Derrick John, 17, admitted carrying out six acid attacks in London within the space of 90 minutes.
He threw acid over the faces of unsuspecting delivery drivers to steal their mopeds.
What can be done to control inner city crime?
Derrick John, 17, admitted carrying out six acid attacks in London within the space of 90 minutes.
He threw acid over the faces of unsuspecting delivery drivers to steal their mopeds.
What can be done to control inner city crime?
How dumb can these niggers get?
you're being racist against this brave young kang.
Heh, maybe you don't understand this thing called socioeconomics. See, when you don't have socioeconomics, you throw acid on people's faces and permanently disfigure them for life.
This needs it's own, new form of punishment, people throwing acid all over the fucking place. Hell in the afterlife obviously isn't enough anymore
No. He should be rehabilitated. With enough attention (not from white men, mind you) and respect and tenderness, he can reintegrate into society and rejoin the modern workforce.
Punishment is regressive and DOES not work. We need to make sure these people get the help they need and get back to saving our pensions as quickly as possible.
Why don't we have public executions every Friday at dawn in every town square in the country? I very sincerely do not understand this. It's how we got where we are 100 years ago and how Singapore got where it is today. I've tried to understand this for many years and have made no progress.
>inner city crime
your 88 says it all
or better yet, just train the animals to only do it around jews and 2 birds one stone.
>What can be done to control inner city crime?
Deportation back to country of parental origin.
Dont waste money on prison, just get rid of.
Punish this guy. Deport his stupid ass because clearly these black people don't understand that in a civil country, you don't attack random people.
Fuck off leaf. It's proven that rehabilitation does nothing to the majority of these criminals. They are proven genetically prone for violence. Castration is easier. I wouldn't pay my tax dollars to some Jamal who throws acid in peoples' faces.
Deport him back to where? Manchester?
send niggers back to africa
Come on guys. This is PART AND PARCEL of living on a big city. Completely normal and irrelevant. Move on.
I'm sorry, maybe I am too culturally unaware that a man who is capable of throwing acid on six people and disfiguring them for life just needs a hug and some guidance from someone with similar melanin levels.
hang the dirty bastard is what I say
Execution might be a bit far for modern sensibilities.
100% believe we need to bring back the stocks, stick blindfolded criminals in them and have people throw out of date supermarket produce at them.
No. Out of Europe(Turkey or Africa). Acid attacks are not a fucking joke, especially in this case. If you permanently disfigure multiple people in a country, you are a danger to said country and should be deported as the most humane treatment.
Or the death penalty. Take your pick.
Heh, maybe you don't understand this thing called intelligence. See, when you don't have intelligence, you throw acid on people's faces and permanently disfigure them for life.
You are a religious person. Your Jewish religion is Progressivism.
You have failed.
So anybody got a score? Why do I feel this boofer is 0 for six? He just fucking hurt people for nothing right? That good ol' 85 IQ rearing it's ugly head.
repatriation now
Well, maybe he needs a high paying tech job and a new iPhone. He clearly had a reason to brutally liquefy all those people, and I'm thinking maybe it was poverty. And one can't forget climate change and the lack of role models.
My Nigga!
That's a great idea user. We can rehabilitate them in Canada.
I say eye for an eye with a cherry on top: throw him into an acid bath, see how he likes it for the last (however long it takes to perish from it)
Shit lije he did is unacceptable and punishments need to be scaring off anyone who thinks about doing the same thing.
The objective is to waste less food and not humiliate people like apes. What happens to these people happens behind closed doors in a bright yellow room with cute japanese mascots all over the outside. Their identity disappears, they get no funeral. People must leave the country to have a service.
Those damn white people
Acid attacks make me irrationally angry.
>He should be rehabilitated
Not our problem at 17 I was heading into the army, you know right from wrong and have actively decided to do something violent in the hopes of profitibg. NOT looking for work, just taking shit, because he's the victim here in Bizzarro world.
This is the fault of white heterosexual Christian males.
leaf I'm high too but come on.
Compulsory dabbing lessons to protect the citizens' faces from watermelon acid
Nigger IQ is dangerous, this guy couldn't think of a better plan for stealing a few mopeds.
that's fucking horrible. What retarded third world country do you get attacked with acid in the middle of the street
Oh never mind.
Seriously this is a good point.
I think it is rational to get angry at these vermin
No he needs his fucking face smashed into disfigurement with a meat tenderizer...but...cruekl and unusual punishment in verboten in most countries today. All the cool ones anyway.
Don't let them know you enjoy it so much.
It's rational. Fuck the blacks and arabs who do that in a civilized country. I say deport them all.
>the left legitimately believes this.
kill yourself. Your retarded weak logic does more harm than good. I bet you'd change your tune if it was your family. Your lack of introspection disgusts me.
isnt it time for mcgriddle?
Desu i think he was being sarcastic
Enjoy prison my dude
its a leaf i doubt it.
It's only a tiny minority of blacks that do this, and once you adjust for socioeconomics and climate change and Trump and Timothy McVeigh and Dylan Roof, you'll see that it's statistically on par with what whites do.
i'd rather be shot than have acid thrown in my face tbqh
Nice tabloid article
I'm not going to prison because: 1) it's not a hate crime to deport people; 2) if you're causing violence in a country then you should be deported. End of story.
A two birds its that he will be supported by tax payers and that doctor Shlomo gets new patiens to charge double now than they have been trashed
day of the mulcher couldn't come soon enough
shlomo is doctor that gets paid to perform the lethal injections and abortion in exchange for the child sacrifices
yes, dead children paid for by more dead children.
Relax you bigots.
If he wouldnt have done it
a white brit bong would have.
You realize he's going to be set up with a job due to "all the racial abuse he's faced from the alt-right" a.k.a liberals screencapping posts from here.
Yes, me too. It's easier to shrug off some knife attacks as the act of a barbarian madman nigger. When they use acid they have planned it wisely, it's an calculated decision. It's also very sneaky and cowardly to attack unsuspecting people like that.
This is how modern average londoner looks and behaves like.
To be quite fair, I wouldn't doubt that for a second. They do use "alt-right" abuse as a means to get away with letting go people who intentionally go out of there way to mutilate people.
But let them claim that it's racist. Europe never used to have such a massive issue with acid attacks before.
And I do refer to blacks/arabs because that's where the majority of these attacks are coming from. Imagine seeing this image. It's disgusting to look at.
Why did Boyega do this?
>hurr durr hurr durr he is black
He was also raised in an education system full of 'liberal' atheists, in a society where the sole goal of life is to acquire capital.
Lock him up forever, please, but it remains that his actions are a flavour of what probably a third of young men from his background would do if they only had the balls.
t. Chav
Fuck European subhumans
IIRC he was able to steal 2 mopeds. Dunno how damaged people are though.
You mean John Soyega?
In June 2010, through a Freedom of Information Act request, The Sunday Telegraph obtained statistics on accusations of crime broken down by race from the Metropolitan Police Service.[n 2] The figures showed that the majority of males who were accused of violent crimes in 2009–10 were black. Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent.[27] Robbery, drug use, and gang violence have been associated with black people since the 1960s.[28] In the 1980s and 1990s, the police associated robbery with black people. In 1995, the Metropolitan Police commissioner Paul Condon said that the majority of robberies in London were committed by black people.[29
5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.
In humans, an association between the 2R allele of the VNTR region of the gene and an increase in the likelihood of committing serious crime or violence has been found.[9][35][12]
In humans, an association between the 2R allele of the VNTR region of the gene and an increase in the likelihood of committing serious crime or violence has been found.[
I thought we paid police to just shoot them.
Hackney Gazette isn't a tabloid.
where does a street nigger even get a bucket of acid?
the flouride in the water has taken our drive to conduct good old fashioned lynchings
This. This is what I wanted to refer to.
The other leaf says that it’s a small minority, but 5.5% compared to 0.1% is huge. Although it still doesn’t account for the other case that a very sizable portion of the black population is in prison.
Perhaps the sample size wasn’t large enough?
battery acid
He a baby.
ah, thanks
the solution to the nigger problem is really simple
the trouble is that niggers take the savagery of our white underclass and one-up it
is that John Boyega's brother?
all these fucking pure african nogs look so bizarre, just so far removed genetically from the white man, how could anyone take race mixing seriously.
Walk through London. Oxford street. Mostly white...
>Derrick John, 17, admitted carrying out six acid attacks in London
wait i thought it was just muzzies carrying out acid attacks
>that utter misery
Cut his hands and feet off, then release him onto the streets to be observed
>Of the recorded 18,091 such accusations against males, 54 percent accused of street crimes were black; for robbery, 59 percent; and for gun crimes, 67 percent.
Nogs are only 3% of the UK's population, and men are half of that, thus 1.5% of the population are responsible for more than 50% of the violent crime. In the US (13% black) 6.5% of the population responsible for more than 50% of the crime.
>UK nogs are niggier.
Damn I thought he was doing alright with his Star Wars money.
That poor child, he probably didn't know any better.
We've been having acid attacks since decades, this is nothing new. The problem is male violence and toxic masculinity. This guy was just trying to survive.
That should hang every one of these black bastards from London bridge.
>What can be done to control inner city crime?
You need inner city crime. Without it, you won't survive. Blacks will be at the forefront of this change, and that's why they will be hated.
Another example of whiteness leading to social decay. Brits need to bin their batteries, if they weren't just laying around in cars none of this would happen.
fucking hate london desu, what is meant to be so special about that dump? literally everyone looks borderline suicidal
much rather be where I am where I leave the house and you smile and say hello to people who walk past.
I even preferred my time in New York to London, at least there's some incredible skyscrapers there. London is just like any other dump of a British city, but exponentially bigger.
He wouldnt have done this if it werent for white supremacy. The solution is more immigration
why new? use their own. tie them to a tire and set them on fire
>I leave the house and you smile and say hello to people who walk past.
That sounds like hell
Thank god all your guns are confiscated, now you can get maimed instead of robbed at gunpoint
>What can be done to control inner city crime?
Kill all the niggers and Pakis?
Being sarcastic or are you actually that much of a nigger-loving cuck ?
>be bong
>can't spread butter on toast because I need a permit to carry concealed weapon for the butter knife
>can still buy acid at every corner store and kabab stand.
The state of urope
the targets are probably other non whites, isn't London only 48% white British
Those stats are London only. Blacks make up 20% of London
Why is this such a common occurrence in Europe and India, but we rarely hear of it in the U.S.?
(Obviously, we either kill someone or keep niggers/sand niggers away from the population of white contributors)
But seriously, is it just not a commonplace thing? I'd probably kill someone before maiming them permanently.
Africa is a hell hole. Might as well send them straight to hell and save on airfare.