>The Anglos are responsible for everything wrong with the entire world. only because they're Jewish lapdogs, stop trying to shift blame with your dumb divide and conquer slide thread
Liam Morales
none of this matters you joke of a carbon based life form
Jordan Robinson
Yes, but it’s the pygmies that have the highest IQ of all races
Adrian Bell
* The jews are responsible for everything wrong with the entire world.
Levi Jones
>germans are good looking and hold the highest IQ in europe no.
Alexander Barnes
t. Anglo who thinks he is 1/4 Irish, half-German, a little bit Cherokee, but overall mutt
Please kill yourself and leave the other 200 million Anglos in America in peace
Brody Walker
Just get rid of their Overlords and it would be good enough. Anything more is DnC
Anglos are good explorers, scientists, historians, and what have you. Just not nice rulers.
Nathaniel Torres
Buttblasted Anglos.
Luis Mitchell
t. Cletus Roberto the "Englishman"
Muh heritage 14/88
Zachary Baker
And who is better at ruling? >Russians - everyone is poor >Chinese - everyone is poor and human life is worthless >Spanish - everyone is unemployed >Italians - everyone is unemployed but dressed well >Jews - everyone is poor and at war all the time >Arabs - everyone is at war all the time >Somalis - everyone is poor, unemployed, and at war all the time, human life is worthless, and no one is dressed well ever >Swedes - same as being ruled by Somalis but with more rape
Owen Morales
yea you know us buttblasted anglos that went and screwed it all up thats why you're using modern technology in the information age freely
Aiden Lee
>Swedes - same as being ruled by Somalis but with more rape You are fucking delusional goblin
Evan Bell
At least when Somalis are ruling there isn't anyone to steal welfare money from to give to Somalis. Sweden is functionally ruled by Somalis because the white cucks in charge do everything the Somalis want, which is basically the same as having the Somalis in charge.
At present course, Sweden will continue to look more like Somalia until it reaches a critical level and everything collapses, so the Somalis start freezing to death.
Justin Thomas
It's actually backwards, Anglos thought they've were Jews and then Jews became a thing of horror. Look up British isrelilites, Anglos thought they were literally Jews and had the right to put their seed everywhere. Jews are the Jews of Europe, but Anglos are the Jews of he world.
The anglos should be displaced with Celtiberians and germans do not have the highest IQ
Levi Adams
>If the Nazis won we would be living 50 years in the future and exploring interstellar space. >The Nazis were behind in most technological fields >But if they won we would be ahead 50 years, lets just ignore technological stagnation from no cold war
If anyone should be exterminated it should be Germaboos
Jordan Hughes
Stay mad continentalnigger
Hudson Myers
why is the celt racemixing with that anglomutt?
Owen Cox
not entirely true
their empire actually spread their race unlike the spanish
See: south africa, usa, zimbabwe
it fell apart but who really cares as long as you spread lol
James Barnes
says the ultimate race mixers
Ryder Collins
> Anglomutt um what was that Muslim rape baby, chances are you are a descendant of a moor or an Iberian. and i honestly dont know which is worse
Jonathan Johnson
> Russians poor Because Russians don't borrow trillions and pretend to be flash.
I've been to Russia, it's like America but good because no marxism and less communist. I find the irony pretty hilarious.
Connor Flores
Landon Morales
I do not respect a single thing ancaps say. You're all autists to me
I've stopped caring educating you fags on the moors, phoenicians, byzantines, romans and carthaginians. You're being willlfully ignorant.
Easton James
Do you see yourself as white?
Colton Williams
bring it. It's about time we btfo the world again faggot. Say hi to George for me.
Jackson Ortiz
Also you do realise that in terms of phenotypes and haplogroups the Iberians, Irish and Welsh are the least fragmented right?
Thomas Morgan
>The US a country run by kikes who's sole purpose is to destroy other nations infrastructure and culture for aforementioned kikes
Angel White
>t. country held in chastity
Logan Lewis
Literraly this pic.
Eli Wright
not an ancap havent read it yet
im not blaming you i'm blaming your shitty ruling class for not bringing woman to south america
Christian Hernandez
By your standards, yes. But I view myself as Iberian and Iberian only. But if I had to conform to the "huwhite" pan-european generalisation. Yes.
Christian Myers
Kek magnificent if true
Daniel Gonzalez
im talking about the mess you left us in south america
Brandon Roberts
Anarchism is unnatural and cannot work purely because of human behaviour but I respect you guys way way more than ancaps.
David Murphy
South America is poor thanks to American intervention. In terms of interventionism South America has been the most intervened region out of every other country by Americans. I do not blame Colonialism for South America's situation
Matthew Hernandez
not anarchist either i just dont want people to know where im from since im a rarefag thats probably the only one who posts on pol in my country
Asher Turner
All white nations should stick together..we are quite outnumbered in case you didn't noticed. If we want to preserve and built on what our ancestors gave us we work together or perish.
Carter King
no, we're just lazy
Parker Cox
ah well that's cool I guess.
Oliver Sanchez
im not talking about that
im talking about the racemixing that happened centuries ago because you didnt bring your own woman
Most intervened nations in the world. Your drug problem is thanks to the CIA. Your corruption is thanks to the illegalisation of your biggest economic materials and your nations will never surpass Americans because they control you if you like it or not
Gabriel Brown
Benjamin Rodriguez
Oh well sorry. I don't particularly feel that bad about it though.
Grayson Evans
We wouldn't have allowed it if we weren't lazy. Besides, those are meme interventions, compared to what's going on in Europe. There are no American soldiers stationed here
Nathan Morales
canada, south africa, usa, zimbabwe, austrialia, and new zealand maybe
Nathaniel Bennett
Kayden Allen
I'll act as an inside agent if you promise the alternative isn't living in Muttland.
Hunter Flores
You would have replied but you got lazy about it, huh? It runs in the blood, cousin.
Liam Scott
4 out of these 6 countries are in the top 7 for most obese in the world. Anglos are a cancer.
Also, OP is right, but he should move from his anglo stronghold.
Ryan Parker
Moreso just because it's obvious you aren't that bright a person and literally any example I show you you'll say it's a "meme" and end up saying it's because you're all lazy.
Chase Myers
Welfare must end. Foreign aid too must end.
Charles Gomez
>Also, OP is right, but he should move from his anglo stronghold. >France >not an anglo stronghold
Justin Ramirez
Ryan Hughes
Please don't tell me you really think that's a legitimate map
Lincoln Fisher
portugbros should be lime green
Alexander Kelly
Kek, 500 years ago, and we kicked you out. Also French-Nord mix is your ruling class. It's the other way around fat boyo.
Brandon Perry
No, I think it's completely legitimate Miguel.
Cameron Rivera
*blocks your path*
Daniel Davis
who cares if they have a strong economy that lets them be obese
they spread their race further and that matters.
enjoy having Mohammed spread his seed in your country.
and no im not a genocidefag
Owen Diaz
>ooga booga me take anglo wimmens by balloon
Nolan Sullivan
Everyone here is speaking ENGLISH. I think that proves who was the most influential.
Bentley Moore
Noah Ortiz
Nice extinct species you have there in picture.
Remember when Soviets raped 1/3 of your women and occupying powers didn't allow abortions until 1952?
Aiden Thomas
The Anglo is going to exterminate itself. No need to add to try and do it.
Anthony Nguyen
Anglo was kangz. Now they are committing suicide through arrogance.
Noah Wright
t.pekka mongolainen
Hunter Williams
>don't particularly feel that bad about not spreading your race
not even reminiscing and reflecting on what could have been
this is why your getting the bbc
Isaac Green
Anglo will ally. They just needed to learn the hard way. Kraut cucks in current year are far worse anyway.
Kevin Jones
*high fives*
Easton Morris
Correct me if i'm wrong but brown terror has only occurred since multicultural gay u.s.a became the superpower. We should have sided with hitler and marched with our german brothers against the u.s
Justin Ross
>should have sided with Germany >only country besides Russia that chose to kill whites over colonial ooga boogas
Face it, they've caused the death of more Europeans than any other nation. They are our greatest enemy and must be removed.
Camden Reyes
inbred anglos btfo'D
Carter Flores
I agree dear friend, Anglos must be purged from this earth. But leave that after we gas the kikes ok?
Robert Ross
Asian sweep them from Asia. And they are colonized by Pakistan.
Eli Smith
Hudson Wood
The UK is hardly full of inbreeds. Its probably one of the most mongrelised with European DNA of them all. That explains the success Anglos have had compared to other Europeans. Roman, Saxon, Viking, Norman invasions and conquest have seen to it being the most genetically diverse from a European standpoint.
Also from a success point of view, even if what you say about Germans is true, they've never attained the success of the British. The reality is you don't need the majority of your population to be supremely intelligent, in fact I'd say its a drawback if they are.
Jordan Diaz
>The reality is you don't need the majority of your population to be supremely intelligent, in fact I'd say its a drawback if they are There's actually a lot in this. If you plan on sending people to their death and do unfair work you want dumb sheep not a herd of intellectuals who naturally starts questioning their roles in the game
Xavier Murphy
Northern Ireland didn't even exist when the Empire was at its peak. Literally all they are is vicious porridge wog savages who are good for raping, fighting and reproducing in massive numbers (although not so much anymore).
Its no coincidence that the British Empire began to collapse right around the time the Republic of Ireland came into being. The union went to shit as soon as that happened.
Evan Torres
pic related is me. my gf took it when we were fucking around in the woods
Thomas Edwards
Isaac Young
Can confirm, photographed and filmed them when fucking in the woods
Charles Edwards
some guy spied on us. when i saw him i beat him up and stole his phone. he recorded us
Juan Robinson
looks like a perfect gay, also he is tanned, not pink like all germans
Zachary Baker
No country on Earth has expanded and reinforced the white race globally as much as the UK
All you Anglo haters are just gonna have to deal with that i'm afraid
Grayson King
Hey can you send me my phone?
Ryan Ramirez
hey, glad you survived hows your jaw senpai? did it heal or is it still hurting
Austin Kelly
Anglo wanted to side with Hitler but churchburg was able to convince the king and then queen that fascism was evil
John Sanchez
Happy nigger?
Caleb Hill
I'm fine. Inspired me to start hitting the gym more often. I'll get there till end of summer
Lincoln Myers
Mmm the majority of "people" here in the UK epitomise every slack insult that is currently trending. Cuck, bluepilled, boomer, sleeping sheeple, idiocracy, it all works. The only ones who have stayed true to the old ways are the criminal gang element who really like to "keep it British" and the village peasants who live 40 miles from anywhere and breathe freely never even having to see a nigger in their life. Mostly everyone else just looks like Americans to be honest, fat, sweat-pants, head bopping away to some negro music sitting in a car which performs all the functions their body used to, buying endless piles of booze and junk food to pile into their mouths, watching soap operas, working at some grey dull bullshit desk-job and happy with it, voting for whatever seems less challenging or complex, letting public services and social workers guide every aspect of their lives, setting their moral compass a new each day depending on the headlines in the local rag newspaper. We barely had enough decent people left to swing the Brexit vote, it's getting bad here. Fucking nuke us, the strong will survive, the rest don't deserve to. I'm old white blood from these isles, i don't know what quirk of nature makes me different from all these weaklings, but i thank nature for it every day, they are like a foreign race to me.
Logan Young
glad i could push you in the right direction.
Charles Baker
>Amerimutt intellect Churchill didn't need to prove shit to the George. Parliament makes declaration of wars in the same way they make law, and in the same way the monarch will blindly approve them (and have done all but once since 1689).
Aiden Sanders
> being a particular cunt
sorry teenager I wasn't referring directly to your autistic political system I was talking about how nosehill was able to influence the british
Bentley Sanchez
You know fucking well what you implied. You implied George had absolutely any say in whether the UK was going to go to war or not. Not only did he support Churchill in full, but there are backbenchers in parliament who had more influence in the start of WW2 than George VI did. He "approved" a completely symbolic act of war which would've came into effect regardless of what that prick wanted.