paying a fake 10% tax and let Chad mcbishop fuck their wife, so I'd take black neighbors
I'm surrounded by Mormons here in Texas.. FLDS hardcore types. I've come to a very good arrangment with them, they are great neighbors and members of my community..
I grew up with one of their local elders, he turned to me more than once to get them out of some real issues. Let's just say I'm the kind of guy who solves problems quickly and well. I provide some critically important relief valves for them that as a Mormon would prove impossible. I help them transition their extra mostly male members into regular life if they can't "keep sweet'. The girls are more rare, but after Jeff's was locked up and put on hard lockdown, more females are not staying in the sect. But the girls do not want to completely abandon their families either. So I find amicable compromises for them. Over 90% of those FLDS women are bi.
To say Mormons are misunderstood is a huge understatement, especially the fundies. I've noticed big changes for them since Jeff's went down and his corruption came to light among the FLDS.
Many of them are close friends and now family to me. Yes, my house is "full". They like all people are just people that need a little "give" and slack here and there to live up to their whatever's while still living and loving. I provide that slack.
You can profit from being a "slacker" too.
what the fuck
whites < literally anything else
Yeah idk either m8
>all those sorry brainlet cucks picking niggers over ANY whites
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Please tell me thats not what I think it is..