Wow Australia truly the lucky country how blessed I am to live in this gook infested shithole.
Wow Australia truly the lucky country how blessed I am to live in this gook infested shithole
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>makes country so expensive only chinks can afford to live there
It’s your own fault.
>tfw too dumb to prosper in native land
Is this town hall station user?
WTF did China spring a leak and the insects start oozing southward?
Jokes on you I live on total drama island. So I only saw like 6 today. Holy shit don't they love standing in doorways.
but what's the excuse for letting them in? You don't have nearly the amount of Jews we do. Aus/NZ was my backup plan when the niggers and spics destroy this place. Now the soulless insects and kangz are ruining that place. Where are Whites meant to go now idiot? You ruined it.
Must be Sydney
>You don't have nearly the amount of Jews we do.
HAAAA!!!! Ask any australian parent what they plan to do with the house after they die.
>oh I'm selling it to asians and going on a ten-year cruise you kids don't respek me like the chinks do
every. single. one.
If it isn't chinks buying up a neighbourhood it's indians.
and, aside from crying about it on Sup Forums, what are you going to do about it. probably nothing. it's already too late. your politicians sold you out and sold your country from right under your feet. and your parents let it happen, because they're boomer scum, just like mine.
it's not special to australia. it's happening all over california, canada, you name it. it doesn't matter if an area is hot or cold, there are chinks, viets, gooks, koreans, moving in and driving up housing prices.
and then you have the spics and nigs in the low-income, high-crime areas, so it's just this fucking pressure cooker where if you don't earn a high enough income you end up in the shitty area, but if you earn enough then most of your income is going towards paying rent or mortgage.
i see the same fucking Ausfag poasts complaining about this every day, and yet it's happening in every major city.
so this is the strength of diversity... whoa
The town I live in doesn't have a lot of Asians but oh boy do we have methheads galore here, consider yourself lucky
There is one white guy there. That is how you know it is Australia...
but jews did reverse the white australia policy
see walter lipmann
They are like insects, they're everywhere, New Zealand is full of them too.
>Methheads or Bugheads
Tough choice, I choose methheads.
>propers over native burial grounds
you are next Taz fuck head you are living on bought time
Not just them, the towel heads are growing too
Not as bad as some cities in the UK. I studied in the UK for 2 years, and without exaggerattng: over half of my university was East Asian.
Case in point-- like maggots to a dead dog in the sun, 10 insects with aussie flags writing ching-chong already. thanks jews.
Go back where you came from
Having fucked an Asian tourist in a hotel here I applaud minister Dutton and his mission to keep this country pristine for white people, if anything to stop niggers fucking the tourists I could be fucking
>Having fucked an Asian tourist in a hotel
bestiality must run in convict blood. Though the two aussies I've fucked are far better looking than brit girls. I can't think of a single brit girl who isn't a complete repulsive slag. The mix of celtic blood must have diluted the worst features of brit girls.
I never stay in the same country for more than a month. My country is dead to me, I have no home. Fuck off.
You people totally deserve it desu unlike actual white Europeans
>If it isn't chinks buying up a neighbourhood it's indians.
yep. the top 3 immigrant sources for my suburb are:
rather have east Asians over arabs and niggers
We've got all three. That's why they call us the lucky country!
>tfw no invasion of chinese qts
1. chicken fried rice
1. fried wonton
1. chicken dumplings with sesame sauce.
1. fried wonton
how much is that? how long? thanks.
same, one sat near me on the train and lost it at a ticket officer
>tfw gook tourists with their bfs eye rape you everytime since getting /fit/
they probably think i'm a passionate exotic lover but they don't know about my crippling autism haha
no problem: 年輕男子精子餃子. all with cream of some young guy?
the same gooks who whined like jews over "sum tin wong, we too loo, bang ding ow" using a joke used for 11 year old chinks that niggers niggers beat up. I don't understand insect runes/Veloxi, you're wasting your time.
Oh no they're spreading
>tfw pajeet friend is moving to Melbourne in a few months
He's a faggot show-off piece of shit so you're welcome to kill him
There are no Australians in Melbourne
This, We need a wall around Victoria, Maybe the western suburbs are salvageable.
Less than 100,000 whites in Hong Kong / China during the British Empire is hysterically decried as 'colonialism', yet millions of chinks in Australia is called 'diversity'! Go fucking figure!!!
Just melbourne, rest of vic is great
100% agree my white brother.
Methheads can be cured, Bugheads CAN'T!
at least they are not niggers
While I agree that melbourne is like 95% of the problem in all of australia and that most of the suburbs are actually really good. We need to do the same thing as we would to a gangrenous limb. It must be lopped off further than the apparent infection. I live in the western suburbs, but to save the rest of aus I'm willing to become a martyr and be confined within the walls.
>be auscuck
>bitch and moan on Sup Forums
>decide to do nothing in real life
>auscuck wonder why nothing have change
>forever cuck
Not really. My parents sold up their place for 1.3m to a young white couple. They didn't want the chinese to buy it up and demolish it like the rest of the suburb.
t. 1940's california bungalow resident
The planet so overdue for a White worldwide chimp out that the solar system itself will tremble this time. If the yellow and brown hordes won't leave Whites alone anywhere, I see no reason why any species should have anything and why we shouldn't take the entire planet and all history with us.
Goebbels wrote: "If we are forced to exit the stage of history, we will slam the door so hard the entire universe will tremble." I hope Trump just nukes the chinks, Indians, pakis, jews, and takes the world down in one giant atomic fireball. if the White man can't be left alone from Iceland to Australia, why should we not irradiate this entire planet?
That's Sydney, an oversea territory of CHYNA.
Still, better than a shithole infested by muzzies and niggers.
Face the reality goy, western world has been fully enriched, Australia is enriched mainly by tiny cocks.
All women (especially Chinese) were made for the White Cock. I'm sorry, it's just fact.
And then there's you, just endlessly projecting
It's too late, WHITE has already FINISHED. Even if we set immigrants quota to zero tomorrow, the situation wouldn't change, it would just take a little bit longer time to replace white.
I guess it's ultimately a fair game, we conquered the world, then being conquered in another way.
Thats not how it works brainlet. Most migrants who come here aren't wealthy by any means. Businesses only want them jere for cheap labor and they eat up these shitty jobs. You can't compete with these insects. Capitalism has incentivised mass immigration. Thats why the media constantly pushes multiculturalism whilst shitting on nationalism or anything traditional
The joke in all of this is that the Norks are going to come out clean in 100 years or so since they haven't been mixed. Dr. Pierce used to say in the 90s that as much as he hated communists, he hated what the Jew oligarchs were doing and Israeli white slavers a lot more. At least the people who died in the 1990s died thinking "well, scandinavia and australia and most of europe are safe." Now Europe is full of cockroaches, australia full of insects and even iceland is a stopover for disgusting jews. I had some chink receptionist at the dentist telling me about her "stay in iceland and the blue lagoon with her cousins." They're going to cover the planet like insects.
Hate those tourism dollars.
>It's too late, WHITE has already FINISHED
Funny, the Jews told the Germans in the 1930s the same thing and infested every city with drugs and even negroes in the Rhineland. With modern technology and without he will, Europe and the White dominion could clean house in a month or two.
Stick a tariff into rice imports.
>millions dead
Chinks in bugerland seem to be different to Australia, they looks extremely ugly, dirty, evil as hell. You Amerimutts need to clean them up.
I fucking hate gooks bros
Do something about it, pussy.
>WHITE has already FINISHED
What are you talking about.
If you want a White country... make one. Not that hard.
On top of that, we have the most advanced countries in the world. Our position gives us the opportunity to gain financially etc... and become leaders, do / achieve things, and basically be in the top classes of the global society.
You may not like it, but it is probably to your advantage to see how you can benefit from the situation.
91.65% of white Australian woman mated with the black man within the last 6 hours and you are worried about this? Priorities...
Pics of hot Australian Asian chicks pls!
We don't even have a big chink problem (yet) but foe california which is hopefully going to sink in an earthquake soon. Maybe just a 10 feet or so and it can be sterilized and then in 100 years come back up like that area near Rome that keeps doing it every few hundred years. I just always thought I had an escape hatch to europe or australia. now I realize, I don't. We all make our last stands where we are.
No Australian parent said this ever. Maybe your own relationship with your parents isn't the best.
Cat? No, it's the character for "pubic hair" you need!
It's funny because they can read what you write but you can't read what they write. Time to learn Chinese user.
The modern technology is held in eastern Asia, you Amerifats only know how to eat a burger then shit in supermarket, literally poo in loo tier.
WHITE is a minority RIGHT NOW, the statistics data is fake, that's something government doesn't want WHITE to know.
Majority WHITE has permanently switched the side standing with Asians, Muzzies and Niggers.
Look at the demographic and birth rate, it's done. Jews in 1930 was nothing, in comparison to the number of PoC today and how advanced other race, particularly eastern Asian race advanced. In 1930 eastern Asians still ate shit on streets.
The only way for WHITE to survive is to somehow unite with eastern Asians, but I can't see how to achieve that.
Anyway, you're Amerimutt and we all know you have some mental issues, need to be gassed at the first opportunity possible.
sounds much better than europe or the usa
count your blessings ausfag
Funny as you come from New Gookland.
Check the demographic and birth rate, do the MATH.
It'll get demolished anyway sooner or later.
California must be thoroughly burned down. It's a true evil place with satanic ideology.
Move out of Sydney then you dumb cunt
Why don't you find a white woman to marry and make some babies. Does that sound like hard work?
Central I think.
Don't you have a university lecture to get to, Zhang?
at least i can see over their heads in crowds.
It's not impossible but considerably hard because !!!WHITE WOMEN!!!, I'm sure you don't need me to explain.
I roughly calculated a bit, for every WHITE couple, at least 8 kids are required to turn around the situation - under the pre-condition that we have zero immigrant tomorrow.
I like it when they do that passive aggressive pushing thing in crowds. The cunts weigh around 50kg wringing wet. Give one the stiff shoulder and they go flying.
>hey can read what you write
i don't care what insects with no souls communicate in the same way I don't care what two flies are trying to communicate while buzzing about.
>The modern technology is held in eastern Asia
the chink is bragging when nothing they make works and the gooks and japs would happily tag team rape and murder all billion of you and produce for free just for the fun of doing it. You really think Whites are just going to fade away? 100 years ago, a white man literally had his boot on your emperor's neck. You are insects.