Am I getting fucking memed on or is this show actually good? Episode 1 and 2 fucking blew ass.
Am I getting fucking memed on or is this show actually good? Episode 1 and 2 fucking blew ass
It was the best lily anime last season
I'd say try to get through one more but I just have the feeling you can probably skip it
if you're a poser, don't bother
if you dont enjoy it just give up no point in forcing yourself
Consensus is you have to wait until episode 3, maybe 4.
Personally, I didn't like the first two either.
Episodes 1 and 2 were definitely the worst, but it never gets much better. I powered through it for the memes, but I wouldn't recommend it. Its popularity baffles me, unless it's just because artists like drawing the animal girls.
>Am I getting fucking memed on or is this show actually good?
Just because it's good doesn't mean you'll like it. Also it's a bit beyond the point of "getting memed", show sold tons of buckets.
I never understood the "three episode rule". I can tell immediately if an anime is good or not and KF was giving off good vibes from episode one.
You got trolled son
They're better on rewatching when you've got context for them to notice the little things set up or mentions, but I agree this show tends to follow the 3-episode rule strong. I would even go all the way up to 4. 5 is when the show is fully in the swing of things and doesn't slow down until, at least in my opinion, 8 before going full steam to the end.
This thread will be annoying to find for those who are just looking for the Kemono Friends title, wonder if someone will make another thread not releasing a Kemono Friends thread already exists.
I knew KF was going to be good after this part.
if you didnt watch it while it was airing then fuck off.
dont need shallow bandwagoning fags ruining shit
episode 1 is like what the fuck
episode 2 is like why am I still watching this
episode 3 is like ok this is comfy
episodes 4-9 is like this is fun
episodes 10-11 is like holy shit this is good I wasn't expecting this
episode 12 is like dear god I don't want this to end
post episode 12 you live in these threads and fill your days with regret for not buying the merch before it sold out
I'm sorry but you're going to have to watch the whole fucking thing before you can say what it means to you
I'm so glad I didn't drop it.. it changed my life
You got memed. This is a yakuza money laundering scheme that all of Japan is in on.
All going according to plan..this "Kemono Friends" Project.
>I never understood the "three episode rule"
It's from a time when people paid attention to detail, had a larger attention span and watched things for reasons other than memes, you wouldn't understand it.
It's a newfag test. If you only watch things because you heard they're popular somewhere, then that happens.
Great job you little shit.
Haha, we finally got him fellas. We can finally shut this all down.
Otter ass was the turning point
No, it's just a "rule" for indecisive people with too much time on their hands.
Get to episode 5, if you still don't like it then skip it
it wasn't until it got posted that a friend dies that I picked it up
>fucking blew ass.
it's OK user
not everyone likes to blow ass when fucking or to get their ass blown
I can respect you for knowing your sexual preferences
Its disgusting cg shit even for cg levels of shit. What the fuck did you expect.
There's two kinds of people in this world: Those who love taking it in the ass, and those who've never tried it.
>There are three kinds of Friends in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.
The only reason why it has threads everyday is 40% of Sup Forums is definetly on /mlp/ and are probably a furry, because it's only selling point is lewds.
As clearly indicated by this threads content.
When Toki shows up is when I started getting interested which is episode 3.
Episode 2 was great, what are you anons talking about? It had Otter and Jaguar and Southern Tamandua.
The show sucks. If you watched the first two episodes, it really doesn't get any different later in. The people who like it are people who enjoy these types of grade school interactions, without any overreaching plot.
Don't listen to anyone talking about how "successful" it was, either. It sold in a bundle with children's books. Of course it sold more than DVDs marketed towards the niche otaku audience.
If you don't like a show you're watching then just drop it.
If you're watching the show through solely because you heard the japs liked it even though you don't like it then you can fuck off.
Not only that each ep probably costed 78 cents.
>without any overreaching plot
You didn't watch the anime. Which is fine, but there is no need to lie.
They also come with free buckets
Fanart isn't a plot.
Fuck off and also filter our threads, thanks.
Give up, Anonymous. This show isn't for you.
"Girls wander to a new place on their way to the library" is not any sort of overall plot. That's like saying that Reading Rainbow had an overall plot because they were reading books each episode. The difference is that Reading Rainbow is good. And no, "it turns out that Bag-chan was a human the entire time" is not some sort of big mystery waiting to be uncovered, either. That's obvious to anyone even glancing at a screenshot.
You're a fucking moron, you know that?
Do you even know what the word "plot" means?
Frankly speaking, I knew the show would be great after this scene and the superman serval sealed the deal. Just drop it if you don't like it since most eps are just meet new friends -> solve their problem. Ep1 is definitely mediocre on the first viewing but it is bad enough or obnoxious enough to make you want to drop it like most shows.
>Girls wander to a new place on their way to the library
That's literally half the season. You did not watch the anime, since you cannot tell me what happened in the last half.
>Kaban was a human
That's incredibly obvious. That wasn't the point of the anime.
Otter voice acting is what made me fall in love with this.
Seriously, it was just so smile inducing.
Then they managed to top it off with alpaca and Toki.
Screw the 3 episode rule, Jaguar and Otter hooked me on this Anime really hard.
You kind of just told everyone that you didn't watch the show.
You're trying too hard user.
Oh so this thread is bait
Got it
Episode 11 makes episode 1 awesome in retrospective.
I mean it might be the weakest link in the first watch but on a rewatch episode 1 is actually good.
Also Otters are a blessing from God.
Ok smart guy what's your definition of plot then?
Not an argument
No one is asking you to finish the show, but at least stop joining in on discussions about it without having watched it.
>what's your definition of plot then?
The one in Webster's.
I get you were too stupid to figure out what the plot in a simple as fuck show as Kemono Friends was, but I'm sure you're not too stupid to use a dictionary.
I knew I'll like this ride when Serval fucking lift the head bus and jump while carrying it across the river.
Producer is gangsta as fuck, I kid you not. This is him.
I want to rape Shoebill.
Asians always look so weird.
Reminder that otters eat croc.
>Kaban was a human
wait till you wonder what's actually homo sapiens
If you don't like it after Tsuchinoko, just drop it. And accept you have shit taste
literally this
It doesn't get much better so no. I'm never going to understand the circlejerking it gets here.
Probably a lot of bandwagoning since there's always mentions of the sales (which weren't nearly as good as they all said they would be) possibly to reassure themselves that the show is better than it is.
>since there's always mentions of the sales
That's probably because the extent of your exposure to Kemono Friends is when you see it mentioned in sales or similar threads.
I think the real issue is that the anime industry has gotten to trite and stale that this show is no1 in winter.
What we need is another isekai!
>mentions of the sales (which weren't nearly as good as they all said they would be) possibly to reassure themselves that the show is better than it is.
Being this insecure. I would like to let you know that the # of bucket sold is already more than your favorite chinese cartoon
Maybe people just like different things
>people just like different things
>I think the real issue is that the anime industry has gotten to trite and stale that this show is no1 in winter.
People who say things like this probably don't know what KF did to become as popular as it managed to be.
And it's because ADHD twats like everyone in the current internet can't spare 60 fucking minutes total for one small part of their hobby that they end up complaining so much about it.
Three episodes is usually enough time for any show to develop its main plot or set up its characters, that's why the three-episode rule exists, so people can properly understand what a show is about before deciding whether they'll watch them or not. However, I guess people nowadays aren't happy with anything that isn't instant gratification.
This guy gets it.
Threadly reminder that Steller Sea Lion can't be outlewded.
Wrong thread, you are not in Japari Park yet, Shoebill raping user.
Spook the foxes.
I have to say
It's really good
>People like something that i don't like
>they surely must be pretending
I will never understand this mentality
Cerulean Queen and Beast Friends are pretty lewd
Go back to your casual shit.
Seriously, the amount of buckets sold should be the new demographic we use to measure Anime sales.
Anyone can buy a fucking DVD, but it takes full time devotion to force out of stock the buckets in a store.
Nah, that e-celeb Youtuber is right, you can tell from the direction and writing if something is good pretty much from one episode 90% of the time. If you can't you don't pay enough attention.
It's not good so much as it's different. It's just a very simple, straightforward plot with simple, straightforward characters who are reasonably cute. None of the bullshit that goes into 90% of anime because there isn't really a plot to begin with. Also a unique enough setting.
I think the popularity comes from the fact that it's fresh and mainstream-friendly, more than it actually excelling in some way.
First episodes always suck because nips frontload all the setting and character introductions to the first episodes.
It's just nips having no taste as usual.
Yeah no.
This is what I except. I didn't expect her to hulk out and just walk across the boards.
>japanese mainstream-friendly*
The western otacool crowd can't stomach the show at all.
>everytime somebody asks this about a show they stop at the episode just before when it gets good
What does the Cerulean Queen look like?
But the episode where it gets good is 1.
Like a big bowl of ice cream.
I hated the first episode, but really got into the mood of the show with the second and third episodes. It's not like the show it drastically going to change so that you'll like it more, but rather you yourself will change and settle down to its pace so that you'll like it more.
>japanese mainstream-friendly
Yeah no.
Exactly in this part.
I guess if you're really new.
You can easily judge an anime based on a single episode. You can even accurately judge it based on promotional art and character designs once you've seen enough.
Watch out guys
We have a true anime master here
It was never explained but who is the Serval and Giraffe that Mirai knew? Are they the same ones that we are introduced to?
> Serval and Caracal*(not in the show)
The Serval is assumed to be the show Serval before getting Ceruleaned.
Some people also think that the Serval we know is actually just Cerval, which is a game cerulean character that copied Serval and eventually became a Friend through the help of Serval(mentioned briefly in one of wolf's stories, which are all true in game to an extent).
Kaban and Serval.
On the ocean.