Devs Jan 7 >E Ghouta:SAA breaks the siege on vehicle base >Carbomb explodes in Idlib near jihadist training camp,100+dead >Houthi air defenses shoot down Saudi Tornado warplane over north Yemen >E Ghouta:SAA is now 80m away from lifting the siege on vehicle base >Idlib:SAA liberates Sinjar + 9 other town, 15km to Abu Dhohur airbase >Beit Jinn-HTS hands over tanks and armed pickup trucks part of recon deal >104th Airborne Brigade of the Republican Guard has left DeZ to E Ghouta >Iranian official:No permanent Iranian base inside Syria >Sy gov allocated 60m Sy ounds for the reconstruction of Aleppo city >Jihadist attack drone taken out by Ru Air Def before reaching Hmaymim base >Reports:FSA commanders visit Washington >IS attacks SDF positions N of Hajn, killing 9 >355 civis from the provinces of DeZ,21-Aleppo & 14-Homs have returned to their homes >USAF Gen:Russia now has ‘treasure trove’ of info about F-22s&how we operate, but so do we >10000+ protesters in rebel-held southern Damascus demand reconciliation with government >IS declares war on Hamas over Jerusalem loss to Trump & Israel >Yemeni women hold protest marches against Saudi aggression
I'll re-post this here. Will update when new gains are confirmed
Levi Martinez
A__ D____ t_ A______ _______e
Nathan Roberts
c u mate.
Daniel Sullivan
Beautiful, well done user
Jacob Long
Evan Campbell
enjoy real sg hours boys victory to Assad
Wyatt Wilson
>Global Event map is much better, more truthful and has better aestetics compared to the Hohol maps >People still using Hohol maps
Why do fuck do you torture yourself retards?
Only reason to use Hohol map is for Schadenfreude from Hohol misery nothing else. Stop taking pictures of it. Stop using it it's shit and wan't you to give him money to have satellite map which is aviable for free elsewhere.
Colton Harris
gn m8.
Jeremiah Davis
Marg bar Iran
Ryan Turner
Iran-Iraq-Syria anschluss when?
Hunter Baker
Can't stop watching
Leo Bennett
Never ever majoosi fire-worshipper. Assad is an Arab nationalist; he uses Iran as a convenient ally but would never worship P*rsian devils.
Benjamin Cruz
Really shining off that sub 80 aren't you
Brandon Bennett
80 IQ even
Parker Nelson
Nice projection, monkey.
Robert Watson
Charles Ross
Someone make an expanding brain meme with 1. Using global events maps 2. Using South Front maps 3. Using Hohol maps 4. Relying solely on Ebin's maps 5. Relying solely on maps released by the Russian military every few months 6. Relying solely on HTS and ISIS propaganda maps 7. Relying solely on this map and never accepting any updates.
Leo Wright
Good job, shitforbrains
Levi Taylor
Another wog?
Xavier Rogers
>P*rsians >human
Khamenei is a majoosi-turkroach hybrid so he's like double subhuman
>Second emergency landing in three days for US helicopters in Japan >A US attack helicopter made an emergency landing near a hotel in Japan’s Okinawa on Monday. The incident came as a disabled rotorcraft was removed from a beach, where it had landed on Saturday.
>Burning tanker off Chinese coast 'in danger of exploding' >There are fears of an environmental disaster in the East China Sea as a tanker continues leaking oil two days after colliding with a cargo ship.
Leo Cox
>s*dd*m >alive Lmao
Anthony Gray
Is Nejadi the greatest irl troll? Not even supreme leader could handle his bantz
>tfw the time he said 9/11 was an inside job at the UN and told Larry king the holohoax didn't happen
60 million syrian pounds for the reconstruction of Aleppo? That is next to nothing.
Ethan Parker
>su-24 damage They were damaged by mortar strikes on 31st of december, the attack was conducted with grad missles and 2-3 mortars in close proximity ro airbase. All grads were shot down, but since mortar mined are harder to hit and there was literally spam of them, some of them hit the airstrip >su-24 damage these pic weren't proven to be legit, since there's a lot of confusing shit, like green wintercoat on the guy and lack of fragmentational damage on the planes >drone attack it was fully repelled, no proofs of the damage by them were published
yet another "deep analysis" by amerimutt
Ethan Sullivan
Wrong. Iraq is Arab first, then Shiite, not other way around.
Anyway you can have Iraq. Modern Iraq is a shithole it's just a belwa for anybody that wants to keep it
Kayden Lopez
Grad rockets attack was also prior to mortar attack, at 28th iirc.
Austin Stewart
The reaction to the mutt meme is knee-jerk, because of the sheer number of cunts to put up with over here. The fear culture is real.
Gavin Torres
Special for you, /sg/ 30 years since battle at hill 3234
Rendering is in proccess, a few hours left
Luis Scott
>Lmao who cares about Iraq >t. Iraqi diaspora in Australia As expected from a treacherous ar*b subhuman
Hudson Clark
At least I live in a first world country and not in a post soviet slavic shithole
And yeah fuck Iraq, Iraqis are shit people. They voted for Dawa party they deserve to burn for all I care.
Easton Lee
Go suck some Saudi dick you Ayyrape diaspora pussy fag. Istead of helping your countrymen fight ISIS and rebuilding yourcountry at least by trickling your personal wealth into Iraq by bying Iraqi products you are jacking your dick in Australia and thinking you have any single right for opinion on Iraqi politics.
I see you worship Saudis, yes after Palestine gets sold what will be next? Jordan? Then? Syria? Iraq? I hate slippery slope fallacy but it's the Jews you are dealing with. Welfare leaching S*nni retard.
Xavier Myers
yeah wtf is going on? Why are Americans so triggered over a shitty MS-paint meme?
Maybe it's just shills pretending to be triggered or something?
Henry Bell
No, they're legitimately afraid they'll be permanently alienated in every place they were welcome, like what is happening inside the U.S.
Lucas Cooper
That's funny, many here have been brainwashed by the Iranians to care about Assad's regime. While Iran and it's shiite militia are killing millions of sunni muslims and forcing them into europe as refugees.
Brayden Watson
>afraid they'll be permanently alienated Oh, no, that would be horrible. I'm sure nobody on this site could possibly imagine what that would be like.
Tyler Walker
Do you have proof of these millions of deaths at the hands of Iran are you just another dumb arrogant frenchman.
Joshua Gonzalez
I don't worship Saudis, I hate Saudis and I hope Saudis and Iran and Israel burn each other to the ground, I will die happy if that happens.
I've spent my whole life around Iraqis, iraqis are shit people I know that from years of personal experience.
Look at how Japan and Germany were flattened after ww2 but they still worked hard after the war to rebuild themselves. Iraqis instead just started killing each other over sectarian crap. Iraqis deserve to live in the hell that is Iraq. There is no Iraq without Saddam he was the last true Iraqi and god bless his soul. Iraq deserves to burn along with Iran and Saudi and Israel and the entire Mideast
Hudson Moore
Millions of Muslims escaped Syria through Turkey. even if they weren't killed by Syria/Iran/Hezbollah. fact is, they don't want to stay in a Shiite controlled Syria. Iran is taking over Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and the Sunnis will fight back or go cry into Europe and get welcomed by the neo-nazis.
Kayden King
How many refugees does Iran take in?
Owen Hill
Iran is Shiite and they will not take Muslim Sunnis... Iran wants to expand.
Jordan Morales
Let me guess... Atheistic/Agnostic Ninhilist?
Perfectly engineered mindset by the zionists. Good job being unique and original in opinions.
>ib4 but you are assuming wrong
I told you what a faggot you sound like when you spout your bullshit.
Noah Turner
>hill 3234
I remember one russophile old grandpa in a hiking tour I was attending kept rambling that the brave soviet men fought 500 USA trained pakistani spec-ops on that hill. Then he was saying the CIA led them personally or something. Why is this small scale battle such a big and remembered thing by russians and their fellators?
Hudson Cook
Bulgaria were you just posting in the poster general?
Logan Reyes
>people who disagree with me on one issue are the worst possible people and wrong not only on this, but on all issues and everything at all
ur dumb lol
Leo Taylor
They don't want to stay in Syria because the place is a fucking hell on earth warzone you idiot. Israel benefits far more from having a destabilized Syria than Iran does. I wonder which country out of Israel and Iran has actually attacked Syria directly with air strikes...
Nolan Hall
Yeah, but nobody wanted to talk, they just insulted me repeatedly, so I insulted back for a while and closed the thread. I still think that any USA campaign about borders and sovereignty should mention Cuba. It is such a huge gaping open wound.
>russians and their fellators You retard seem to hate the Russians so much. I guess years of slurping on Germancuck semen does that to you.
Kill yourself retard. >If I say as least as I can, he can't attack me on anything, and even if he does I will resort to memes Not even worth the (you)s
Parker Adams
So what? I'm not going to leave my country to live off welfare like you nigger. You're right, Iraq is shit, because of people like you.
Nolan Rivera
Really makes you think
Blake Baker
Don't you see? Iran gets to build military bases all over Syria. Israel offered Assad the golan heights back in the past, but he refused. So in my book, Israel's airstrike against WMDs in Syria are fine.
Colton Jones
It's symbolic. The Russians were outnumbered 6 to 1, but they held the mountain in a last stand situation. It's kinda like why the Battle of Thermopylae is remembered even though the Greeks lost so decisively there.
Logan Long
>Actually losing ground to ISIS The absolute state of HTS. They're getting fucked 2 different ways all at once.
Aiden Mitchell
>killing s*nnis >implying there's anything wrong with that
Isaiah Gutierrez
Wtf are you even talking about Why are you talking about religious shit?
Chase Lopez
>Iran and it's shiite militia are killing millions of sunni muslims Why do you think we like Iran so much ?
Joseph Butler
this. assad kills civilians. he is a mass murderer.
Austin Harris
The HTS preachers in Hama told their followers to join ISIS
James Watson
it's wrong if it drives them into my country.
John Russell
>Commander in Hamas accidentally shot himself in the head while inspecting his personal gun in his home in Gaza, he's in hospital now
Joshua Lewis
>refugees >not migrants from Asia, North-Africa and even Sub-Saharian Confirmed propagandist, tfu.
Michael Campbell
yes, yes, i hope the mullahs believe this. yes, mullahs, send your militias home. yes. iran, disarm the militias, listen to the mossad
Jaxson King
>You retard seem to hate the Russians so much. You are strawmanning me, pushed by your victim complex. A proxy victim complex, all the more pathetic. I don't hate russians and don't hate Russia. I disagree with much they stand for and do, but I also agree on other fronts.
As for your other response, no argument.
During the battle of Thermopylae the disparity in forces was much larger, and there was a technological parity. The Soviet army was better trained and equipped than the Afghani jihadists. It was expected to win outnumbered. Also the loose union of Greek states compared to the Persian federation at the time, a David vs Goliath. When it was the opposite in this case, the huge USSR and the small Afghanistan, and it was a war of Soviet aggression. I don't think the comparison feels the same way. Its like Americans and their Vietnam hill, I forget its number. Feels like it was pushed into the public consciousness by propaganda, intentionally, rather than it organically becoming a myth based on its merit.
Luke Miller
yeah i can see that, you are french and you want your wife to have a great time with Muslim refugees. it's a matter of charity right?
Adrian Johnson
Lad, are you stupid enough to think that our muslims are coming from the Middle East ?
Connor Fisher
>military failure >loud noise >found in his home alone >with a gun in his hand >with a hole in his hand >"accidentally"
Lincoln Stewart
You're the ones letting them into your country you mong. You have the choice to just say no but you willingly let them in. You dig your own grave so you deserve your extinction.
I just hope the Islamic society what will inevitably replace you at least has some balls and is not pussywhipped sjwistan
Ayden Allen
Oh no that sucks. Not my fault your people are cucked.
Eli Sanders
Do you have a source for israel offering the Golan heights to (Bashar) Al-Assad? >Israel gets to destroy Syria's non-existent WMDs while having WMDs themselves The fuck are you smoking pierre?
Gabriel Parker
>says Iranian sandnigger mudslime living in Iran
Xavier Fisher
Yeap, France is cucked.
Ryder Bailey
Are you ethnically Polish? Because if not, your post is nonsensical.
Jonathan Allen
Death to jews
Dylan Hill
Citations please
Joseph Campbell
What did he mean by this?
Bentley Watson
>blame Iran for France being cucked We have no one to blame but ourselves lad.
Of course I'm Polish you dumbass, Poland is 100% Polish.
Sebastian Edwards
>they just insulted me repeatedly I wounder why... Exactly. There's not much such small-scale battles, where 2 guys were awarded with hero of the soviet union award.
Camden Jones
>I hate Saudis >iraqis are shit people Then why you call yourself baathist and arab nationalist? why you want a united arab republic if you think all Arabs are shit people?
Jaxon Brown
Turncuck is doing the same thing though, it's just on a smaller scale.
Kevin King
What a bunch of shitheads ITT fuck off
Hudson Davis
Aren't the vast majority of non-Europeans in France from the empire? Like with England and her empire. This has nothing to do with the EU, or Arab Spring, its just your governments refusing to admit defeat and that you lose all that colonial clay.