Everyone else, please leave.
Okay, now how do we get white Europeans to leave their failed socialist countries & come to America before it's too late?
Everyone else, please leave.
Okay, now how do we get white Europeans to leave their failed socialist countries & come to America before it's too late?
The US and Europe are both being flooded with third world IQ 85 peoples. There is no lifeboat country. The question is meaningless. Even if the US was a lifeboat of Western Civilization, I disagree with the idea we abandon Europe to the hoards.
It’s already too late
This would be so much easier if eurocucks had guns & testosterone. DAMMIT.
We will probably have to leave behind a lot of Europeans to fend for themselves until the real jihads start kicking in. I guarantee South Africa will probably be the first to fall, I can predict it now- U.S. marines having to save more blond white women from the rooftop of embassy's. Maybe when South Africa falls it will be a wake up call
you're thinking about this the wrong way.
if I were in government, I'd hand out subsidized vouchers for sexbots. preferentially to minorities, of course, because affirmative action.
I'm gonna finish uni in UK and go to America to be a hard working foreigner who loves the culture. I'll raise my white christian kids as 'muricans and make America great again under Trump rule.
to be fair
Uh... that's some pretty high levels of degeneracy
IQ is a meme. I'm a failure of a human, a drunkard and a massive prick with no accomplishments whatsoever and zero motivation to pursue anything at all.
128. Tests are flawed.
I agree, it's only a matter of time until his wife gets elected 2 terms, then his children. The time of the Trump Christian Empire is now.
it is politically palatable eugenics. what more could you ask for?
You'll take megan back to amuttrica, harry?
Might as well develope a disease that only targets certain people
Kinda like what aids is for gays.
I can even think of the slogan now. "Because everybody deserves to be loved".
You don't.
Instead, you show everyone the damage that has been caused, and reinstate White Might with S.P.Q.R.
Look, no one even knows what flag that is. Your country is probably 1/8th the size of Texas. America is 56% white, and that's nearly equal to the total amount of people living in Britain, France & Germany combined. Okay? Okay.
Im mixed and I dont know or care about my IQ
try to make me leave if you are so mart, whiteboy
Simple, you love muslims & blacks so much? We'll give you the land that the whites used to own in Europe for free, just leave my country while you still get a chance.
Lol retard america isnt even 56 percent white. Even less in the relevant age groups and nobody cares about the number the percentage matters you dumb nigger mutt
I said only people with an IQ of 120+ can be here. Leave now, Ahmed. Don't try to resist.
Incredibly rich coming from somebody with nigger and native cum in his blood and mouth.
I don't know if you have realized this, but there are more niggers in the US (46 million) than in 51 out of 54 African countries. Put another way, there are only 3 countries in all of Africa that have more niggers than the US.
There are more niggers in the US than all the white people in Ireland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden COMBINED.
Europe is our ancestral homeland and the cradle of our culture and history. If it is lost to the hordes, we will be lost. I would honstly give my life to fight for Europe, we just need to get those faggots to wake the fuck up.
living in the usa? I would prefer the soviet union to that....
Let's be real here, the only time Europeans wake up is when they get hit by a truck of peace. At least in the US there are countless white militias with stocks of supplies stashed away in mountains waiting for shit to hit the fan. When shit hits the fan in Europe, the governments will probably give all their power to the Muslim caliphates for the sake of peace
Europe would be easier to save than say America, because we are the homeland of the white man and therefore have precedent on our side when convincing the normies to boot out the non whites. If you can’t save Europe then you can’t save America. Save Europe and you save America. To save Europe you have to literally save Germany, because Germany is the big boggie man of the (((international))) elite. If you can’t save Germany, it’s all over for all countries. Germany is patient zero.
Can't argue that white Americans are more capable of turning shit around, but large parts of your country is now enemy territory. The only viable solution for long term survival is to turn the northern states with very higher white populations (excluding Michigan) into a white ethnostate.
Already on it, Jefferson (where I live) is always just a couple votes away from seceding from California
But how do we do that Hans? How do we convince your fellow countrymen to stop virtue signalling and start thinking about their own interrests and that of their own people, children and grandchildren?
agree if germany is saved the rest will follow their steps and there is high chance that will happen.
1-there is no jew
2-european still considerable mayority
3-eu is falling apart usa is much more solid politically
4-etnic and cultural identity in all the countries
lmao, even my country is better than the US. At least we have affordable healthcare and a free education system.
I will admit that there is a lot of (((american))) propaganda being spread throughout Europe that I have not realized until the past year
Nice meme
Your IQ is obviously lower than 120 since You don't realize that the USA is more, not less, screwed up than the alternative. I'll take my chances here If you don't mind. At least I won't die a chikenshit coward.
>Abandon Europe
>leave to Antarctica
>build underground greenhouses
>have a few generations of population increase and technological advancement
>train this new generation extensively in combat
>100 years later return to Europe with what is to the Nogs alien level tech
>retake Europe deporting all of those deemed unfit
And than again and again. Just get balls in fist and fix your countries.
How's Catalonia doing?
Who provides your defense on the world stage?
a bankrupt country works better than the US. Sad!
not gonna happen, the cultures we are trying to preserve are in europe, going to america and having our national traditions commercialized is exactly the opposite of what we're trying to achieve
But user...the nazis are already doing that
This the US destroys cultures like they have oil
Why the fuck do we need them? Murrrica. Fucking euros can sort themselves out. We'll save them again in 10 years.
lmao not the US. Erdogan straight up marched in Greece, stated a cassius belli and NATO didnt do shit. Not even gonna mention the whole Cyprus issue going on for 4 decades.
Build a floating city governments can't say shit about what happens in international waters.
140 R-SPM here, I welcome socialist policy and won't be happy until whites are gone, so fake-iq fascist turds need not apply, hugs & kisses!
America will fall before Europe.... except maybe the UK.
How about you do something useful & take back Constantinople
Im allegedly at 135 and a highschool drop out haha ethnostate when my spurdo sparde brother
Where is the reaction to this post? This guy is probably speaking fucking prophecy here and none of you dick scratchers bothered to react. Shaking my damn head family members
First of all, Europeans must unite-this is currently very difficult due to a variety of factors-but, the most universal factor should be
REAL 1488
We are seeing very interesting developments, with the rise of the AfD and Fascism again-this will at least force their (((cronies))) to work harder
The point is, there must be a movement which espouses the white supremacist doctrine without being overtly stupid.
People who wear Nazi memorabilia do not add to the movement. Anyone who willingly displays haunted historical memorabilia, in the hopes of attaining a white homeland, is out of touch with reality.
Remember guys, the Nazis were voted in.
We need to get smarter, get tougher mentally, and get more white collar jobs.
I'm going to be wealthy enough to find out one day and Ill figure out how to live stream it for Sup Forums
Hard science for stats and biology redpills and history etc for patriotic feeling. Manly values to combat nihilism and passivity. Subtle and constant Jew naming
What we need is a massive experiment to open up people's eyes. Instead of countries wasting billions a year they should create multiple micro states somewhere, each with different races or multicultural areas and with different political ideologies. They will all start with equal amounts of resources and the same infrastructure. The experiment can run over 10 years or more. This will eliminate all the abstracts that leftists cry about. People will see how the multicultural states devolve into conflict as various groups struggle to gain power and fight for their own interrests and how nigger states become primitive and violent. This will be the ultimate redpill for people all over the world that will be beyond dispute.
Before the socialist countries fall, their intelligence and elite will escape to v4. Superpower 2050!
Shit... Mine is 118
get your shit togheter spurdo, you could have IQ of 200 but if you don't have the will to put it to good use it would be as good as being a nigger-tier retard
t. fellow 128er underachiever
If anything the US is a cultural dystopia, with huge identity crisis problems, due to a lack of an actual history and common traditions
Those same elits that fucked over the west? What could possibly go wrong?
And Jews
>He doesn't know he needs more than wealth to go to Antarctica
The ice walls/gates to hollow Earth are formidable locations. There is reason to why only nazis dwell there
Why not donate poison food at night via remote controlled cart?
+2 standard deviations here
I've gotten 134 and 138 on work interview tests
>takes it in the bum
>140 IQ
Um no, sweetie
Have you seen what most americans eat? It's all poison.
>if eurocucks had guns & testosterone.
Like Amerimutts? LOOOOL.
>believes old-Sup Forums flags
Things were ok here for a minute. We liked cars, motorcycles and cowboys. That shit is almost wiped out of our culture though. All there is now is TV and fast food.
>The point is, there must be a movement which espouses the white supremacist doctrine
Nice shill attempt JIDF. Anyone who uses the term 'white supremacist' unironically is either a straight up shill or a fucking moron (Or both).
You're literally using liberal soyboy SJWs as a representation of right winged chads
False equivalence
I'm thinking a small helicopter launched from a small boat both owned by me, the helicopter would be armed with 3-4 of my lifelong friends, people I know couldn't be paid to shoot me in the back.
Well, I was mostly kidding. But suppose this actually happened, I hope no one would let them repeat what they did.
>At least 120 IQ = I meet minimum requirements
>Being one of the most redpilled chad white male = Ok
>uses memeflags
>is not gay
Pick one.
OP said 120 or higher
>no lifeboat country
Eastern Europe, Baltics, and Russia still have a chance. The Muslims in Russia are white, just misguided, maybe send them to some reeducation camps and the problems solved
That is exactly what you dumb americans do not understand. Europeans do not discriminate based on skin color, because white europeans are different culturaly. Our identity isnt white, its based on the country we grew up in. We are different in a deeper mental, not physical level. That is the strength of the EU, the fact that we accept our differences and strive to evolve together and alone at the same time
Merely expel the illegal migrants (who no longer have an excuse since ISIS was defeated) and then it won't be too late for quite a while longer. Ignore their screams and occasional trucks of peace as they'll fade away with the deportations.
> maybe when SouthAfrica falls
What year do u live in?
We are the alphas of the chads, IQs as high as the zionist Jews that control the world- we must counteract their every thought by combining our thundercocks together
The whole world more or less eats the same shit as Americans only they overdose on Soy.
This is a war on intelligent of the world, its not about white.
Anyway why not use poisoned food packets near nigger areas, they will flock on to it, or cyanide lacedn notes.
My IQ is in the 99.9th percentile. I'm currently studying for my MSc in Statistics. I'm looking at moving somewhere else when I finish and the US has been in my mind. The main reason I haven't considered it is I don't expect the opportunities to be there for me. Would be nice to be proven wrong.
Godspeed on that. Learn Deutsch and Hebrew in case you come across anyone on the ice
Very well, the commie indipendentists will be extinct in just a couple of years.
You know, You lose some believability when your government flees to Bruxelles.
And you? How's with all the mexicans wanting california and Texas back?
IQ is a tool. It only helps if you have energy and passion in life. Kinda like walking vs driving a car.
The niggers haven't gone through all the neighborhoods yet & committed a full on genocide
However my friend in Africa does have her house in a gated, guarded community get robbed about 3 times a year.
A part of me feels like black people will never try to take us over because they know they are doomed without us
In reality I would say stop Fluoridating the public water system. It actually turns away a lot more Europeans then one would realise at first.
It is, amongst other contributing factors, the reason your country is such a schizophrenic mess with a Heroin epidemic, everyone needing prescription medication in a vague attempt to feel normal after their melatonin is stolen from them in late childhood and they spend the rest of their lives in a state of withdrawal from it because the gland that produces it is totally disabled by the fertilizer/ aluminium industry (Both were funding/bribing the original 'studies' into how fluoride is positive for dental heath)
It would cost the Steel/ Aluminium and Fertilizer industries billions a year to dispose of fluoride safely. But a few million dollars worth of bribed scientists and officials later, they can give it to water companies for nothing and dispose of it through you.
Its a legal loophole in which one can dispose of toxic products by passing them on as medicine.
Make a heist movie. About communists bankrupting our nations on behalf of bankers.
For all I care they can take Southern California, and all the Jews living in Hollywood too. Texas militias will beat the fuck out of the Mexican government again if they have to though.
Our media won’t report on it. In America, it’s not genocide unless CNN says so.
Excuse me? You Amerimutts didn't specify, you said if Euros had testosterone, you can't pick and choose dipshit. That's YOUR gene pool, your mongrelized, low test gene pool. Stay buttblasted.
See above post, brainlet. Besides, what does it matter if one out of a thousand has decent test levels cause they just finished their cycle if half your nation is a bunch of mongrels and the other half look like the picture I originally posted, stay mad like your boyfriend. Heheuhuehuheuheuheue.
Stay mad Ahmed
The UK is a better option. America is centralising whilst the UK is decentralising. Pick a region of the UK and flood it with good people, then call for an independence referendum. This is the sensible option. The UK government is so weak that they would actually let us have a referendum as well. Precedents for that have already been set. They'd pretty much have to let us have one.
>Those lips
Okay Tyrone LOL.
You ought not to harm hindus or han. Anyway, kikes are so sleazy and deceptive I have no realistic proof to wage war against them. I will kill all niggers in africa very soon, then the muslims of every part of the world, then central america latinos ( like mexicans, hondurans, etc ), my feminist mommy & her family, aggressive degenerate white feminist women.
>And what else?
That's very possible but if I were to move to England right now I'd probably be executed
The problem with Europe right now is that the men are too passive and forgiving.
A lot of men grew up under the same socialist style education doctrine, and the majority of them are cucked beyond belief or gone MGTOW because they believe the women just catered to the problem.
America and Canada is in the same position right now. So the problem is global.
What predominately white men need to do is start being more nationalistic. Stop promoting video games, porn, partying and shit eating. Start forming communities and keeping in touch with white men. We need to convince these white men with facts that there is a white genocide currently being allowed by politicians, acedmics and the media and a shift is needed.
Most people follow mob mentality, so if we have the mob then they must cater to it. It’s easier said than done but necessary if we want to have any chance of having an identity in the next 50 years.