Most celebrities are trannies. A lot of them are so obvious it's amazing people haven't been calling it out for decades already. They are warping and inverting your perception of beauty and your sexuality. Post obvious tranny celebs.
Most celebrities are trannies: sexual confusion agenda
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Cameron Diaz
Pamela Anderson
Those broads too so much dick they have a higher testosterone level than most "men" these days.
They are just old I saw Cameron Diaz tits when she was young and they weren't no trap tits
Madonna in the movie Swept Away
Getting old does not cause a female to develop male body proportions and an adonis belt.
She's just old and lost her estrogen. A reason men don't go for old women. They start to look like dudes.
Telegony/MicroChimerism, yes they do.
Sarah Silverman
All porn stars should have fridge bodies, wide square shoulders, square jaws, and adonis belts then. They don't.
Serena Williams
Its only called an adonis belt on a man its just a set of muscles everyone has. They are just intense with personal trainers trying to overcompensate for age.
Denial. Sorry man. You've been jacking off to dudes for decades.
entire country is full of degenerate transfreaks & mutts without healthcare
this is the price you pay for never being able to see a nude women for real.
Michelle Obama
There are definitely a large portion of porn stars that look/are beat now. Theres a reason they're always looking for young new stars. Go look up someone you jerked off to 4+ years ago, and try and tell me the wall didn't come to them.
There are of course all the transexuals on lifetime hormone treatments. Not to mention women being put on hormones to stave of menopause and whatnot.
penis slice pussy cock slice pussy slice surgery are given out for free under obamacare in the US of A.
Trust me, my european friends, what I say is true. I've been there.
everyone is a sloppy tranny faggot mutt.
literally a roastie
never seen a jewess before?
this is literally what all nigger women look like
dude, youre Canadian
let that sink in
whomstever this hulking she-beast is in the OP and fp is not cameron diaz. i refuse to beleive it. cameron diaz in the Mask was smoking hot. who the fuck is this
45 isn't old
fucking hell i hate fake tits so fucking much.
give me tiny DFC or massive hangers or anything in between - i don't fucking care so long as it's NATURAL.
mmm wow baby i love squishing your footbal-shaped saline balloon bags around.
fuck. who the fuck enjoys fake tits and arses.
even if you've been tricked into a mastectomy - leave em off, don't put fucking saline bags under your skin.
godfuckingdamnit women are clinically insane and the doctors that butcher them in the name of cosmetic enhancement deserve an extremely special place in hell.
Michelle is the only one I agree with you on. All the rest are just losing their estrogen from age or fitness training. I wouldn't be surprised if the Williams sisters didn't take very small amounts of testosterone to give them an edge.
Slide thread.
i'm heterosexual. do you know what that means? or have you forgotten?
aren't heterosexuals a persecuted minority in the USA? there are only like a couple hundred left?
& where are all the pure whites???? cock sucking faggotry is the norm. soddom & gommorah s modern america. it's shameful how children are getting their cocks cut off en mass, gender changing is as common as eating mcdonalds. sad place. sad sick people...
It's her.
Are you the MrE guy ?? brother I love your content keep up the good fight against those trannies
I think they have shitty (but expensive) personal trainers.
That's a bloke.
Freud was right, women really do have penis envy
Indeed. Don't stop to realize how complete and total the control system and warping of your mind has been. You might miss the latest episode of "some dumb shit I saw on the news today".
Chloe Moretz
These chicks are just old and fit - Age will fuck you up - You should see the 40 year old unfit slags around here yuck
Drake. Note sloping shoulders and circular face.
Are you quite sure that hollywood's tastes aren't defined by gay jewish pedophiles?
Because I am certain that it is. Also, having a child fucks with a woman's stomach something fierce.
lots of trannies, homosexuals, faggotry, sodomites, queers, dick touchers, rug munchers, sluts, whores, homos, gaylords, addicts, junkies, jibbers, crackheads, shitfaced stoners, transfreaks, street walkers, ass kissers, niggers, kikes, wops, arabs, sand niggers, rag heads & gender benders in the usa.
very bad place. never go there.
>lots of trannies, homosexuals, faggotry, sodomites, queers, dick touchers, rug munchers, sluts, whores, homos, gaylords, addicts, junkies, jibbers, crackheads, shitfaced stoners, transfreaks, street walkers, ass kissers, niggers, kikes, wops, arabs, sand niggers, rag heads & gender benders in the usa
No no. Just Hollywood and New York aka what most of us know of the USA.
Stay out of the middle though, word has it they are full and want you to fuck off.
Angelina Jolie. Square jaw and square chin, broad square shoulders, long arms, large hands, prominent brow.
I always thought Chanel west coast was born a male but apparently it was born female
all americans are depraved sodomites & mixed race substance abusers. believe me friend. i've been there. i know the truth.
i don't like foreigners but if those tits are real and I was sentenced to death by snoo-snoo this would be an acceptable option.
i saw her arse (or her sisters, whatever) at madame tussauds in amsterdam and it is rather plump ;)
Sandra Bullock with Adam's Apple. Also, her name is literally Sandra testical.
she looks like a heroine addict.
wtf I love trannies now
Sandra Bullcock
no m8, a bUllock is a young male cow.
a bOllock is a testicle. hence, bollockS.
you are completely and insanely wrong.
but then you people can't spell "arse" correctly (you keep saying "ass" which means donkey) so i don't expect you to learn from this. keep butchering my language, i'll keep pretending i don't mind
sandra bollocks lol
they all have more muscle mass than the typical pol user lol
she looks like a chickenheaded dyke who is coked out of her tree.
I have been there too, multiple times and I can attest that you are wrong despite how fun it is to call them mutts and make fun of them. Basically shut the fuck up you fucking leaf, you will never be as good as australians, americans or the british. You are tainted by dirty frenchman blood. Your only redeeming factor is the scotch blood writhing in agony within your pathetic canadian body.
It's a hard pill to swallow if you're a celeb junkie dumb dumb but you won't be able to deny what's right in front of your face forever.
That and Pamela Anderson has had countless plastic surgery procedures over the years. She's 53% plastic by now atleast
Given that rich pricks always go to the gym, yeah. It would be weird if it was the other way around.
fun fact: drake is half jewish & half black, an absolute shame he's canadian. i can't stand his wigger looking ass with the audacity to unironically wear toronto jerseys.
toronto the most mutt city in canada by far; full of niggers & chinks. he reminds me that kid in high school who got caught jacking off in the library.
(((this isn't that surprising, sadly)))
what has you being unable to spell "bollocks" got to do with me being a "celeb junkie dumb dumb"?
i'm telling you how to sepll properly. it's not "bullocks", it's bollocks.
fucking dozy yank.
>"How can I make a thread about my androgyny fetish on Sup Forums without being called a weirdo fag?"
>the idea for this thread pops into OP's bug brain
you're a welfare recipient aboriginal who passes out on the road & whom is dating an tourist american slut from seattle who sells ecstasy on your beaches.
>you are completely and insanely wrong
If you were just talking about the spelling alright. But you seemed to be butthurt about the subject in general.
you wear billabong, vans & hurley. commiefornia dogshit
Is that you, underground satanic TFL?
but that doesn t look like women muscle tone. That is a male stomach clearly. its like a fridge dude.
wow nice comeback you shitty little twerp.
did your mummy help you write it? oh sorry, "mommy"
Return that bitch to Ikea, yuck
you son of bitch.
You just got no come back to that bro - Better sit down before he slaps you again .
don't fuck with me.
"princess" Stephanie of Monaco.
no i don't particularly care about manly female celebs but i do care about my native slang being fucked up by foreigners such as yourself.
bollocks - bullocks - arse - ass - learn the difference.
you want a piece of me too? hmph.
this is a woman stomach
I've honestly wondered if something like this was true.
I go to the mall and see women who are a million times hotter than the average celebrity.
I mean, Taylor Swift? Really? She looks like a 12 year old boy. I see bitches at the mall with big tits, ass, cute faces, just walking around and goofing off.
You're telling me this is all Hollywood can find? A bunch of women who kinda look like boys?
>45 isn't old
Looks like Adam Ant
I do not give a fuck what anyone says I would wreck her
You've already been BTFO twice now -
I dont need to do it too
of course you would. you're jewish too.
nah I'm pretty aryan
She's already wrecked
OJ’s “wife”
fine. i'm out.
She doesn't look like a man. She has the body of a woman to exercises too much. I guess better to look like that than a wrinkly old lady.
exactly, like, i always liked Kate hudson s face but then i see things like these and i get a bit lost, like wtf?!
Go to bed, MrE.
The Real Red Pill is that women never existed. They're entirely constructs of sex change operations and "crossdressing." No natural birth has ever had a vagina.
Ive always thought she looked like a man
Funny you should say so. Swift before some of "her" alterations.
Celebs have qualities mall girls dont have - A-type personalities , work constantly , can act (to some degree) , ect
Madonna was never sexy.I've never understood how people could find her attractive.
Did CERN knock us into an alternate reality where all female celebrities of the past 3 decades have been trannies, or has this just been the case the whole time and no one was paying attention until now?
>ITT: Sup Forums fights it's attraction for transwomen and is in denial