Nice poll you have there. Shame if something should happen to it
Bentley White
Jackson Campbell
Henry Fisher
Gavin Turner
I'm Irish, well my last name is
David Morris
Godspeed diasporino
Christian Cox
Easton Davis
Jack Evans
Thanks, voted no.
Luis Cruz
Levi Murphy
Did my part
Josiah Jenkins
sieg heil
Jaxon Diaz
i just voted and urge everyone to do the same
Kevin White
Did my duty. BUMP
Jayden Stewart
Done & Bumped. Imma see if I can clear browser cache or try on another one to vote multiple times.
David Gomez
Yes confirmed, make sure to use all the browsers you have and clear cache and cookies. you can vote several times
Nicholas Clark
voted no btw
Christian Young
Cool, added another "no" vote.
Ayden Young
Did my part. Night lads
Easton Bennett
wonder who they asked
Owen Ortiz
Bump, we need more manpower
Leo Cooper
Bentley Anderson
thanks let's make the 'no' bigger