...why are we supposed to hate him again? He sounds like /ourguy/ desu
...why are we supposed to hate him again? He sounds like /ourguy/ desu
Other urls found in this thread:
He didn't kill nearly enough, the fucking coward.
>one post by this id
He was a scum socialist who needed to be tossed out of a helicopter.
The one gift he was going to leave the Russian people in atonement for his crimes--cleaning out the Jews completely--- they poisoned him right before could begin. He had actually begun, right after "The Doctor's Plot" verdict he was going to clean every last Jew out.
The quints have it. /thread
Death to commies confirmed
End of discussion. Now stop making this thread, shillcunt.
He was retard who destroyed his own army right before big war, as result losing half of his country to small enemy despite vastly outnumbering them in tanks, planes, artillery and personnel.
>killed twice as much russians than hitler
>ruined army right before the war
>when he realize what he done, just run away to his dacha and hide like pussy
Yeah, sounds nice to me.
He's a jew.
He killed off as many intelligent goyim as he could find.
No he didn't. He killed some 10 million people. Hitler's actions caused the death of some 27 million Soviet citizens, most of whom were Russians (or Ukrainians/Belorussians).
Not that I'm praising him, but you're saying bullshit.
He is literally too scary for Sup Forumstards. They scared that they will be considered as degenerates too and send to GULAG. They can't handle his charisma and masculinity.
>He killed some 10 million people
By his bare hands I suppose?
>>killed twice as much russians than hitler
And nobody saw those victims because they are only in your imagination.
He's just a mad man
No, by famine (around 6 million), which was caused by failure of collectivization, and the rest were shot, this includes Great Purge (600,000) and all the other victims of deportations and such shit.
I say around 10 million, number is probably a bit higher.
he is actually what most of pol wants
>no freedom
>if you say something bad, you get killed
That's the funny thing. Stalin is probably the closest to ideal leader to many Sup Forumsfags, ignoring racial aspect.
10 millions deaths must make a big hole in demography but no such holes in russian population during Stalin's peacetime. As example when we lost 13 millions during Yeltsin rule our population really dropped and we still have consequences of it but 10 millions of Stalin's victims nobody saw. Such a magic.
Probably it was Chrushev who did it and also eliminated Beria afterwards
>He was retard who destroyed his own army
It was liberals who did it.
Stalin industrialized Russia and build it's army along with nukes.
> as result losing half of his country to small enemy despite vastly outnumbering them in tanks, planes, artillery and personnel.
It is 3rd Reich that you call small army? And we didn't even finish full industrialisation when Hittler attacked.
Begone, retard
It wasn't 10 mil.. It was about 1 mil. in the spawn of almost 30 years. And they had it coming.
>failure of collectivization
is this famine also failure of supposed "collectivization"? en.wikipedia.org
all your knowledge about russian history is a bunch of memes
Stalins wife was a Jew.
A few hours ago there was an AMA from someone claiming to be under investigation by Mueller which was abruptly deleted without explanation. Among other things, the user claimed there would be disclosure on a number of issues ranging from 9/11 to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to archive the thread in time but I was able to take screenshots.
Ironically, Stalin was more of a rugged individualist or Ayn Randian egoist than any anarcho capitalist, especially more than some obese American meme kid like you. Stalin rose from literally nothing to head the second most powerful state in world history. He did it through unbelievable dedication, will power, hard work, and of course, with lots of luck. This is a man that utterly dedicated himself to a cause for decades, even robbed Jewish banks and spent time in Siberian prisons, all for his cause. This is the man that outmanouvered everyone in the Soviet Union to take power. NOTHING in Stalin's life was ever given to him.
Stalin is a greater fascist and libertarian hero than any fascist or libertarian in terms of his feats and rise to power.
The fact you can't seperate his ideology from the personal characteristics or achievements of the man tells me you're a brainlet.
Only weak beta's sympathize to maniacs, it's a thing they lack in their life, power.
>A famine happened before in Russian History therefore batshit insane Soviet agricultural policy had nothing to do with causing one later.
Your knowledge of Russian history is communist revisionism.
He was a Jew. I want you to fire up those synapses and really think about it...
In the book "The Wolf of the Kremlin" the Jew Kaganovich brags that it was him and his sister (one of Stalin's doctors) who did it by removing pills and switching them from his bedroom. The book is by his Jew american nephew "Stuart Kahane." You can decide if the jew is lying or not. I know when Kruschev accused him of killing 20 million by starvation under Stalin's orders, he didn't deny it but simply responded "your hands are not clean, either." That's in the minutes of the 20th congress.
No he wasn't you fucking retard.
He was off Georgian peasant stock.
>He was a Jew.
He was studying to be a a priest in Georgia. I'd wager I know more about Jewry than anyone here. The way he achieved power was by playing the two jews (Trotsky and Zhinoviev) against each other.
Fuck off with that commie cunt. Hurts my eyes
That commie cunt was more of an individualist than you.
The Lord has spoken, hear hear!