
Why doesn't everyone just stay where they are? And why are some people promoting that immigrants move from one place to another?

I never understood that. What possible benefit could immigrants be to a country unless that country very specifically selects people they need for very specific jobs they cannot fill with native immigrants, even if they looked around?

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I agree. We should've sided with you in WWII. We must exterminate the Anglo.

For one the weather is terrible in the uk

well yeah we have other higher priorities right now - like survival of the white race you dumb faggot.

Personal benefit

the 5k brits here are just retired old people that come to live here cause it's much cheaper.

Grey skies everyday, 0 degrees outside, pretty comfy desu

But why? Honestly, why don’t they move to Scotland or whatever.

Good thing Anglos aren't white

Shut up you dumb fat cunt. Hitler considered brits as racial kin and hated the fact we were at war.