>get pulled over
>'hey put your hands up'
>*your waist suddenly have an itch
Get pulled over
>officer my waist itches, may I please scratch it
Scream fuck you pig and pull out my glock and shoot him.
>be already holding a notepad
>"I just need to make a call to confirm your badge number alright stranger"
they walk away. they fucking walk away.
This is not Sup Forums related.
>deal with it like a non-fuckin'-retard with some self discipline that doesn't get his ass shot, in a situation where if you're a fuckin' retard like that you're gonna get shot.
44 warning shots lodged in your cranium
Checked, doubles don't lie.
Police have far more social mobility than plebians, this is definitely a major political issue until community are self-policing and free from brutality.
obviously this
>Friend with an old black guy at work
>Tells me he remembers that cops used to fuck with him and his friends when he was young
>says its been ok for a long while but he is gettting worried now
>police man pulls him over for driving without headlights while its drizzling at noon
>He puts his hands on the windshield through the whole interaction except when explicitly asked by the cop to do something
>officer gives him a ticket without incident
>right before the cops lets him go the cop breaks into a 5 min monologue about how he isnt a racist and how people treat cops like shit getting angrier and angrier
>after saying something about how next time he should show respect he finally leaves
>later my friend told me he hadnt been that scared since vietnam(non-combat)
Cops are terrifying bro. I am a anti gun liberal 90% of the time. Even when I have to kick some crackhead off the property, but I always suddenly become pro gun when I see a cop powertripping.
But I dindu nuffin, deez cops be rayciss af nigguh
I must scratch
Goodbye world
>start waddling my hips side to side with my hands in the air
Some one make one of those shitty brain pictures
>Police force of untrained civilians
>police force of badly trained profesionals
>police force of perfectly trained professionals
>police force of over trained exmilitary
>Perfectly trained civilians with criminal police
Wait for him to frisk me....problem solved. Or at least delayed.
>get pulled over
>'hey put your hands up'
>*your waist suddenly have an itch
i get pulled over before and never had to put my hands up. the police never even reached for his gun.
be friendly, follow orders and everything is fine.
cops are normal people too, atleast here in germany.
Im not a nigger so he doesn't need to point a gun at me in the first place.
I'd just give myself an erection and let it reach around tell it felt the itch.
>>pot calling the kettle black
>eating a burger in burgerland
>cop suddenly approaches
>put hands up but refuse to let go of burger
>can't resist the burger for too long
>start eating out of desperation
>get shot
>i don't want any trabble !
Lol wtf...you take the faggot cake.
Believe it or not the same rules apply in the states. Real easy to have an incident free, safe interaction with police.
>Be Bong
>Leave the flat to go mail off the telly tax.
>Trip over Muslim on prayer rug outside flat.
>Cop sees.
>Blimey Racist!!!
>Pulls out billy club and starts to run after you.
>trips over Muslim, still praying.
>cue Benny Hill music as the three of you run around like bundles of sticks before all having a go at each other's fannies.
A cop would never be that unreasonable, unless you were black.
>get shot
Cops do a great job. Love those guys. I buy their meals/coffee etc. whenever I see them out.
Teleport behind him and cut him in half with my katana.
But what if you look like this and ain't got no patience for crackah pigs ?
I think fanny means vag in bongistan
>have self control and not scratch it
Wow, so hard
Oh my god, you’re right. I hate the police now! You know, maybe those fine innocent black gentlemen are onto something, they are just innocent victims being killed for no reason by evil police. Black lives matter!
>the tension of the situation makes me rock hard
>my erect cock shoots out of my trousers, blowing apart my zipper, and penetrates the cops skull, killing him instantly
>stuff his corpse under my foreskin where my precum will digest him, leaving no evidence