(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora atheist) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.
>tfw based Destiny BTFO the (((Alt-Right))) and exposes them for being degenerate mixed-bred mutts
Reminder that all you degenerate shitskins and non-whites trying to LARP as Aryans will be put up against the wall when the red revolution kicks off.
Robert Reed
Here's a collection of archived Twitter posts where Tiny slandered JF. Give them to JF to help him sue Tiny.
Basically, Tiny accused JF of: > Having an anchor baby. > Being a mentally ill person. > Raping a retarded girl.
It's not just about raping a retarded girl. There are multiple false allegations that can be disproven and show that he acted in bad faith. Not only did he assert falsehoods against JF, and intentionally misread the court cases; but he actually created a defamation campaign when he personally, or by proxy, riled up people with this stories to make them spread.
When will Taylor apologize to Spaniards and Criollos for blaming mestizo crimes on them?
Hudson Hill
Mike Enoch and the Daily Shoah gang BTFO Tiny and Sargon in this segment. They also talk about the hypocrisy of leftcucks calling us "snowflakes", etc.; and describe how things would work in a white ethnostate.
Also, Mike Enoch is supposedly gonna be on Andy Warki's YT livestream debates sometime soon.
Jason Fisher
Destiny thinks hispanic is a race? Lol
Christian Moore
Essential Tiny Lore, quick rundown:
>is a manlet >beat up his ex-wife >got literally cucked >became a "skilled" SC2 player by spamming roaches >gets hand-held by Blizzard (programmers literally gave Zerg a buff just for him in one tournament) because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments >gets his dick pics shared publicly, and quits out of shame >tried to murder a fat kid and his dad because they DDOS'd him >bullied his own son on livestream for being Christian and telling his dad not to swear (son visits on weekends, etc., lives with the mom) >tried to sue Aydin because she called him a cult leader >has a cult of retards on Leddit >they pay him $40 per month in order to shitpost here >is literally funded by a Qatari Sheik who wants to weaken whites with liberalism (chatlogs posted by an Argentinian user) >unironically supported Hillary Clinton >supports open borders >thinks more welfare checks will fix all problems with immigrants >told his best friend to kill himself, & the madman actually did it >IS A PEDO >shared lewds of a 15-year-old girl; and sexually-harassed a 12-year-old girl (Baby Miku) along with his top admins >wants to legalize CP >tells his daughter that incest is okay (preparing to rape her in the future, much?) >defended CP for hours in a debate >Andy Warski hates him for being a pedo, and won't let him back on >got BTFO'd by Naked Ape and left the stream early >got BTFO'd by JF in the fist 15 minutes; and spent the rest of the debate deflecting, and brought-in Tara as a punching bag >is afraid to debate Alt-Hype, and blocked him on Twitter >is afraid to debate Richard Spencer >is afraid to debate Mike Enoch >is currently deleting tons of his own Twitter posts because The_Guardian is collecting info on him about supporting pedophilia, harassing people, defamation, etc. >is gonna get sued by JF for defamation
>this somehow invalidates the idea of it It's like claiming hypocrisy when a woman states that women in general shouldn't vote, apparently you are legally obligated to care for yourself and only yourself.
Leo Parker
Christopher Morgan
Links to info about Tiny being a shill for rich leftist pedo Jews, and anti-white Qatari Sheiks:
Parker Bell
Reminder that posters who use the word "e-celeb" are pic related.
Nolan Barnes
Unabashedly Rageposting.
She'll by mine on day.
Colton Hill
who is this semen demon?
Christopher Morales
Generic hentai girl #00071554
William Roberts
Jason Clark
>Destiny blatantly making stuff up and exageration the non-whiteness of people At least now we know what type of person makes those kinds of posts now
He is restoring the movement and will finish Hitler's work
Justin Powell
Is Lawrence Fishburne huwhite? Akkademics please respond
Levi Davis
Satisfied from yet ANOTHER "triumphant victory" over the alt-right nazis (AKA: spamming pilpul and deflections until time runs out), Steve Bonell lowers himself from the tall booster seat mounted at his computer station, and heads towards his basement, now renamed "The Ethical Room Of Child Sexual Enrichment". Faint cries can be heard drifting out from behind the double-bolted steel door.
A wry smirk forms on his dwarf-like visage. "Seems I've earned myself a little treat", he says aloud, to no one in particular. "And I do mean little."
Moving with swift purpose, he disengages the lock, and goes inside the dimly-lit room. The whimpering cries immediately turn to high pitched screams. The door closes, and nobody else is present to hear the screams, now muffled and fading to silence. Don't worry, he's assured everyone it's all ethical.
Camden Howard
Steven "Rip Nigger Children To Shreds With Hooks" Bonnell II is fucking BASED as FUCK!
Cooper Harris
Chase Williams
Fuck, Jared has gotten so old since ramzpaul first introduced him to me. I hope he's not dying.
Carter Kelly
Destiny during debate: "you guys will just fight eachother over what is truly white"
Destiny on twitter: "haha, this pro-white person isnt 100% white, and ya'll accept him anyway!? Dont you know your own ideology?!"
Jackson Morgan
>TFW Taylor said that he originally thought he was just recording the downfall of Western civilization for future generations to look back on; but now we gave given him new hope.
>Tara McCarthy is half Jewish/half Indian Completely wrong, she's 12.5% Indian and 2% Ashkenazi. Also who cares? You don't have to be white to be an ethnonationalist.
Carter Robinson
this really is a killshot that Destiny will never address
does he realize that Spain is in Europe? not all Hispanics are Mestizos or Arab rape babies.
Christian Jones
I've seen this meme peddled by americans that Portuguese, Spanish, and Italians are not whites. Do americans actually believe this?
Wyatt Jones
Latins are more distinct from Nordics, but Latins and Nordics are both closer-related to each other than other phenotype groups.
Jason Lopez
Yes, but america will consider native born Spaniards Hispanic. That's dumb as fuck.
Dominic Nguyen
Also we need some Euro or Australian to bake new breads. It's American sleepy time now.
Luis Sullivan
Have a Taylor meme.
Tyler Nelson
If America is white because Britain, then is Mexico white because Spain?
Isaiah King
Spaniards, and Portuguese are huwhite, but they blanda'd with too many natives and their colonies are mostly Mestizo now.
Charles Clark
No, a large majority of Americans have british/german/french ect ancestors. The ancestors of Mexico is a mix of natives and Spaniards.
Anthony Gonzalez
So CRP is mad at Sargon as he wouldn't just directly fuck him after sharing his girlfriend with him for 2 hours in London?
Aiden Reed
He's upset that Sargon didn't tell a complete stranger that he was going to be doxxed. The coversation he released showed he has no morals and "Truth is only a tactic of a leader". He's just looking for an apology so he can "win".
Hudson Wood
tiny going FULL damage control in one of his vods over his daughter.
Sebastian Moore
lmao link?
Julian Gonzalez
I know about that, I'm talking about the root of their opposition, it sounds like they had some sort of sexual encounter in London, at least from the Tonka stream yesterday, he was talking about really enjoying Sargon but his girlfriend got bored.
Jose Murphy
makes me sad that only 500 have seen this
Jackson Gomez
Christ, I can't imagine having that level of disdain, yet apathy for my own kid, it's like he doesn't even care that he's there
Jackson Morales
Destiny btfo the pea brain Baked Alaska so vad. Holy shit that dude is retarded. Btw Sargon already recruited more subs than he lost so there's that. How are Alt Cucks winning again? Did JF finally sue like he said he would?!
Asher Watson
pretty normal from what I see among the gamers senpai
Jason Hughes
We need to work overtime to debunk Mister Metokur and get rid of him. He is attracting too many people to the alt-right by making fun of the left.
Charles Sanchez
if everything he has said is correct, then clearly nonwhites want a white ethnostate. Who is he to question this?
Gavin Hernandez
No. Jim is only for the drama. If we turn JF into a lolcow he could also start going after JF or just stop touching the issue and move on to the next internet drama.
Jaxson Morales
Anyone who helps the Alt-right even unintentionally must be removed from society
Easton Sullivan
>that nose
Le 26% face
James Lee
I'd call him "white enough" desu
Brayden Gonzalez
He’s a nigger but who cares, he already has his own ethnostate. Doesn’t invalidate our point.
Christian Flores
what's Jared Taylor got to do with this?
Samuel Jenkins
>Measuring self-respect by subscriber count That's even lower that Destiny measuring his own self-worth by his relative wealthiness compared to student cartoonists, impressive.
Caleb Phillips
Cry more pajeet. Alt Cucks we’re flooding with Sargon lost subs on Friday claiming victory. Guess it didn’t turn so good for them.
Nathan Garcia
> if the commies take over, all you non-Whites and shistskins are going to get shot Doesn't that kinda give us more of a reason to side with the ones that will only deport us?
Josiah Lee
They will only kill those who larp as aryan nazis.
Adrian Green
They would kill a whole lot more than just shitskins that larp as aryan nazis, but I guess you need something explained. Even if none of us were 100% white, not a single one, not the case, but let's imagine it. Even then, when behind anonymity and interacting with libshits directly, we'd all still claim to be. The reason is two-fold. A: No oppression points. You get to see how you can expect to be treated when you're not in the currently trendy-to-worship group B: It plays at a guilty conscience on the part of shitskins and niggers that act stereotypical. You never know what someone does on their own time. People who commit crimes don't admit on air that they do, and even if they do, bank on the corrupt, toothless and understaffed state of law enforcement protecting them. The same niggers and shitskins that steal, that loot stores, that enable crime and that rape and murder people when they think no-one's coming for them, immediately get very uncomfortable and very nervous when confronted with the image of legions of mentally sound White men in brown uniforms coming to purge non-Whites and degenerates. Larping as pure aryan nazis and comparing reactions allows to identify where the undesirables are, so further approaches can then be better pinpointed.
By the way, that exact tactic makes all the alarms ring when used on Tiny. Everything about how he reacts to 'the alt right' screams guilty.
Kayden Hill
The white ethnostate won't be America. You can elect all the Donald Trumps you want but it won't stop America from slowly turning into another Brazil
Adrian Thompson
Will Destiny move to a Brazilian favela and live there for six months to prove that race does not exist or matter? If it's too far then what about Detroit? Live in Detroit for six months if race does not matter.
Same with Sargon. Move to a Black or Paki area of East or South London if race does not exist or matter.
You can not preach race denialism while you live in and enjoy the benefits of a White neighbourhood and country.
If White people don't exist, and/or ethnic homogeneity does not matter, then move to a non-White country or neighbourhood. Move to Detroit, or Brazil, or East London. Race doesn't exist or matter does it? So why do you live in a White country and a White neighbourhood?
Jacob Phillips
If she still dons the glasses and bull ring when (if) she returns I will be thoroughly disappointed.
Levi Garcia
>mentally sound >brown uniforms wew The brownshirts were just dumb muscle. They got purged for a reason.
Sebastian Watson
t. demonic leftist The demon fears the Copt
Joseph Lopez
1. He's not black, he's half Coptic. Totally different race, and the next closest to White Europeans. 2. Copts lost their ethnostate to an Arab Muslim invasion. Like Assyrians, Phoenicians, & other Christian ME ethnic groups, they know what it is like to lose their ethnostate & civilisation to a hostile alien invasion.
> three fucking empires and the US got duped into fighting the Germans and only barely managed to beat them together > this is somehow indicative of the German model not working Just as a side note, there's interviews of war veterans going around and enough articles to find on them easily. War veterans that lived to see what fighting and winning WWII for the allied forces got them, regret having joined and openly say they wouldn't have done it had they known what they knew later/now. Also >> mentally sound Yes. That's why they aren't exactly scared by faggots and trannies. The image doesn't strike fear unless they are truly mentally sane and straight, unapologetic and loyal to one's own kind over that of others is what mental health truly constitutes. You can tell yourself otherwise, but that's like saying the sky isn't blue if you just get yourself to believe that it's green.
Noah Long
Aydin > Rage
Gavin Brown
agreed my fellow kekistani
Kayden Scott
Why are you retards always chimping out about destiny in these threads
Jeremiah Martin
it's his drones visiting from r*ddit
Adrian Thompson
Destiny fanclub.
Robert Jones
>"haha, she dressed up my favourite videogame" Is that really all you have?
Benjamin Butler
She must have spent a fortune on all of those outfits
Mason Barnes
It makes them look really insecure i cant help but wonder if they are running a 4d psyop to destroy his credibility.
Jayden Morales
Lincoln Green
After all, she is the queen of this board.
Gavin Morgan
He’s out. Shut up.
Sebastian Mitchell
No sucj things as queens of Sup Forums you autist you might be a queen how ever.
Eli Morris
Waifu war now!
Jose Gonzalez
she is also better looking than rage
Anthony Sanchez
A few hours ago there was an AMA from someone claiming to be under investigation by Mueller which was abruptly deleted without explanation. Among other things, the user claimed there would be disclosure on a number of issues ranging from 9/11 to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
Nolan Murphy
>>Tales of Trout Part 4: Dox, and Doxxes, and Doxxxing Oh my >youtube.com/watch?v=dl3jeuZ7Ujs Christ that bit where Sargon comes in and Kraut spergs out was fan-bloody-tastic. Overall I enjoyed the TGWTG series more, but this one really got good in Part 4.
Jacob Torres
who the fuck is mueller? this is eceleb thread
Daniel James
She is our suzerain, whether you like it or not.
Bentley Collins
Spooky stuff. Good thing oxytocin only has a short duration of action although they're probably working on molecules that act on the receptor for longer.
The same receptor pathway also causes leaky nips and induces childbirth in pregnant women, so may stymie plans for mass use to cure the (((psychological codition))) of ethno-preference.
David Howard
>MUH GERMAN MODEL >doesn't know the acutality of his own history You dumb niggers would have plunged even deeper than Weimar if you didn't "liberate" the adjacent countries of their tresuries. The absolute state of Germarxmany Is that Aydin?
Lincoln Williams
>a Jew >queen of Sup Forums
Wouldn’t have expected otherwise from a Cuckistany. Off yourself