Why can’t we adopt a free healthcare system? Europe and Canada has great healthcare.
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Because you can either have a quality free healthcare system or hordes of shitskins that overtax it with their unhealthy lifestyle, you can't have both.
Fat people, spics and niggers.
the sheer amount of fat cunts in the states would bleed the system dry with their colossal bodies and health issues that comes with that.
Also enjoy your taxes going through the roof with socialized medical care.
The wait for kidney stone removal in canada is over nine months, and over fourteen months in the netherlands.
If you can PROVE TO ME that PATIENT OUTCOMES are better off in Canada and EU compared to USA, I might listen to you.
>pay taxes for it
>Muh GIBS! Want Gibs!!
You have to work to get things. No Gibs.
Because people can't wait weeks or months for organ transplants because the system is choked up with trash looking for pain pills
Too many shitskins
>Large Semitic noses
What did they mean by this?
>americans still pay taxes for it
>and it's still not free
>$6000000 bill for a surgery that would cost $2000-$10000 in other countries (private, not public healhcare, because that would be free)
As a fat cunt I agree. You give me free healthcare and I won't have incentive not to eat myself out of my eternal depression.
>healthy patient above all
False. That is not the European model. The European model is that they cannot allow their muslims to riot, they must give serve them no matter what. In the USA our blacks riot anyway. No reason for us to pay up.
Well fyi, American health care is the best in the world. FREE does not mean good. But just so you know, you can still have major surgeries and not pay a dime, even without health insurance. Usually the hospital will forgive the debt if your income is below a certain level.
Now the regular "not gonna die but this sucks" care is expensive and will leave you with hige bills.
We dont turn away the sick though.
Also, even if you do have a major surgeryor what have you, you have to be ALIVE to pay your bills. This is why our system is so good.
In America if you can pay you have access to far higher quality of care than you do anywhere in Europe. Look at cancer survival rates. Those that can actually get the care are far more likely to survive in the US. If there was a way to maintain the current level of quality in the US system and offer it universally I'd be all for it, unfortunately that quality relies on market forces to drive it forward.
Someone I know recently just paid $600 out of pocket while their insurance covered $80,000 for a pacemaker for their heart defect. Maybe if European healthcare systems cared more about profits they wouldn't be going bankrupt and cancelling or severely delaying critical procedures for patients. That's the difference between our healthcare systems. In America I will get the care, in Europe and Canada it's a lottery. Now however with more socialized healthcare creeping in to care for the hordes of immigrants the American healthcare system is getting worse. Going full socialized healthcare would destroy it just that much faster.
>Implying the one on the left works
>Implying it isn't 99.99999999999999999999999% waiting to get to the doctor.
Pretty much, Triage goes mad in Socalised systems.
Unless you are literally dying in the ER get fucked mate.
You wait.
I once had to wait 8h on a quiet day at the ER to get my arm xrayed and placed in a cast.
-Large diverse population with vastly different needs
-Universal Healthcare
Those two aforementioned statements aren't exactly the most compatible
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaaa the propaganda you people live under is incredible
Our healthcare isn't free.
Our employers pays most of the insurance fee.
That's about it.
lmfao at not realizing that America is the wealthiest country in the world by far and they could pay for healthcare for every citizen easily by reallocating maybe 5% of their gargantuan defense budget
how could a country with trillions of dollars possibly afford medicine for all of its citizens when some of those citizens are black
>Europe and Canada has great healthcare.
citation needed.
it is not free, healthcare has never been as bad as it is today.
>not services
Canada does not have great healthcare. Never say that ever again.
>$80,000 for a pacemaker for their heart defect
that surgery including everything costs $2000 here when you do it in private
that's the worst problem in america, your prices are so fucking inflated for no reason
also you probably don't even know that if i had to wait a long time i can just go to czech republic, get it done in a week top and i will still pay nothing
i'm actually for something like basic healthcare + additional health insurance for the more serious surgeries
if it worked like in your example i would pay a whole $5-30 for most surgeries
adjusted for candians' health, not heart-attack cancer ameri-burger health
then adjusted for candian dollars
costs 2x more per person
and lower survival rates
its a joke
European healthcare is a fucking meme
All the public health insurance doctors are the worst ones
If you want proper treatment and don’t want to wait years for an operation you have to pay it out of your pocket
Of course it’s good for third worlders, in comparison to their shithole the system is luxurious but if you want a fast and reliable cure you have to go to private doctors
Thats not at all how it is and works.
>they could pay for healthcare for every citizen easily by reallocating maybe 5% of their gargantuan defense budget
dude we trying to just pay for the old and disabled and it will soon consume our entire budget
look up social security and medicaid
healthcare should not be proffitable, why would a doctor cure someone if he can make more money on that person being functionally sick?
sorry for you, but we don'have it "free". Is paid with taxes.
the population of poland is 38 million
thats less than the number of niggers in america, a giant country
enslave all the doctors then
Because only white people would pay for it and they'd be denied any benefits, just like with the welfare system and existing heathcare system.
okay, and what does that have to do with anything in my post?
(((Their))) 'healthcare' isn't healthy. Keep it. I don't need it. I'm healthy as fuck and will keep it that way by any means necessary.
polish people have whites who pay more taxes than they take from the state in tax funded services
niggers do NOT pay more in taxes than they take from the system in tax funded services
to have (((free))) healthcare in america is to enslave the whites to serving an entire poland of pooskins
Because fighting wars for Israel is more important goyim. If healthcare was free for Whites only it would work, at this point with the 10s of millions of Pacos/Tyrones it would fail
Exactly. Solve the issues of inflated prices (like why are US made drugs twice as expensive in the US compared to unsubsidized prices abroad for the same pills?).
I'm sorry since when is our healthcare good? Long waiting times and inneficient hospitals are general practice here. Also an undersupply of nurses.
Socialistic institutions can only work in productive white-only countries. The moment you let enough muds take advantage the system crashes and the U.S. is drowning in subhuman brown filth.
t. 660lb amerifat
>healthy patients above all
Pah, I want some of the stuff you're smoking.
in america you dont get out what in put in proportionatley speaking as there are some who put absolutley nothing into the tax system ie niggers.
polan doesnt have that problem. even that "private" procedure youre talking about is most likley still subsidised
With an absolutely free market in medical services ("care" is for pets, cars and senile grandparents), where the practicioners have no nexus to the state, a competitor would undercut such a doctor. Under the Rockefeller monopoly system, most simple, low-cost cures are forbidden by law or (((standard practice))).
the main point in my post was that healthcare is way too fucking expensive in the us, if they actually charged a normal price for everything you wouldn't have any troubles with insurance companies
and when it comes to our healthcare, it would be way better if we had different insurance companies, not just one big insurance from the state, because the state can't do anything right
>healthcares a lottery if its free for everybody
>literally a lottery here depending on your wealth
Stop this. Socialized healthcare is vastly superior than (((our))) system, which is why every advanced country bar ours has it. However with the 10s of millions of poor Niggers/Spics (((they))) let in it would now fail. If it was for Whites only then it would work.
You get the "free" but you dont get the care. Bongistan friend said that and I think it sticks pretty true
They do not. They are currently experiencing an incredible staffing shortage because they don't pay market wages
>even that "private" procedure youre talking about is most likley still subsidised
nope, you can fly to poland and get it done for that price, unless it says something about NFZ but that's not private anymore
> literally had my grandma's heart surgery for free
You fell for a larp. Congrats.
>Socialized healthcare is vastly superior than (((our))) system, which is why every advanced country bar ours has it.
Socialized medicine doesn't work outside of a white ethnostate.
>but you dont get the care
Neither do you, paying (((private health corps)))
I'd rather pay out of pocket what my insurance doesn't cover since it won't be that much, than have the tax increase to cover Healthcare for spics and niggers and fat people.
Your already get the tax increase but without the public services we have in Yurop
>inb4 america has niggers
no tax? no care
want care? I'm sure a LOT of american infrastructures need maintenance, that should be a starting point
Why dont you eat healthy and exercise as preventative care for yourself, instead of relying on the government to pump you full of big pharma pills that never cure anything.
You smoked or drank, once? You don't get to have any operations, or you get put to the back of the list!
You need a regular outpatient operation or procedure? Wait 6 months minimum! Average? Up to a year or two!
You have an emergency and have to go to ER? Wait for hours because the hospital is jam packed and running to perform on a statistic basis, not actual care!
Want good healthcare? You get imported nurses and doctors that the average joe could outperform, because they're cheaper for the hospital! Have fun getting infections, or dying because they fuck up and can barely speak English!
You actually got treated? Enjoy getting MRSA or dying in one of the dozens of scandals caused by incompetent care!
You want to eat properly? Only the best of mass produced, cost-cutting slop for you!
You could be dying from an illness or the care from 3rd world doctors and nurses? Let's weigh your chances in the Death Panels, figuring out if you're worth keeping alive!
But you want private healthcare so you can avoid all that?
Eh, sorry, government ran them out of town.
Governments hamstringing cheap and affordable healthcare for the masses because the jews must bring an overbearing state hand into the ring, because you MUST have insurance! No efficiencies or direct payment here, price gouging by insurance company galore!
No 1. It's not free. It's where most of our taxes go to.
No 2. It's not great. Most of the people are but they can only do so much.
No 3. It is massively open to abuse from shitskins who don't contribute towards it but get maximum benefit from it.
This. Healthcare here isn't good. Try singapore.
>hot summer
>have seizures with half sided paralysis in my face
>get delivered to neuro station
>have to sleep the first night in the hallway with like 3 to 5 other patients
>doctors ask me what happened while I'm trying to explain to them I didn't take notes while spazzing out and losing my ability to talk and whatnot
>spend a week in the hospital with the doctors scratching their heads
>have to share my room with another dude
>stare at a blank wall all day going crazy
>hear the screams of people at night inbetween catching big ass dung beetles with a glass, because the door to the balcony doesn't have a fly screen and it's too hot to leave the door closed
>turks everywhere
>wonder where the dung beetle came from
>old demented guy is permanently put into hallway and asks me for glass of water because I'm the only one listening somehow
>other guy screams all day because some nerve thing in his face, hear the doctors say "soo... what will we do if he dies?" ok
>other time hear the doctors in standing in some broom room talking about "I would totally fuck her if I would meet her on the streets" ok
>get asked again what happened because the doctors are clueless, have to explain again I wasn't really there to take notes because me having a seizure and all that
>week later, get told I'm healthy as shit and this was all in my mind, probably
>the next day, on my way out basically
>get another seizure worse than before, doctors panic
>get a spinal tap and when I'm conscious again they tell me I've got a meningitis
>get treated finally
>they tell me a week later I should stay but then how they would need the space, my normal doctor would do the rest... byeeee!!
>go to the normal doctor because I still feel like shit might be coming back
>normal doctor tells me I should go back to the neuro station if something happens
>good to know
>one year later
>feel like the shit is coming back, having mini seizures
>get to neuro station and be treated like a beggar
>(((Their))) 'healthcare' isn't healthy.
And their (((care))) implies and thus notices a guardian-ward relationship. You sound like someone who would prefer services (provided by someone who and whose education has no nexus to the state).
If America had 1/10 of the useless foreign military bases it has we could sustainably pay for education and healthcare, and a border wall to keep illegal immigrants out. The (((military industrial complex))) is more of a problem than the universal healthcare diversion.
This. Americans believe the craziest shit about our healthcare. A lottery for surgery? They also always tall about Canadians going down there for procedures, I've never known any Canadian to do this or known anyone who has known someone who has done this. I am betting it's immigrants or something?
Because people who put nothing into the system breed like rats and exploit it
part of the reason it is too expensive is because of the people that cost more than they make, and that many socialized government programs can hike up prices since there is no competitor. Poland is 99% white so you have no problems.
>Europe and Canada has great healthcare.
Socialized healthcare is great only if you have some extreme disease like cancer or AIDS. Otherwise everyone uses private healthcare, since the queues to public healthcare are longer than my benis and the quality worse than my life.
That picture is bullshit, fuck I hate liberal comics.
Because Amerimutts are so stupid that you can't even find qualified doctors unless you offer six figure salaries and even then you get mostly Patel Streetpoos
What's context?
>doctors can't find anything... again
>catch a few dung bugs in my free time because there's nothing else to do
>roommate tells me about how the patient before me would shit his pants at night and nobody would come clean him up, him lying there moaning about
>get tests made but the technician can't talk to me because the chief doctor got mad the last time she shared a guess with a patient
>doctors come to me and ask again what happened the first time I got to the hospital one year ago, despite me being pretty sure at least of the doctors being there when I told a year ago
>apparently nobody takes notes or bothers looking into files
>demand another spinal tap to make sure I'm not having another meningitis
>get the most inexperienced fuck up female scrub doing it
>ask her if she did this before
>"once tihihihi"
>puts the syringe into my spine in the same room with the other patient looking, which I don't mind but still
>BZZZZZZ get something that resembles an electric shock
>nervous laughter
>"I tell you when I feel paralyzed" she laughs
>BZZZZ again
>done and I can still walk somehow
>final diagnosis
>we think you have panic attacks or whatever, byee
>letter I get doesn't match with what I said, say fuck it to myself
>go to normal doctor to check out the spinal tap didn't get infected
>tells me again if something happens just go to the neuro station
Man, amazing health system we got here. Wow, it's like checking in to some 4 star hotel.
More like healthy profits above all on both panels, you tax a lot and what you get in return is a years waiting time and some immigrant being trained that gets to experiment on you and then you still have the pay half price in the end while also getting fucked over even more from the immigrants incompetence
sounds like drug seeking behaviour to me, druggie.
healthcare aint free
healthy men and women have to work tirelessly to pay costs of a corrupted system
Please watch this to learn how doctor's are great and people who go to hospitals are basically morons
Sorry we have what?
1)it's not free
2)it sucks
3)america has public funding and private healthcare, most of the profit is from government
He's mostly right but it's presented in a shitlib "gross you out haha" way instead of a serious manner. The bugman's introduction to healthcare problems.
Does anyone have the original, by Ben Garrison?
European citizens know it's shitty
European politicians know it's shitty
European migrants know it's shitty
Lucky there is still the American left thinking the European healtcare system is like the left picture.
Inb4 blocks of text hung up on the word "free"
You know what he meant
Because of the same problems Europe is starting to have now; brown people that don't contribute anything. They start bringing in a relatively lesser amount of arabs and blacks, than we have blacks and spics, and it's already burdening and worsening the quality of their healthcare systems. If we had a european system it wouldn't be a fucking paradise. It'd be ruined by niggers, and unhealthy fat people, and wouldn't even struggle to stay afloat like their systems do. It would sink and fail. Because healthcare is an extremely expensive social cost, and in order to pay those social costs, you need taxes. You need taxes, from tax Payers, and right now Europe already taxes the shit out of people relatively more than we do. Speaking in general, it's an entire continent but it rings true. Our system is better for a population of high-mud percentage. Because it cuts down on their gibs overall.
Do you know who aren't going to contribute to the system to any net benefit or break even? Fucking niggers, immigrants from the third world and spics, exactly the people we have today that are the problem, and exactly the people Europe's getting now that are, and are going to, turn their healthcare systems to shit. So when some politician lets shit run into the rivers, and pot holes cover the streets, because they can't afford to give some arab fucker his free healthcare he'll both vote for and blow your brains out if you don't gib, you'll know why there's pollution everywhere and potholes. It's cutbacks to feed him so he'll squirt out more garbage for your society to call citizens.
>Europe and Canada has great healthcare.
Back to /leftypol/ commie scum.
> free
you have to be 18 to post here
>Canada has great healthcare.
People are dying from cancer here before they can even get through their 6-8 month wait for a biopsy. You obviously don't know shit.
You realize that Obamacare basically handed control over all medical institutions to these same profiteering gluttons... right?
this. My grama went through this and she put about twice or three times the money into the system. she was considering going to the states and paying full price in cash which would have basically bankrupt her.
also my brother shattered his ankle and had to wait 8 hours in the ER while shitskins just go to the ER for coughs or sore knees and shit.
we literally brought him home cuz we weren't sure if he had actually broken it. hours later call ambulance cuz he cant take the pain, we call ambulance to take him.
took about 14 hours all said and done to get an actual emergency fixed...
shitskins abuse the system they didnt even pay for. white people don't go to the ER for a fucking cough.
oh and forgot they couldnt fit him in at that point either... they gave him some tylenol and sched a surgery for a day and a half later...
>The number of people waiting more than four hours in Scotland's accident and emergency units reached record high levels in the last week of the year.
>A baby born with a hole in her heart had to wait four months for a major operation to repair the defect, after the procedure was cancelled five times.
>An 87-year-old woman spent 22 hours waiting to be admitted to a ward at a Somerset hospital which has closed its A&E department overnight.
>Ambulances filmed queuing outside Broomfield Hospital
This shit is just a fraction of what has happened over the past month. National healthcare is always money hungry and always understaffed.
because it attracts niggers
That's horrible.
I live in a country somehow having a great reputation as to universal healthcare
pro-tip: healthcare in France is an abomination
I know of countless cases where people have been denied any level of care, in the hope they'd die before costing money (and they often did die indeed)
I've personally seen doctors failing to even recognize a fucking kidney stone (a medical emergency 101, if there's one), both general practitioners, and at the emergencies
I have to live with the sequels from a stroke because I've been sent to a hospital where there was no neurologists, while doctors there wouldn't take the responsibility to give me the medication that would have prevented the sequels, and only ended up being transfered to another hospital with neurologists only hours later
also will not have my handicap (incapacitating thalamic pain) recognized to the point where I have any indemnization, nor can I sue, as medical records have been forged to hide their fuck ups
not that it is free, mind you: the system costs shitloads of money (one of the actual reasons our taxes are so unbearably high), yet always is in deeper and deeper deficit, which makes it a completely useless bottomless money pit
rly, I would absolutely like to live in a country where you get the healthcare you actually can afford
I absolutely don't see how it could be worse than the joke of a "healthcare" we have here
But if all insurance companies care about it making profit, why do they agree to pay those inflated prices?
this a billion fucking times *wheeze*
You can have free healthcare if you remove animals
Learn dickheads, there are NO SUCH THING AS """F R E E""" healthcare.
Sweden arguable the most socialised western country, with "free" healthcare.
It is not free, it is finaniced by the world highest taxes.
You Americans u wanna pay 60% income tax? And still get shit treatment?
In Sweden you cant get hold of Doctor. its 6-36 months to meet a specialist depending on what kind you need.
You will die during your wait. So we pay shitload in taxes 60% income tax, profit tax on companies is above 50%, then you have to pay 40% tax extra for each employee.
And highest VAT on goods in the world 25% or more.
There is NO free lunch. "Free" healthcare sucks.
Why does it sucks? Anything institutionalized by government and Tax-Funded means you dont have to work and produce, its payed anyways = SHIT SERVICE.
Actually of all our taxes in Sweden, more than 1/3 one third goes to healhtcare and its still shit. So its not free, its super expensive.
I hope you dont make the same mistake as Sweden and make a centralised communist health care system. Its for looser mentalities only.