It's about time we reined in these "#WasteHisTime" bitches.
I know this shit is an old + stale meme but if you have any experience with women at all you'll know that they LOVE to waste men's time for attention. That this behaviour is commonplace as fuck and widely accepted, hence why the #WasteHisTime twitter trend was also widely accepted and barely called out.
I propose that we make a new rule, the "tits or gtfo" rule and initiate it into real life.
I call it the titty tax, or titty toll.
If any bitch wants to talk to you, she has to pay the tax / toll. If not, she can fuck off. As you have better things to be doing than speaking to a woman who could very well not be of any benefit to you whatsoever, and you have other more reliable investments to invest in.
Ignore these hoes lads, focus on yourselves, your achievements etc. Install the titty toll / titty tax today and spread the word.
Mason Jenkins
Daily reminder only white girls start ticking as late as their early 30s, just get over the white skin thing and marry a non white girl (Asian, west, south, east whatever) in her 20s.
James Reed
or just go MGTOW
Nolan Garcia
>just let the human race become extinct Nihilistic degenerate
Carter Jenkins
Gabriel Butler
Benjamin Watson
or you don't wait for the bitches to chase after you and secure a good girl at young age and get her pregnant
Lucas Williams
MGTOW is redpilled
Jason Smith
How long before you're sucking your best bro's cock with the HALO theme playing in the background?
Kevin Cooper
>female hate /thread Just take away their rights and keep them in your basement dungeon as living sex dolls. When will beta enablers be purged?
Evan James
this and MGTOW go hand in hand. since I went MGTOW I've had way more women wanting my attention but not really providing anything in return for it if they get it, any at all. this is just a fun way to make my position known, that I'm not interested unless there's something in it for me immediately.
MGTOW doesn't automatically equate to no procreation. many MGTOW already have kids, many intend to have kids by way of surrogacy or something akin to that. also, you don't need to be involved with a woman or in a relationship to have a child. you can have a child and still go your own way. you can make it far more on your terms that way too. MGTOW is more about putting the control back in the hands of men than simply not involving yourself with women at all.
Daniel Ramirez
Fuck off chink. Fuck off jew.
Evan Cruz
only works in theory. hypergamy is amplified due to societal influences and no amount of appeasing at any age will "secure" a female for you. not even millionaires with high social status can secure women. once a woman has something, she thinks she can do better.
innate female masochism makes them believe that anything or anyone accessible to them reliably is unworthy of them because that accessability to something so low in status and desirability (as they all perceive themselves to some degree) makes them even lower in status. so they look for something / someone of higher status and as such the cycle continues. this is why usually if you treat women like objects or like they're worthless, they stick with you. because they believe they can't do any better because you're above them in status.
Jayden Murphy
How has it worked out for you?
Bentley Morales
I actually don't hate women at all you know, I love the bones of them. I just recognise certain things about them that need to be combated by males.
also, there's literally no such thing as a woman hating man. men are biologically hardwired to idealise and adore women, no exceptions. not even gays hate women, they love them so much they want to be like them.
Ethan Thomas
>raising children without live in male and female role models Great way to raise degenerates, blue pill.
I'm white, I'm not terribly excited about not having white children, my grandmother is racist as fuck and will shame me hard, but it's got to be done because I simply don't believe white women understand tradition and responsibility.
A lot of awkward Indian girlfriends and obnoxiously anxious East Asians. I did date a Muslim once, but she was so SJW I figured it wasn't worth it. I've had my best success with Indians, they're very intelligent women.
Jeremiah Collins
Even women hate other women.
Angel Anderson
>raising children without live in male and female role models >Great way to raise degenerates, blue pill.
when did I say that dickhead?
I know full well that it's necessary to have both male and female role models. there are arrangements that can be made to ensure that a child has both that don't require an actual "romantic" relationship between the mother and father. hell, you don't even need the female role model to be the actual mother.
Jordan Lewis
its almost hard to believe how bad this website has gotten
Cameron Campbell
>I propose that we make a new rule, the "tits or gtfo" rule and initiate it into real life. As a conservative who believes in traditional marriage and courtship and all that other shit that guarantees I'll be dead by suicide at 35, I'm going to say no
Also if you're going to suggest some modern hookup "show me ur tits XD" bullshit you should take off that flag
Jordan Ortiz
yeah that's because of competition.
but men can't hate women. well actually, to kinda go back on what I've said I think there can be an exception but that's only when a male has a terrible relationship with his mother. because men typically see their mother in other women to some degree as that's what they base their definition of women on.
but even then it's more like, they hate them because of how much they love them, they hate them because they never got the love back that they wanted. and they still want it, but it seems inaccessible. so it's not even hate really, it's just intense love that isn't reciprocated.
Kevin Smith
Please, Australians talking about the absolute perfection of Indian girls is a staple of Sup Forums.
Jaxon Sullivan
I read somewhere that after a certain number of sexual partners women become unable to form bonds with future mates. Is there any actual science to this?
Dominic Perry
oh don't get me wrong I believe those things are preferable too, for both men and women. a harmonious relationship between male and female is best for everyone on both the individual level and within the aggregate.
this is just a humourous way to tell women who are actively seeking to waste a man's time to fuck off. and also a humerous way to separate the wheat from the tares.
attention seeking whores will do it, and they'll show you that they're not worthy of being invested in past admiring their physicality.
judgemental women with little to no capability of love or any other positive emotion or sensability will judge you harshly, which shows you they have no sense of humour, take life far too seriously and are actively looking for a way to judge you.
whereas someone worthwhile will laugh it up, not take it too seriously, neither will they judge you nor will they actually do it, and they will likely attempt to get to you know and not waste your time in the long run.
Joshua Hughes
that's actually a great idea
Ayden Flores
I laughed so fucking hard at this. Good show, good show
Ayden Martinez
I have never heard of this hashtag.
Owen Lewis
Yep, which is why I'm almost exclusively on "other" Sup Forums, among other places now.
John Wood
a few MGTOW channels I've listened to like Sandman have mentioned this, I looked it up a while ago and from what I can tell it's legit. a few studies have been done on this for both men and women. it affects men and women together but is way more amplified in women.
I've observed it in life as well. typically speaking younger women put far more of an emphasis on the "spirituality" of relationships. the bonding of personalities, or "love" if you will. but the older they get, the more failed relationships they're in and out of (pun intended), the more it becomes about material fulfillment. protection, gaining resources, physical satisfaction, attention, and the colder women tend to become.
I think it's a natural self-defence mechanism of the mind. the female mind tells itself that multiple partners = unreliable sources of protection + resources, so it goes into panic mode and is constantly seeking out new potential sources of this protection + resources, it amplifies hypergamy essentially, and as a result these women are unable to bond with males psychologically.
Nathan Edwards
Trailer homes don't have basements, user.
Jaxon Gutierrez
I know right?
it also shows that you're kinda honest and no-nonsense and aren't trying to pretend you're "not like other guys", you don't care about being judged and you just wanna see tits like every other dude out there.
which women will respect to a degree.
David Sullivan
buy a run down stone house.
Andrew Reed
White Male here, 25 y.o.
White women are a waste of time; went with a non religious Turkish girl that’s been living here for a number of years now. Best move ever. Literally any other race is more satisfying and meaningful than Caucasian
Elijah King
>there's literally no such thing as a woman hating man.
Jaxon Evans
>white skin thing kys
Andrew Roberts
I agree with this.
Julian Taylor
that's because they look up to you and it's easy mode as a white in a white country
Logan Morris
Eli Nguyen
MGTOW is more about putting cocks in other men’s mouthes
Brandon Wright
stay away from women on birth control pills, Frontal lobe damage disorder has totally fucked them
Nicholas Johnson
Yes. Sup Forums is learning.
David Ortiz
>no such thing as women hating man Some people should never breed.
James Phillips
Is this real?
Chase Ortiz
it also kinda relates to what happens with females when they have no male peer / father figure in early life.
studies have shown that females with absent fathers develop much sooner than females with fathers that are apparent in their family life.
they go into some kinda "shock" in which their body forces itself to develop sooner and as such go through puberty sooner. and this is so they can compensate for the lack of secure protection and resources by finding a male to trade sex for those things with.
hence why girls with "daddy issues" tend to be whores that go from one male to the next and crave an amplified, over-authoritarian male presence that dominates, oppresses, but protects and provides for them.
Camden Moore
I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at but this wasn’t the case with her, been together three years and it’s only getting better. It’s just like being intimate with a white woman, except her skin tone is beautiful, as opposed to Caspar the friendly ghost. And the other difference is that she’s intuitive. Not sitting at Starbucks looking online for a new pair of Ugg Boots
Benjamin Campbell
1) [Feminism]
Calling it a "Cancer" would be too kind & it's more then just a Social Engineering program(to destroy Society & Family while increasing degeneracy.) that's being used to push forward agendas & increase profits.(If you look at each "wave" of feminism, you can see the agenda's of them.)
Feminism is also the cause of "Man made Climate Change" due to how Women(who are now also in the workforce) are Consumers & how Men will do anything to Support & Attract Women.
The Globalists/Satanists/Social Engineers/etc have no idea what they unleashed & the death sentence they just gave the Earth.(They already lost control of Feminism to a point where Islam has to be pumped into The West in hopes to stop it)
Feminism has destroyed Multiple Planets, Billions of Humans, The "Ark" Fleet & Multiple "Gardens of Eden" Settlements/Colony's. Men had/have a choice each time when it came/comes to Eliminating Feminists to save the Race(s)/Civilization(s)/Planet(s), Earth is & will be no different.
2) [Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder]
Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder is significantly more prevalent in Females then Males due to how the Female brain is, it's caused by Birth Control & Perception Drugs. All Leftists(SJW's,Feminists,etc) have it.(Medical organizations such as the CDC & WHO have internal papers on it)
In contrast, Autism is significantly more prevalent in Males then Females due to how the Male brain is, it's caused by Chemicals. The increasing of Autism in the population is part of a Social Engineering program to target Males.(Autism was "weaponized" against the public, which now in a ironic twist has "weaponized" it against the Globalists & there plans)
Fate of Western Civilization has now come down to: [Autistic Males] vs [Frontal Lobe Damaged/Disordered Females]
Nathaniel Thompson
>Race-mixing freak with no regard for his kids happiness >get over the white skin thing >skin >Pathetic faggots pretending they're changing anything while leaving white women to pick through shitskins and chads
Sebastian Gomez
OP here, holy shit this is hilarious
Aiden Cruz
yes, not having a father or having a bad father
Landon Perry
>Fate of Western Civilization has now come down to: [Autistic Males] vs [Frontal Lobe Damaged/Disordered Females] This timeline
Josiah Thomas
what are perception drugs - anti depressants and such?
Camden Thompson
Leo Roberts
[Strong Men -> Good Times -> Weak Men -> Bad Times -> Strong Men]
Women want Strong Men. Inorder to get those Strong Men they want, they either pro-actively destroy the Tribe(they have no loyalty to any) which they belong to once they identify/think it weak so that Foreign Strong Men can invade & take over(The "Cuck" fetish originates from the Tribes who got taken over) OR they create cycles of conflicts between Tribes inorder to organically grow more Strong Men in the Tribe they are apart of. Sometimes they do a mix of both & this is the reason why Women act/lean the way they do(Left) when it comes to Politics.
Strong Men get all the Women(Harems are in Female nature & so are "Lesbians") because Women do not like Weak Men. Weak Men tend to give Women more power/freedom in hopes of being more successful with them, in reality it makes Women completely ignore the Weak Males due to being able to find Strong Men easier. This creates a massive gap between the (Strong)Men with Women & the (Weak)Men without Women.
Weak Men tend to be kept pacified through entertainment/fantasy or get culled in conflict so the Tribe doesn't have uprisings of them. When uprisings do happen, the Strong Men get killed/removed and the Women get distributed to all of the Weak Men.(Communism/Socialism originated from this, due to the means of (re)production being seized). Alternatively when Weak Men are in power, they create Wars to cull the Strong Men, allowing the Weak Men to have all the Women. Historically (Weak or Strong)Men also have raided other Tribes for there Women.(This also is why the "Rape","Gang Bang" & "Bondage" Fantasy's are so popular with Women and built into them). When not enough Women are around for all of the Men in the Tribe, a percentage of Weak Men will become gay or act/dress like women.
Robert Hughes
For the time being, but something surprising is coming. >pic related
Elijah Brooks
>Pretending the white women who are worth saving are putting themselves out there
Tyler Martin
Fate has issued a Ultimatum. Only one of these will happen, there is NO middle choice between to two:
1) The Left kills The West.
2) The West kills the Left.
If The West was a car, it would be swerving all over the road due to fighting inside it(Nationalism vs Globalism, Right vs Left, etc). The car is accelerating(which is why you are seeing so many things going on lately in The West & people starting to pick sides) and coming to a fork in the road, if it doesn't make a choice of where it wants to go, it will end up crashing in to the Tree between the road split and end up on the Galactic version of Live Leak.
If The West was a body, then it has some lethal Cancer(The Left). The cancer will either kill the body, or the body(to survive) would have to do treatment to kill all of the cancer.
Want The West to Live/Survive? The Left must not.
You don't need to be/know a old school globalist who can plan/see things 100 years ahead or an AI system(s) that can predict future outcomes(both are helpful don't get me wrong) to figure this out. Just look at Human History.
Also, Civilization would fall if The West falls. The Dark Ages wouldn't have shit on how much Technology progress would be delayed.
Nathan Brooks
This is why Sup Forums mentions going for teenage girls while they're still in the "love" stage and moulding them into good wives.
Oliver Lopez
yeah that too, forgot to add that.
this also brings to light the only solution to this problem.
we need men as a whole to become father figures to society. we need a true patriarchy. one that's worthy of being a patriarchy. one that's based on principles, morals, truth, honesty, no-nonsense, no bullshit.
the problem is that we can only do this if we dismantle our rival patriarchy. which is the state.
the state is enabling all of these issues intentionally, and providing women with a faux patriarchy to defer to in times of crisis. so that they are free to project their inner turmoil that is rooted in their relationship to men on an individual level and as a result destabilise society.
Jordan Campbell
Social Engineering like any experiment needs places to test run/R&D before being applied in large scale operations. Petri Dishes tend to be countries,specific cities(such as Austin for example), populations, Schools/Colleges, etc.
UN's Agenda 21 & 24 factor into this, along with greater regional destabilization/Eugenics operations.(Backers of Social Engineering operations include the UN, China, some Jewish groups, The Left, Soros, EU leadership & various governments/Intel Agencies(Directly or indirectly or made deals))
For instance:
The Social Engineering done to the Black communities in the US has been applied to The West's white populations(To do things such as increase single motherhood, welfare/government dependency, etc) to degrade them,.On the other side of the operation the Social Engineering in Africa(specifically South Africa) involving Whites as Minorities is being done to see what happens when you make Whites have low populations that are being killed off.
Then you have places like Brazil which show the results of creating/social engineering a mixed race population that can easily be destabilized. This is related to the Social Engineering operations in the US/EU & Africa because its a "end goal" interms of population instability and Genetic dulling/culling.
All the Social Engineering being done to The West(Which itself is a Petri Dish now), is going to be applied to the rest of the world once The West is neutralized.
Social Engineering is fascinating because once you understand it, you can see it going on in real time & find out where it was Petri Dished. Inorder to stop or reverse the Social Engineering you must figure out its origin location to keep track of the experiment/results.
Jason Thompson
Feminism from the beginning was a Social Engineering program, but the most recent variant of it is the "Key Pillar" of the current social engineering behind down to destroy the West.
This also related to the "Weaponized Womb" social engineering I've mention in a past KB(which you can find in the 4plebs archives).
Feminism has been the most successful Social Engineering tool ever. Modern Feminism has "Empowered" women to be against Motherhood(Having Kids & Family), Mates(Men) & the Tribe(The West). While also undermining/hating actually successful women in the Society.
Feminism has created PC Culture/SJW's, helped Cultural Marxism spread & promotes mass invasion(Islam in EU, South America in the US)/open borders & encourages Anti-Western agendas.
The West can be saved, if/when Feminism is destroyed. All Social Engineering programs being done against The West are connected to Feminism.
Connor Martin
daily reminder that our only problem are divorce laws. Without them even beta bob can easily reproduce even with a 30s roastie.
Imagine beeing beta bob in a world with favourable divorce laws >be betabob >make quite a lot of money >cant for a reaon find girls, settle for roastie >impregnate her >she files divorce >you keep everything and repeat the cycle
also >stop watching porn, excessive masturbation, casual sex if you met a woman you like, yes even a roastie, tell her you want to wait a bit longer before sex.
Kayden Peterson
The Left wants to destroy The West, while this is well known(Also why The Left is working with Islamic groups & Soros is backing so many Left protest networks) there is a psychological aspect to this that is not talked about enough.
The Left wants to die(killed) & be oppressed.
If you look at all the behaviors/actions of The Left(and who they ally with/work for) its clear they are Suicidal and are more then willing to bring everyone around them down, and even there appearances show that.
With this in mind, its no wonder why Soros uses them as Expendable pawns & Islamic groups see them as allies to bring down The West.
The Left on some biological level were not supposed to exist, and they know that subconsciously. Which is why they proactively destroy society, family & culture around them.
Christian Lee
I lol'd
Wyatt Anderson
I agree. Us men need to stick together again.
Tyler Howard
Testlets pls leave
William Collins
How to deal with the left
Stop trying to "save them" & don't "save them". They are lost & are getting progressively more radical & insane. (Don't waste your time/energy/life on these people, they want you dead).
As there insanity increases, so does the likely hood of them turning on eachother.(Can be exploited)
Left groups/networks working with Islamic groups(Already happening) & even doing terrorism against The West(Will be happening soon) are going to be common going forward. Start researching/looking into all Left group Networks, you will find quite the connection webs.
The Left with PC Culture/Feminism, etc has taken over The West, making it crumble. Anyone against them & there ideology is the enemy. The Left has declared War on The West a long while ago, more people need to wake up about it.
There will be a "breaking point" involving The Left which would require them to be destroyed, and due to how The Left acted/acts, its very likely in the next 20-30 years we will see Leaders who will specifically go after them.
It's hard to fight a Foreign Force(ISIS/Islam) if you have a Traitor Force(The Left) inside your Tribe(The West) working with the Foreign Force to destroy your Tribe from the inside out.
Mason Allen
fuck them and dump them in the worst possible way
Wyatt Robinson
too many humans on earth
Andrew Phillips
Mind you, you cannot make a whore a pure woman. We must carve ourselves to be good men. Strong, smart, but also caring men, while women who aren't corrupted, can be good women. Both together make good parents, which are to be role-models for their children. Two stable parents must be good role-models for everyday things, but also be good role-models for when a daughter or son wishes to marry. Think of an elderly couple being a positive role-model for young couples.
Christopher Stewart
This is absolutely ungodly. A woman's breasts exist for two reasons: 1) Her Husband aka the only man she should ever sleep with 2) Her children who will use them for food. You take your degenerate titty tax straight to hell you disgusting kike.
Jordan Taylor
the problem with this is, at least here in the UK. girls as young as 13 are already on double digits.
I was always rather idealistic about relationships when I was younger. I wanted to settle down and start a family ASAP. I had big plans. just needed to find myself a decent girl with personality and spirit. never found one.
so when I hit 16-17 I defaulted to going out with "the lads", hanging around shops, parks etc, drinking on the streets and meeting loads of random girls. lots of whom were roughly 13-16. these young girls were fucking pretty much any male with some degree of social status within the local community. they were giving line ups to groups of friends (blowjobs to multiple lads one after another) getting fucked on kids parks, in bushes, having threesomes.
so that's not really viable anymore. by 16, pretty much all physically attractive females who're somewhat developed have already bypassed the "love phase."
this is another part of the agenda, the sexualisation of children. and it relates at least partially to this dynamic. sexualise female children and you do away with their ability to bond with men at a later age.
now I've gotten to the point where I actively tell any young women I know are still virgins to hold out and wait until way later in life to have sex. because if they don't, it'll fuck them up for life. I speak to a pretty local girl who is 16 and I tell her exactly this. but I'm not even sure if she pays any attention to it or even if she's a virgin anymore because she constantly posts sexual stuff on her Tumblr, so obviously has a massive interest in it. her friends are young whores too and y'know, peer pressure.
Oliver Murphy
in the short term we need more casual sex to fuck them back in line. dont worry about the semen loss, it doesnt have the same negative effect when you are cumming in an actual vagina. your body knows the difference.
Mason Fisher
yeah. there's far too much competition between men nowadays. and it's all rooted in women.
women drive us to compete against each other so that we can become as high in status as possible and attract as many women as possible. and as a result we sell each other out. we need to work together and do away with the state as a whole.
no left-wing, no right-wing. we need to shoot the beast down and tear it apart so it never takes flight again. and that applies across the whole of the west.
Nathaniel Watson
The Social Engineering program("Weaponized Wombs") being done with/to women has went out of control.
The Social Engineers "Empowered" the sexuality of Western Women to such a point where they are destroying Western society at a faster & more destructive pace then even the Social Engineers expected.
In response to this, the Social Engineers are importing Islamic Men en mass into the West to get Western Women's sexuality under control.
The Social Engineers are trying to balance out/correct there Social Engineering, with more Social Engineering.(They pretty much "Empowered" western women so much that they need Islamic Men to contain/control them.)
Meanwhile the only group that can fix/deal with both problems("Empowered" Western Women & Islamic Men Invasion) has been Social Engineered(by the same Social Engineers might I add) to be weaker & less assertive of control. That group....... is Western Men.
The Social Engineers fucked themselves & the West.
Jaxon Ward
While I agree with the sentiment, that goes against basic male/female reproductive strategy ie nature which includes males being competitive amongst each other in order to attract the youngest most fertile chick and reproduce.
Alexander Davis
I agree. but for the most part this just isn't viable in this day and age. women across the board are too far gone. we need to focus on damage control for now and then make it so the next generations of women aren't even nearly as damaged as the current generations.
Anthony Jones
If you consider how much human sexual nature has influenced society, Porn gives a way to shape & manipulate it, while being a big business with connections to places such as Hollywood.
Porn uses a combination of Social Engineering/Psy-Op's(Promotion of certain Fetishes) & Subliminal messages(Voices, Messages,images,etc) to manipulate Men & Women.
Fetishes that are promoted & why they are:
1) Cuckold & Interracial(Demographic Replacement & devaluing of native males, while making the Men being turned on(rather then angry) by foreign men being with there tribes Women & making women turned on by foreign looking males)
2) Incest(This also heavily promotes Pedo stuff & promotes gene line destruction)
3) Trans,Gay & Anal (Messes with Attraction between Men & Women and there gender identity/role,while messing with reproduction)
4) Older Women.MILF/GILF,BBW (Promotes Male Attraction to less fertile & less healthy women(Since Feminism is making Women have kids later in life(and tend to be less fertile), Be single mothers & gets/promotes being fat)) & telling Women "You can still get fucked no matter what")
Porn is also loaded with Subliminal Messages(Voices,Messages, images, etc) & its designed in such a way that overtime the only way people can "get turned on" is if they look into more fucked up fetishes(Such as Bestiality, etc).
James Ortiz
Take note on how BDSM is popular among the left at an unhealthy level. Collars, cuckoldry, choking, spanking, degradation, being meek, or just how BDSM/kink things are literally out in the open from nightclubs to fetlife accounts.
Also, note to everyone. Notice how BPD claims have skyrocketed in the last three years among left-leaning or slutty women, especially those who are part of odd subcultures.
Henry Cruz
>worrying about semen loss
Christopher Sullivan
>in the short term we need more casual sex to fuck them back in line. >doing the one thing which fucks womens hormones completely wew lad
we dont need to further destroy these children.
emulate a patriarchical man. 1 woman for you 1 man for her. Yes nothing like this happens in todays world but we should try to be the change we want
Jason Carter
Luke Cruz
>Agenda 21 It's PNAC leading to Agenda 2030. How old is this paste? White birthrates are up.
Joseph Hughes
This is why I mentioned ignoring slutty, broken women and making do with the uncorrupted ones, even if they are younger. Again why I mentioned chasing a teenage girl who still wants love and companionship instead of a mid 20's woman with mileage who seeks vanity and resource security.
Kevin Price
>tl;dr be beta pydarast no thanks
Kevin Hall
True, but we are entering a cycle where we need to combine our wills and defy nature. It can be done. I feel you, but a whore is already a whore, and at least if you fuck her with a big cock, that will reduce her desire for open borders slightly and it will also counter the "white women are whores for BBC meme" once they are seen with Chad everywhere again.
Everyone can contribute in their own way until society gets back to trad values which will not happen overnight.
Eli Powell
You guys sure are cute
Easton Jackson
the thing is though, at the moment most male competition is unhealthy and completely backwards.
you can compete with other males in a healthy manner that encourages self-betterment and achievement without hating other males and not wanting anything to do with them, or being envious / jealous etc.
but that's not the case nowadays. most men hate each other. they have established the most negative connotation of competition imaginable, and I believe this is because of the economic environment we currently have. there isn't really much room for genuine cooperation between men. everyone has to compete for scraps.
I personally admire Hitler's Germany for the way it established it's economy. men were still competitive, but in a healthy manner and they had a higher principle and ideal than themselves. and it was no longer about fighting over scraps but rather improving oneself and one's country.
this is what we need to do, we need to work together and compete only in a way that aids us in working towards a higher ideal.
take football for example, or sports in general. two teams compete against each other, but not because they want to outdo each other because they dislike each other, or because they need to for the sake of survival. they do it for a higher ideal, fun and sportsmanship, brotherhood.
the same principle needs to be in place across the board with male achievement and competition.
Gavin Lopez
Everyone talks about "Race Wars", when Gender Wars are already going on & are one of many tools the Social Engineers use.
The goal of a "Gender War" is to make the two sex's hate/fight eachother & not want to have families/children. This also results in the crumbling of society aswell as gender roles & gender relations.
Often times they will make 1 sex more powerful then the other, which leads to long term society degradation.
For instance look at the extreme "Empowerment" of Western Women & the "Empowerment" of Middle Eastern Men over there opposite sex's. Interestingly enough, Western Women have been so "Empowered" that the West is being flooded with Middle Eastern Men to counter act it & balance it out.
Men & Women should work together, not be in conflict. Women shouldn't be "Empowered" above the Men(Like in the West), nor should they be crushed under the boot of Men(Like in the middle east). Women should be by the Man's side.
If an actual physical "Gender War" would happen, it would not end well for Women due to how Men have been fighting warfare since the dawn of time. Which is why Women often employ foreign males to go to war with & kill off the native males.(Tribal Warfare).
Liam Watson
but user, there are practically none that are uncorrupted. that's my point. these issues are too rife within society. no women are unaffected by them.
Gavin Morgan
Hi /cgl/
We're quite the opposite. We love women so much we'd give them "tough love" which you consider hatred. We want things fixed so both of us can coexist.
We just dislike those who are corrupt or corrupted.
William Peterson
>T. Virgin beta flag or pajeet Slags flash their tits to Chad all the time, up your game or just kys for being born an Indian
Lincoln Hill
Found myself a virgin Albanian who used to be fat but is fit now. I was the same way (but not a virgin).
Just work on yourself, if a girl doesn't respond to your advances by making it clear she's interested, move on. As you improve yourself, your life, and your competence (if you do that properly) good things will start to happen to you; including coming across a loyal qt if you're lucky. Don't chase your own tail for some cunts amusement, and laugh as you see them melt when you're in a relationship that inspires jealousy.
Or you may not want to settle yet and screw around with Thotties. Degenerate, but whatever you wanna do.
Jonathan Brown
Jack Murphy
This information should make things very interesting.
1) Women have a "tracking" pheromone.
This was developed way back in human evolution to allow for Males of different tribes(or the same tribe) to locate and find Women if they were moving around/were taken by other Tribes.
It certainly puts the "travelling" popularity in Western Women & all the immigration/refugee crisis's the west is having in a new perspective.
2) Women were/are Domesticated. They once were Feral.
Men didn't just have to domesticate animals & crops, they had to domesticate women inorder to build civilization.
"Husbandry" is called that for a reason.
Jack Bell
Want to critically damage the Left/Feminism with in 1-2 years? This is how you do it.
Bringing down the Left:
1) Get the Left to fight against each other. (They are there own worst enemies & infighting is a wonderful way of destroying them)
2) Promote Euthanasia as a solution & get it legal in the West. (The Left wants to die/be killed, might aswell offer a solution that doesn't bring down the world around them)
Bringing down Feminism:
1) Start a campaign/psy-op of a "Sterilize yourself to fight the Patriarchy!"(This will be VERY effective if you get it going)
2) Exploit there intolerance of men, by making them target the Gay & Trans communities(Much like the Left as a whole, infighting is a wonderful way to bring them down.)
Samuel Jenkins
>I personally admire Hitler's Germany for the way it established it's economy. men were still competitive, but in a healthy manner and they had a higher principle and ideal than themselves. and it was no longer about fighting over scraps but rather improving oneself and one's country.
This is how I wish capitalism was still like where small businesses competed based on merit and trying to appeal to customers by improving their business structures. Instead of trying to fuck over my neighbor's business and scamming the public, I'd think of how I could improve what I'm selling to make people choose my services over my competitors. Like a nightclub implementing things the one down the block doesn't have. The one that provides extra or better services does better, which should inspire the other to improve.
Josiah Rivera
What a beta You're advocating chasing teenagers because a woman with more experience than you is intimidating and you don't know what to do with someone of a mind of their own. Weak minded betas should stick to fapping to 2d fantasies so the gene pool rises above
Parker Diaz
yes, lets make white women even more degenerate
Jacob Allen
or better yet both nightclubs could join forces and pool resources + ideas to create two different venues that provide similar but different services and make for a better deal all round.
Owen Jenkins
>thinking white women have the capacity to become even more degenerate